This game will disappoint

This game will disappoint.
Weird decisions like auto-driving and a barely fleshed out combat system will be masked by fluid animations and a decent plot.

There's such a thing as working too hard on a game, and this is proof.

IF this game flops, it might be the one that makes devs reconsider this 'overdeveloping' trend (too many demos, too many iterations of the same product, too much fan input etc), but that's a massive if.

It's already managed to disappoint me immensely. Episode Duscae was a really promising teaser considering how early it was, then the Platinum Demo came along and was a downgrade in every aspect. I actually had some hopes for this too, that was one of the biggest disappointments I've felt in a long time.

Hate to be that guy, but Persona 5 looks way better and I'm looking foward more to that.

Platinum combat is a huge step up from ED's, and it's the only thing from Platinum that's actually representative of the final game.

I still don't understand the negative reception.

In what way is it a step-up? It's just the same system simplified even further.
Add to that the both the framerate and the texture detail managing to be worse and you've got a straight decline in quality, even if you ignore everything else the original demo had in addition

ED is a vertical slice of the game, so it's probably a better indicator of the final game's visual quality and framerate than a quickly put together demo.

I don't know how the hell you can prefer ED's combat, it was boring as all hell. Platinum isn't amazing or anything, but it's much better. More interesting weapons, weapon switching, aerial combat, actual parrying and a far more engaging enemy to fight. ED has nothing going for it comparatively.

>Weapon abilities tied to directional input now, instead of the much simpler button press
>magic is an item
>four fucking slots for shit.

In what way it was simplified?

You actually prefer fiddling with a menu in real time to select your ability? The directional input is actually simpler and works great. Episode Duscae doesn't even have magic, so there's no advantage there. And four slots is better than the shit system in Duscae.

It's the same combat with the core simplified and some more basic options added. I didn't really like the combat in ED either, but I was hoping that since it was so early it would be getting some more depth to it, but it certainly doesn't look like it's going that way.

2/3 is valid. But weapon abilties are now party command. However, some really do need directional input.

How is the "core simplified"?

>Hyped for a rehash
Wew lad

Yes, because you could use an ability that wasn't your currently equipped weapon.

Reminder that this is what a game made by 600 people can become
6 0 0 people

But now you can switch to the desired weapon with the push of a button and then switch back just as easily. Far easier than scrolling through a menu.

>This game will disappoint.
probably :(
I waited so long
I have a feeling that a nomura ps3 version would have been better

That newest demo was dog shit. Graphics were terrible and the frame rate was fucking all over the place. I hope that game doesn't look that shitty.

dead on arrival

I'm starting to think his complaint is an autistic rant out of nothing.
Hey, you're here finally. Didn't see you on the shitposting free thread. Kinda missed you.

The framerate hurt my feelings

So should I play any of the final fantasy games before this?

Doesn't matter.

I miss the minimalist covers.
I guess that was the moment FF turned to shit.

Nope. Different number, different everything.

>I still don't understand the negative reception.
Because you're fucking mental. Platinum was awful in every aspect, graphics especially.

So it really is just people whining about graphics? That's pretty stupid.

>Platinum was awful in every aspect

Brilliant criticism.