Why is Overwatch more popular than Battleborn even though Battleborn is a much better game with better character designs and much better gameplay?
Is it because Overwatch has a generic anime girl in the cover?
Why is Overwatch more popular than Battleborn even though Battleborn is a much better game with better character designs and much better gameplay?
Is it because Overwatch has a generic anime girl in the cover?
You tell me, Gearbox.
Randy pls
>better character designs
I wish
I like to be able to see my screen
marketing, waifus and being more accessible.
>simpler to play
>blizzard brand
>western otaku material
hardly a surprise
>even though Battleborn is a much better game with better character designs and much better gameplay?
horrible shit game, ugly as fuck vomit inducing character designs and art style, boring as fuck gameplay, that's what Battleborn is
in fact, for every Battleborn shill thread you make, i'm gonna convince another person i know to buy Overwatch, just to spite Gearbox
I got burned with Colonial Marines, and DNF also just realised Duke Nukem: Forever is the same acronym as "did not finish" coincidence? so they arent getting a full price purchase out of me until they prove their worth.
ha ha
>better character designs
only a few of them where re-memorable
Because I was done playing Borderlands a few years ago.
Overwatch got shilled first, more AND better
Youre late to the marketing game dumbass
Your game is shit btw, nice hud fag
>Better designed game
They are both shit
this is actually funny
one plays really smooth the othert is battleborn
this thread literally made me lol out loud
from the thumb it just looks like borderlands lmao
>Battleborn is a much better game
>better character designs
Subjective, personally, i dont like the Battleborn designs.
>better gameplay
Deciding factor for me is one is $50 and the other is fucking $80. Battleborn is not worth $80.
>Blizzard only cares about money. They are bleeding money from all those players leaving WoW, so they made a cheap shooter. They do not care about their fans, they only care about money
>Gearbox is the opposite, they have never cared about money, they only care about their costumers' happiness.
Both are good games, i personally like Battleborn more but i can see why more people would prefer Overwatch. Its alot more polished, faster paced and has way less things going on. Also alot more waifu material
Battleborn, more like Stillborn.
Amirite guys?
Why are you surprised a blizzard game is more popular?
No seriously. Why and how are you surprised?
>Battleborn is not worth $80.
It is $60 without the dlc. Also that's a kinda subjective point. I've been finding $60 worth of playtime and things to do since it came out.
>Game is $60
>Characters are all shit
>Campaign is terribly boring
>Multiplayer is just generic MOBA but in first person
>UI is about as terrible as possible
>Overwatch costs $60 when every other MOBA is free
Because it's the unholy child between Borderlands and MOBAs, but retains none of the very few good qualities either has, why the hell would anyone play it?
It has no music
Fans of the Duke Nukem and Alien franchises want to have a word with you
I strongly enjoy both games. I can't really choose with one I 'prefer'. They're very different experiences so I think I can squeeze in time for each.
It's ugly and not blizzard.
Battleborn has a much smaller advertising budget and too many butch tumblr women compared to most of Overwatch's women being feminine and typically attractive.
>337855785 ▶
They basically only published Duke Nukem. It was doomed from the start.
Alien was a bad business deal though
>Overwatch costs $60
it's literally too much to expect Sup Forums to know what they're talking about
oh well, back to better communities I guess, thanks for ruining my faith yet again Sup Forums
Overwatch is 40 but that's still too much.
A lot of Sup Forums is made of consolefags, yknow
>Is it because Overwatch has a generic anime girl in the cover?
Overwatch has more waifus
the fuck is this?
And Randy, pls go. You are drunk
I meant Battleborn is $60 when all other MOBAs are free.
Overwatch is only $40, which is still $20 too much.
I watched Blem sit in queue for like an hour to find a game at 4 PM
Nobody plays it because nobody plays it :^)
Battleborn has less Semen Dollars compared to Overwatch
$80 CAD for me. Overwatch is half that price.
I find it hilarious that Sup Forums has a Battleborn defense force when they shit on anything Borderlands. The Blizzard blind hate is hilarious.
gotchu senpai
>tfw want overwatch but gf doesn't want to play it
maybe one day
More like $40 too much
Both of these games make sense as F2P games. Except maybe Battleborn, due to its skill ceiling and because of the influx of possible shitlords who come in just to fuck shit up just to let their teams lose.
...what? Sup Forums fucking loves borderlands, it's just a bunch of Sup Forumstards who hate it because of gamerg8
borderland is by far the most innovative FPS of all time
Battleborn is a hit with the girls :)
Everyone is just sick of payed and unpayed shills spamming the frontpage with their chinese TF2
She doesn't look as bad in that art as she does in-game. What the fuck did Gearbox DO
>Except maybe Battleborn, due to its skill ceiling and because of the influx of possible shitlords who come in just to fuck shit up just to let their teams lose.
Nah, Battleborn is more of a F2P game than anything I've ever paid for.
Since 2010 all gearbox has been responsible for are three mediocre Borderlands games, a remastered version of a old sierra game series no one remembers, and then the shady as hell bullshit they pulled with both Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines and you're going to sit here and shill them out as a good company?
Get off of Sup Forums, Anthony.
fucking shulling nigger
The game is good but not great. It doesn't have any waifus so vee can't drool over it. Gearbox should have just marketed it as Borderlands: The MOBA.
because people trust Blizzard more than Gearbox
Jesus fucking christ OP, give it a rest. Your endless desperation has made me never want to fucking touch this game and I was mildly interested before.
>"waaah, my popular-despite-being-mediocre game isn't popular enough, I only have a hundred servers to choose from"
Try finding a good game you enjoy which never has ANY SERVERS EVER running, then complain.
t. Activision Blizzard
>no waifus
I want to fuck Orendi in half, but apparently not many do WHERE IS THE PORN THERE IS SUPPOSED TO BE MORE PORN
I didn't like Orendi initially but she kind of grew on me. I like Melka as well.
both games are around $70 in my country, so I'm probably not going to buy either of them
pls buy Battleborn
make more memes
>Bleeding money
>People actually believe this
Titan was in the making way before WoW started losing it's autistic fanbase which then turned into overwatch, did you not watch the documentary?
stfu you moron
I like battleborn, I got gifted it but it needs a price drop.
No way is this shit worth full price.
So lets see
>One trick pony with memelands
>Otherwise a shit studio that pumps shit like Duke Nukem and Alien colonial marines
>Tries to jump on the MOBA hype train
>Makes a wacky looking game like Borderlands, but with MOBA elements
>It's a mess and not that fun
>Tries to market i against Overwatch for some reason
while Blizzard
>Fails astronomically while trying to pull off a MMO
>Recycles some ideas into a team shooter
>Actually pulls something fun
>Moves away from the MOBA aspects
>Makes a high quality game after a lot of time
>Avoids F2P business model
How is Battleborn even in the same category? Gearbox is filled with hacks and literal dank memes, Sup Forums never gives them a rest for SJWlands. But now Battleborn is cool? Just because of Overwatch? The contrarian hivemind are being hypocrites right now.
I'm playing it right now. It fucking sucks.
Paid $40 for this piece of shit and now I'm stuck with it.
1. Shit artstlye
All the characters look like they come from four separate games. The world is angular, sharp, and displeasing to the eye.
2. Dialogue is atrocious
I actually liked a lot of Borderlands 2's jokes and even I can't take all the shitty writing in this game.
3. Game is an ASSFAGGOT
Meaning that instead of having quick gunfights and satisfying abilities, you have grindy fights where you shoot at tiny bots instead of the people across the way, game moves at a snail's pace, and everybody has shitloads of health that takes forever to whittle down
4. UI is shit
The UI is so fucking cluttered and I can't see anything that's going on when all the effects are whizzing around the screen.
In the new age of ASSFAGGOTS/FPS with ASSFAGGOT features, Overwatch and TF2 will stick around, Lawbreakers, Battleborn, Paragon, and whatever the fuck else comes out will fade away within years/go F2P.
Im very sure battle born is fun, but not for 60$.
Also BB is using FUD because the launch numbers had something to do with overwatch open beta and it had a huge effect.
24th is doomsday dead on arrival the FUD is just making it worse brining awareness.
people are really bad at battleborn (on console) my win rate is like 90% and its really easy to carry a game by yourself so I'm having fun with it
Because the art style looks like pinata vomit
have you looked at the thread its mostly shitposting and people who dont like it
>>Tries to market i against Overwatch for some reason
False, they didn't market the game very much or effectively at all.
God forbid a company wants to make money, right?
I honestly have more fun with Battleborn Tap
I would just play DOTA if I wanted to suffer moba ever again.
Also Borderlands/Battleborn visual design is just pure autism.
I probably could play and enjoy battleborn, but fuck giving gearbox money.
>better character designs
Wait, how do blind people play vidya gaemz?
Isn't Battleborn just another shitty MOBA, the most cancer and casual of all genres of multiplayer games?
Blizzard only cares about money
Jesus Christ, how old are you? Making money is literally the only reason a company exists, nor is it a bad thing. Fucking idiot.