Why do tf2ers hate overwatch so much?
Why do tf2ers hate overwatch so much?
fuck up op
Can't even make an Overwatch thread without TF2shits having a bitch fit.
im not sure anyone plays fucking tf2.
its mostly people who just hate blizzard - for whatever reason they have (muh sjw conspiracy, greedy jews, etc. etc.)
Even the Japanese aren't too sure about this game.
tf2 is infested with furries and bronies
wow one japanese guy on an imageboard said something mildly critical about design choice
>complains about Japanese character being a ninja
>American character is a fucking cowboy
And I thought japs were smart
Tf2 is free and takes still. Over watch isn't
They don't hate Overwatch. They just have played the game its imitating enough to know its shortcomings.
>shills on futaba
>One Japanese person makes a comment
>Why can't Americans make Japanese characters that aren't ninja or yakuza?
Because Japan has no other defined character archetype that comes even close to those two. Their merit for inclusion in a video game like overwatch basically stops at samurai, ninja and yakuza because those are easy to exploit in terms of character design. You may be able to pass a shinto priest/priestess, but that is not known very well in the west so it's uncommon.
I think asians generally do get the short stick when it comes to protags in western video games, but that's because the majority of the consumers and even developers in the west are not asian. There's a reason why the default skin color in NBA games is black, it's because of a combo of consumers and thematic fitting.
>Why are you so Korean?
TF2 fanboys feeling insecure about their game, they're the new dotards
what chinese image board is that?
>one guy asks about his computer, probably wanting to play it but doesn't know if he has the best specs
>other complains about the ninja
I know it's bait but fuck man. Try harder.
That's pretty obviously not what they're saying in those posts. Continuing shitposting this image though.
it's ohayou noon
>Shinto priest
That would be awesome actually
Because they are virgins.
but... ohayo is morning not noon
>that pic
that made my day
but back on topic.
its becuase they have grills and costumes.... instead of man sausages wearing hats.
I played tf2 back when it was still good and overwatch is okay, it needs some work in a few areas
I'd ironically wear that hoodie if it had the "confirmed" and illuminati eye on it.