What's the thought process that lead Atlus and Nintendo to censor something like this?

What's the thought process that lead Atlus and Nintendo to censor something like this?

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>taking out vagina bones

Absolutely disgusting.

The same when any company censors games like these. They think it will help maximize the game's appeal among normal people. Never mind that normal people couldn't care less about Japanese shit and it only alienates the people who do.

Think of the children who will never play this game!

>NoA not understanding anatomy

Treehouse are a bunch of prudes. That's pretty much it.

>Shit game
>Censored to boot
>There are people out there who will still buy it

Drumming up controversy for free publicity. Look at what happened with FE Fates. It's just enough to piss people off and start them talking about it, but short of a boycotting.

More changes, more treehouse get paid.

That's basically it.

>couldnt care less about japanese shit
>in a japanese game about japanese idols in japan


Just Nintendo.

>Game appeals to a small niche.
>NOA removes features appealing to that niche.
>Expects it to sell.
Why is NOA so incompetent, anons?

They get paid for localizing it regardless. The sooner Nintendo realizes NoA is a parasite to their business, the better.

Controversy gives free publicity. Dunno if it's going to help a game this niche though.

Oh, it's you again

This to be quite honest. Spend as much time localizing as possible. Every small thing that can be changed is probably another 40 hours of paid work.

Treehouse gotta eat, and normies don't care enough about minor changes.

>caring about this game
just let it die guys, the premise is horrible and the censorship is too much

>no dub so normies cant enjoy this
>no fanservice and lewd shit so weebs cant enjoy it either

More competent decision making from NoA.

Nice reading comprehension skills.

I love vagina bones.

No buy now.


Free advertising on Sup Forums?

Fuck off newfag.

It's simply trying to equalize 2 different ratings systems that are considerably different, and managed differently.

North America has different standards for age ratings based on various forms of content, like nudity of sexuality is a bigger deal to the ESRB than it is to the Japanese rating system; and at the same time blood and violence aren't as big a deal to America as it is to Japan.

Localization companies are often hired to try to equalize the rating system to fit in with a demographic the producer feels will make the most money. Despite what Sup Forums tells you, it isn't a japanese plot to make hide your precious anime smut from you. Videogame ratings are just a pain in the ass for everyone involved.

Seriously, you make one comment about vagina bones and normies flip the fuck out.

My twitter inbox is spammed to shit now because of it.

>this is a T rated game
Yeah unless Nintendo was going for an E rating they are full of shit.

It's only NoA doing this bullshit. Why fucking lie to us?

All the money the Japanese government is giving Nintendo, one of the most prominent Japanese media companies in the west, to make it line up ahead of time with the massive content regulations the Japanese government will place on all media in the next four years in preparation for the Olympics and propagate the image they want

>hips are an m rated feature
>bathing suits are an m rated feature
Laying down on a counch instead of sitting properly is an m rated feature


Meanwhile Xseed has basically no issues.


Oh man.
I can't even help but laugh at this point.

Did they change the cover of My Complex, too?


What's a vagina?

Something at the back of the knee maybe?

>People are defending this
Think If I shoot myself I'll get a Persona?

Are they shrouded during battle, too?

this outfit gets censored when fucking Cia from HW, a Zelda game, managed to keep her tits uncovered

they're just localizing it for the american audience; the top image makes her look fatter




This is one of the reasons nintedo died

Because a game like HW has Nintendo higher ups looking after it. They're not going to let some 20 year olds butcher something like it.

This is one of the reasons Nintendo will stay dead

What did you post?


with how far they're going to censoring shit I'm almost convinced its being done out of spite

Changing what's already there is easier than implementing subtitles that weren't there before

that was before they started censoring everything, around the time Iwata's health started to deteriorate and he passed away, things like the Treehouse were more prominent. They basically let these people with agendas get free reign to do what they want, and now refuse to listen because they are focusing more on amiibos, movies, and phone shit.

>censored in the cutscene
>not censored during the battle


It needs to be an evoker

>fanservice game meant solely to pander to weeaboo idol nerds
>remove all the fanservice
I just don't understand. Who is their fucking target audience here?

Don't you fucking know? Sex is bad. Sex is sin. Cleavage is LITERALLY the worst thing that can ever be shown.

But you can go ahead and mow 500 people down or chop people in half or rip their intestines out.

I'm honestly bummed out this game is getting censored so hard.

I was really looking forward to it, and I would have put up with small changes but it looks like they're following some scorched earth type policies here. It's ridiculous.

>change character's age to 18
>REDUB HER LINES to reflect the change
>still censor her outfit and anatomy

but why

One funny thing is that on their website they had something about "over-the-top fanservice" listed as a selling point, but it's now been removed.

nintendo fans desperate for a new Wii U game, they know they can get away with it because they will buy it anyway. NoA is wholly convinced that this is what gamers want, the complete removal or less sexy characters and anything that has to do with female sexuality.

I was looking forward to dusting off my Wii U with a good RPG, but nope.

>Trying to appease the ERSB, blah, blah, blah
Smells like pasta, or material pasta for idiots.

Add Dragon's Crown to that list.

>mfw that shit ain't even censored in China

>this and color trash are the only wii u exclusives left

Please tell me I'm wrong.

Don't forget Senran Kagura Burst!

>implying images of monsters ripped in half with their intestines hanging out turns you into a degenerate weeb autist shut in who contributes nothing to society and masturbates to little digital girls bodies

They didn't censor enough tbqh. These disgusting perverted 2dpd pedos need to have no stimuli via electronic interactive visual feedback.

When's Wii U emulation
When's JP ISO of #FE with translation fan-patch?

No photoshop at the moment, gotta ask some other soul to update that image.

>When's JP ISO of #FE with translation fan-patch?

Probably a few days after release. The same thing happened to XCX, and if you have Loadiine, you can play XCX uncensored, undubbed, and with adjustable boob sizes.

Nope, the last hurrahs of the Wii U are Sticker Star 2 and Tokyo Mirage Censored

Nintendo are fucking full on SJW cucks now, how does anyone here still like them?

What the fuck is wrong with western society?

We grew up with all of these cartoons where young boys are supposed to be identifying with weak LOSER beta males and now they're removing everything remotely sexual from games.

It's like they want boys to grow up to be weak losers who don't have a thirst for sexy women.

I wonder if all of this censorship is being done by that one guy who left atlus usa for treehouse, nich maragos or whatever the fuck his name was. The guy also regularly made references to neogaf in his localizations in posts there, it wouldn't surprise me since they're all sjws and hate jap fanservice.

>It's like they want boys to grow up to be weak losers who don't have a thirst for sexy women.
Ding ding ding. I am in no way a culture expert nor have plethoras of experience, but this seems to be the direction anyone with influence wants to go.

This game is for children. This game is for weebs. This game is for mainstream audiences. This game is for the core gamers. Stop being entitled, this game is censored by Atlus not NoA, Atlus always censors their games. NoA said so themselves

>meanwhile on PC

>Decided to unplug my Wii U
>My Wii U has the latest FW from what I remember

How long it takes for the next CFW update? Might hack my Wii U and get the game with the uncensor patches.

Seriously, how much is this even going to sell here in the West? It already faced abysmal sales in Japan with all the lewd intact.

Idol pandering selling less than 50.000 in the opening week is a mark of utter shame.

If your Wii U is on 5.5.1 or lower (AKA any firmware out there right now), you can hack it. Follow these easy steps:

1.) Apply the correct DNS to block updates from Nintendo
2.) Get the Homebrew/Loadiine bundle and put it on your SD card
3.) Go to one of the various Loadiine exploit trigger sites
4.) Done, go pirate some games or emulators or whatever else


Crazy thing is. It's not the worst localization I've ever seen.

>If your Wii U is on 5.5.1 or lower

5.5.1 is the latest right? Kinda lost track since I haven't used the Wii U in months but had the auto updates on though. Finally unplugged it today.

Duke 3D was bastardized for N64 pretty badly cuz of censorship.
Not really localization but still.

they censored the flower petals too

flower petals are too lewd for the kids

Ace Combat 3 in the West was basically a different game because the devs thought it would sell better. It didn't.

I never realized hip bones are this hot.

It's true what they say: forbidden apple is a start of every fucked up fetish.

Yeah, 5.5.1 is the latest. Just keep it away from the internet until you set up the DNS to block Nintendo.

Jesus they are salty. Are they really that offended by slang/female anatomy?

>that was before they started censoring everything,
Threehouse already had Fire Emblem Awakening's on Tharja's Ass and Bravely Default's bikinis under their belt way before HW was even announced.

So no, that was a case of Nintendo Higher ups from Japan keeping close watch, like they did with Bayonetta, personally aproving of Platinum using Nintendo Characters' costumes in all the lewd positions that Bayonetta does.

>a logical answer on Sup Forums

who the fuck do you think you are

Whoa, what is that?

>a logical answer on Sup Forums
When he was proven to be wrong in at least three replies?

Please say you are samefagging, don't be that fucking stupid,

Maybe you should of used the actual terminology instead of looking like an uneducated moron.

I was bummed out about all the unnecessary censorship so I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit.

The thing is, it's not just shading on bones. They also removed flower petals from one one scene and left them alone in another in the same clip in that video.

Didn't work, asshole.


Oh man you're an Internet celeb now. I was thinking about your post when I came into this thread!

I knew you'd be here too that's awesome

Is Nintendo worse than 4kids?

Same thing with Bravely Default, ages were bumped up but changes were still made.

Nintendo basically IS 4kids