Best looking game of all time

>Best looking game of all time
>Most critically acclaimed game of all time
>PS4 exclusive

Have you all got over your butthurt yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

sure it hurts that i'll never get to see this movie

but there is a lot of others i can watch

Generic 3rd person movie

>Most critically acclaimed game of all time
That´s a negative.

>no interest to play it

Yep, butthurt like I never was before.

Im not gonna lie. The game does look pretty damn good. However idk if its just me but i can always see the moment when it switches from gameplay to cutscene mode

t. PCucks

Got a ps3 and 4 never played any of them. Ain't even mad.

The textures and polygon count are literal shit. How can you defend the flat rocks and the stomach-churning low-res paper vegetation?

Uncharted 4 is a game that looks like it should run at 60 but instead it runs at 30. How the fuck does Doom look better while steadily maintaining 60 fps?

Uncharted 4 would be a good (not best by any stretch of the imagination) looking game by most standards. But by the "huge budget Sony first party AAA killer app PS4 system seller" standard, it looks like fucking shit.

didn't look very good to me


This. The most critically acclaimed game of all time is TLoU.

>Been a sonygger since i was a kid
>own a ps3 and ps4
>never liked uncharted
it's male tomb raider

>How the fuck does ___ look better while steadily maintaining 60 fps?

You've literally been able to say this about 99 percent of games since Battlefront came out. The average dev doesn't give a fuck about putting in the work to get a console game running at 60 fps, or maybe some of them do but I know the publishers don't give a shit.

Whats the point of this image?

>t-they have different taste!
>gotta call them cucks!

haha m8 shut da fook up ya fuckin bugger i rip down ya fookin hed and piss ye neck ya fuckin pissa

>Looks good apparently
But.... how does it play? Isn't that the most important part of a game?



>Best looking game of all time

lol cant even compare to last gen dks2

like every uncharted game. Mediocre third person shooting and decent melee combat. The real selling point of this game is the big set pieces. The game play has never been anything special

>spouts memes like lel movie
>thinking this isnt platform warrior memes

What the fuck does "t." mean?

>best looking game of all time

So, a run-of-the-mill interactive movie, and people like OP are cancer. Got it.

>best looking game of all time

You are absolutely high. Just because they made some the characters look nice does not exclude how horrible all other parts of the ga,e looked compared to other games.

I don't let the others tell me what is good and what is not.

I still have to play the game, and only then I'm going to say somenthing.

How come Sup Forums remains the undisputed worst board? does anyone on this board actually like anything?

I'm currently at the graveyard near the cathedral
Do you do anything other than sliding and climbing ropes with the occasional shooting section in between?

I like Max Payne.

>PS4 exclusive
he doesn't know.... oh user, I'm so sorry

Does anyone have that collage where neogaf was complaining about having to play crash bandicoot in the intro?

It comes from Finnish memeboards.
Basically, "t." is short for "terveisin" or "terkkuja" which translates to "greetings" or "yours truly". As if ending a letter or a postcard.

Played the first two. How the hell people can enjoy generic third person shooter with one setpiece after another is beyond me. It's boring shit devoid of interactivity. You just sit there and watch as all these thrilling things happen then gain control for a moment, then go back to watching.

You're barely playing the game. None of the action is organic. The parts that you actually play are either stale and uninspired or piss easy.

What the fuck is the hype about this series?

Actually it's OoT

Yeah, it looks amazing but the gameplay left me so bored.

Doom provided me with a much better single player experience. Doom's MP sucks donkey cock.

Fuck off pcuck, you should know it's not nice to provoke retards

Even Witcher 3 surpassed it, get with the times gramps.

It does look good, that can't be denied.

The game itself was a bit of a let down. It kept building itself up to something mind blowing and it simply turned out to be a Goonies rip-off with "hey you guys" being played by Oprah Winfrey in diet mode.

Uncharted 2 still holds the crown as the best of this series.


graphics in these games are shit

It doesn't even look better than Rise of the Tomb Raider

I don't get it

Just booting it up now. At the end. Great game.

>best looking game of all time
ever heard of crysis?

your retarded



I feel bad for the sony camp that actually want to discuss this game. That minority of people who aren't shit-flingers can never discuss anything because the rest of the fan base needs to shitpost all the time.



never ever


ever heard of mods

the foilage looks awful and the tree geometry is terrible


I read a reputable reviewer say it sucked

>tfw I'm a legit Uncharted fan
>tfw I can't stand Neofag
This is suffering. I can only keep to myself about liking this game on here. And my only alternative is a SJW site that insta bans you for almost nothing. To be fair Neo Sup Forums is kind of resembling it too now, just the other day I got insta banned for posting a thread about the straight white man in games.

Based Washington Post telling it as it is



Not the best looking game of all time, but Uncharted 4 has some pretty impressive tech and Naughty Dog have proven themselves very skilled technical wizards. Here's a video detailing a lot of it:



It looks very nice but it's not even a game, is it?

>this four part series should have ended after Part One
>implying Among Thieves wasn't a blockbuster achievement that expanded and improved upon the original in literally every single way

This review isn't targeted because it gave it a low score -- it's targeted because it goes out of its way to be contrarian.

More an interactive movie.

>Best looking game of all time


why are you so upset?

It is good but I deleted it after my first play through. Multiplayer is shit and I can't play uncharted games after the first play through.

what? i was laughing thats what XD means

9/10 it was shit