So is EO1 or EO2 currently the best Etrian on the 3DS?

So is EO1 or EO2 currently the best Etrian on the 3DS?

both good

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold is objectively the best Etrian Odyssey game as things stand.

There are demos for both, but only the story modes. EO2U has more qol improvements, so 1U will feel like a step back if you play it second.

Both are god tier, but EO3 is GOAT

What game should I play first if I've never played any, Sup Forums?

You can really pick up any game. but if you feel like a baby, you can go with 4. Also try out the demos, they're all like 3 - 4 hours long.

I like EOIV the best (on the 3ds), it's a tad easier, but it ahve better classes, subclassing, mostly good dungeon and by far the best music (all EO music is top tier)

EO4 demo.

EO2U Classic Mode is the best EO on 3DS.



I started with EO2U myself about a month ago. Trading and Recycling Grimoire Stones is a bit obnoxious even if you understand the Fibonacci sequence bullshit, but otherwise I'd still recommend it.

I really don't understand how to use landsknechts at all. Playing EO4, and I'm stuck in the second labyrinth with useless linking skills...

Linking doesn't shine until later, having a cute dancer helps a lot too.
I've been using linksharks in most EO games, and I'm a bit bored of them. But the fencer is so cute, I got to make a party around her in V

Use link, have someone else attack with that element, LK will also attack target(s) with that element.

There's a fifth game coming out? I'm a bit of a newfag to these kinds of games.

Yo, am I supposed to just progress into the Hall of Darkness in EOIV after beating the game?

And wtf is w/ the dragons. I beat the ice one no problem, but the fire dragon hits like... 3x harder than the ice one.

EO5 is due out a month before P5, in August.
Now complete with a total chuuni class replacing dark hunters, no subclasses, four playable races, and every single class splitting into two separate "specializations" in place of the proficiency levels.
Meaning you'll likely have 20 different characters if you wanna try everything.

Yeah, been a lot of coverage from Japan the last few weeks. I think it will release in Japan in autumn, so it'll be a long time before it gets to the west. EO games have been v craving V for quite some time now.

Yeah, finish Hod. You can meet up with the dragons after

Linksharks kinda need a specific party to work around then and don't become truly powerful until later in the game and get Improved Link, but once they turn on they're absolutely incredible. You generally want party members that can hit a ton of times, like Dancers with Chase Samba and Snipers with Squall Volley, and obviously a Runemaster.

You should also subclass as Runemaster when you get the chance for F R E E elemental damage

Dancer second best girl


this, eo3 is dank

Just picked up eoiv, why is fortress so shit? Literally can only block the entire fight or she will die and with that my overall damage plummet

basically what I'm asking is what party combinations don't require her

Also she's always overflowing with TP but can't fight what the FUCK

Ok, so marinate on this

Fortress taunts, and then blocks or dies

Without fortress and no taunt, no one blocks and someone dies. The tp gain isn't as important at the beginning, but is super important late. Consider moving to back row so you take less damage.

Fortresses are shit in IV. Better to focus on offense and kill them faster than they can kill you.

EO1U has cutest loli and a more aesthetically pleasing extra dungeon
EO2U has better gameplay, grimoires, and story

>cropping it down to 720

Wew lad don't tell me you have a computer from 2006


I've just gotten to the Esbet guild fight in EO2U and I'm not impressed. The game is worse than the original

Nights make better tanks than Forts. Forts are really shitty Protectors

Fortress in the back row was amazing in my low level runs. Don't know what you're talking about.

EO1 was my next game on the list and then my 3ds decided to die on me. I have no words to describe how bad this feels. I hope it was a shit game at least.

None of the EO games are shit, even MD is simply flawed, but Untold 1 is by far the worst EO game

EO1 is pretty shit, not even the whole "well it was the first one" excuse works, for an RPG released in 2007 it was still clunky as fuck for the time.

>no subclassing

Boooo. I want my OP-as-fuck combinations.

>still probably a year away from EOV

Just enough time to be able to name everyone, the guild, and all the specializations

It could be earlier, some EOs were localized faster than others. Atlus has a lot on their plate right now though.