How can you hate Sera Sup Forums? Those lips are made for kissing and blowjob

How can you hate Sera Sup Forums? Those lips are made for kissing and blowjob.

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Probably not. Elves are made for dominating, even ugly ones like her. Plus she's a lesbo so the idea of fucking her straight is an incredible turn-on.

Pros balance out the cons, I'd say.

Because shes an "realistic" ugly ass knife eared tumblr lesbian that dont need no man sjw "eccentric" sjw character that Bioware keeps trying to sell us on. Not only that, she took up a slot on the romance for a hot elf girl instead for us straight men. We were left with either butch manwoman or a sandnigger women with a big nose.

I'm worried her face grease would get on my balls.

>sticking your dick in elves


those are some nice lips

He's right you know

She looks like a troglodyte that tried to eat a bee

>butch manwoman
aww i liked cass. her retarded accent is hot

I think EA should have changed Bioware's name after they bought them. They're only tarnishing the name of the original developers.

>Looks like 90's Angelina Jolie
>Talks like Robin Hood with autism

Is this game any fun guys?

Daily reminder that Cassandra is pure waifu material.

Yes if you don't spend most of the time in HInterlands.

How is she going to give you a blowjob if she's a dyke?

It's meh.

The combat gets very boring very quickly and the quests are mostly collecathons and fetching shit for people across maps. Some of the locales are really pretty, like the lirium caves in the dwarf dlc and the view from your room in Skyhold, but it's not like they make up for the shitty combat.

Characters aren't all that interesting, either, and party members like Sera and Dorian have fucking atrocious personal quests.

Not to mention the hilariously bad animations and the excessive use of face grease on all the characters.

>Yes if you don't spend most of the time in HInterlands.
lol then not. seriously tho' it's alright, the desert maps seem empty as fuck but are actually cool.

Do people really play Dragon Age? Are they obese gigglesquee hams?

>Not to mention the hilariously bad animations

>that fucking scene where corypheus lifts up the land and mc and your companions are moving around like spazzes with their arms waving all over the place trying to regain their balance.

She looks more like a fucking goblin than an elf.

>Do people really play Dragon Age?
I played DAII cause i played the first one and liked it. and i played DAI cause i already played the first 2, might as well finish it.

if they make another one i don't think i'll play it tho

>fade- shit! arse!
What did she mean by this?

because she is disgusting

bad writing

Is this from the actual game?


Because I can smell her patchouli stink from all way in Orlais



2 of the worst fucking sacks of shit called characters ever created. blackwall too. Dorian is tolerable but his personal quest was like a fucking soap opera