Almost done Sup Forums

almost done Sup Forums

did i fucked up?


What the fuck? There is no way the game is that big

nah, stay away from the multiplayer tho

Multiplayer is dope


Reminder that you can still get a refund until your playtime has exceeded two hours.

1 hour and 59 minutes should be enough time to decide whether the game is awful.

That's standard for most AAA games these days.

People in steam are saying it's more like original doom. Can anyone confirm?

Singleplayer - 10/10
Snapmap - Shit
Multiplayer - Fun but will die off in months

I'm currently bugged with no solution on how to fix it.

Protip, don't kill yourself on the elevator on the map right before Lazarus.

Currently waiting for Bethseda to respond to emails. Or if anyone has any idea.

>There is no way the game is that big

Well it is, you tard.

Finally booted it up. nice to see that freezing bug in the beta is still there.

Actually is a really nice fucking game.
Just turn off the glory kills high lights and the waypoint and you will have a blast.

The multiplayer is still shit but the snap map can be fun.

Demon spawns, blast with BFG and immediately glory the fat fuck.
I love denying enemy Demons

Fast and fun

Already torrented it
Buy fags crying make me happy :)

good luck getting through the drm.
why don't you download the new tomb raider to while your at it

You downloaded an uncracked torrent, congrats.


>Don't know it's cracked

Mars Ketchup Factory: The Game

Besides the designs, music, and glory kills it's ok.

>it's cracked but I won't tell you who did it, because it's spoonfeeding*
>* - pulled from my ass

really it's the other way around
piratefags make nonstop threads about games with anti piracy software and tell me not to buy it as if it affects me

It has you glitched into the checkpoint? I don't think I've gotten to the point you're at.

Do not go in expecting Doom 1/2.

Go in expecting Quake.

Reverse SnapMap and Multiplayer and we can agree.
Multiplayer was a pretty big miss on their part.

Dont judge the game on the first 2 levels. Foundry and up is when you start getting everything and the maps start becoming huge.

But that's a good thing

Quake is good