Like RPG

>like RPG
>like JRPG
>like SMT
>like Persona
>don't like this game

what is wrong with me ?

by the way the MC summons his persona with an evoker before receiving the evoker from Mitsuru

He takes Yukari's evoker
Also why aren't you playing FES?

>by the way the MC summons his persona with an evoker before receiving the evoker from Mitsuru

He uses Yukari's

He picked the fucking evoker up from the ground that yukari was using

this thread is terrible

I am I just grabed the first picture I could find.

Doesn't fix Boretarus or the school slog.

>Doesn't fix Boretarus or the school slog.

Do you also dislike P4? Because the TV world is pretty much just Tartarus with decor changes, and the school slog is the same.

Did you try Persona 3 Portable

play FES. faster and extra stuff. fast travel and lication finding too.
it is already a big game.

P4 is way better and P5 will hopefully relegate P3 to P2 and P1 status.

yeah I tried P4 as well I went up to the world with the homolust biker and stoped because I was bored.

Yeah, it's even worse.

>P2 status

You mean the best in the series?

Wait for P5 it will fix everything

Okay you dont like Persona. Do you want a medal or something? who cares

desu if it's more high school VN shit with a single pallet swapped dungeon I'll probably skip cause at this point it's Neptunia level.

I actually like Persona, Persona IS and EP, and I also like Nocturne (a bit less) and DDS

you're a eurofag who can't be bothered to pay attention to basic shit at the beginning of the game

I skipped over the cinematics because I already saw it like 5 years ago

So in other words you like P1, Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.

In other words, old school vs. current Persona. Which are very distinct from one another.

Yet you can't understand why you don't like P3. Really?

A game being in a series you like doesn't automatically mean you'll enjoy it if it's a distinct shift from previous titles.

But I feel dumb because everyone tells me P3/4 are the best RPG of the PS2 so I really want to get it

Go home story fag, even a gimmick as cool as rumors becoming reality can excuse the god awful gameplay

>like SMT

Nothing to see here boys

Perosna, Persona IS and EP were school themed Tartarus / Shadow World centred games, though.

The only difference is it wasn't in one "realm" you just went around the city to those dungeons. Well the realm thing counts for 1, I guess.

Who doesn't like SMT ?
It's like SaGa, everyone like it.

>P4fags actually believe this

First they are wrong
Second you are never going to like them so give up

>god awful gameplay

Still better and less slow, tedious and boring than grinding a high school social sim and one dungeon.

If you don't like it then you don't like it dude, don't worry
I like P3 but not P4, and if you aren't into it in the first couple months it probably won't get any better for you until way later in the game. The middle couple months can be a slog

If you don't like it you don't like it. Not really a big deal, maybe the game just isn't for you.

What's the best PS2 rpg then?

Yes, you're right. I really hope P3 will attain classic status like 1 and 2 like it deserves and not be associated with 4 anymore.

Shadow Hearts 1-2, the first half of DDS and Nocturne are all better than P3 and P4, just from that image alone.

What ever you want it to be. Taste varies. Also shit I forgot about Rogue Galaxy.

We can agree to disagree


You don't remember shit about the cinematics. Why did you skip them?

Well fuck me.

The one I spent the more time in is DQVIII but the one I like the most is Romancing SaGa: Minstrel's Song

Is Lunar: Silver Star Story good?

Rogue galaxy was awful though

I remembered the tomb stone thing I just wanted to get in on the action

Fuuka is cute. CUTE

But Yuko is CUTER

>everyone tells me P3/4 are the best RPG of the PS2

You've been rused. Best RPG on PS2 is Suikoden II since backwards compatibility exists

It's funny because I can't get into the Suikoden series either

>no Suikoden, Xenosaga, Steambot Chronicles, Metal Saga, Wild Arms, Raidou, Front Mission 4, Dark Cloud, Okage, or Grandia II under PS2

How shit.

Maybe you just have shit taste?

If you played 1 and 2 just stop and wait for P5 to come out since P3/P4 are just filler



>Best RPG on PS2 is a PS1 game

I love Suikoden, but I can understand why a lot of people can't get into it. Especially considering a large part of the game is crossing the world trying to find a bunch of faggots for your war.

God, I hope they make a new one one day.

Maybe you just don't like jrpg's

Kill yourself

Nigga it's a 3x3 and the ps2 is the rpg machine, you couldn't even fit all the games you just listed into one. Also this 3x3 has way more essentials

Grandia II is associated with the Dreamcast anyway

It's because P3 is a functionally bad game.

I thought Steambot was super unheard of.

But I like SMT, SaGa, Mana Kemia, the earlier Ar Tonelico, .Hack//, Seiken Densetsu, the Enix Illusion of Gaia series, 7th Saga, Phantasy Star, The Last Remnant, etc...

I mean I've played a shitton of them and there is only a few I can't get into.

>scoobyderp fag

u wot

If you said 5 I'd at least let it pass for the massive timesink dungeon crawler

>I like SMT but Tartarus is boring

Poserfag confirmed

what do you mean ?

The only thing it did “better” is the combat. Shoot yourself with an evoker.

>Rogue Galaxy
>essential at all
>Suikoden/Wild Arms/Xenosaga
>not more essential than RG, Tales and Kingdom Farts

>7 out of 9 of the snes games are square
>6 out of 9 of the ps1 games are square
>4 out of 9 of the ps2 games are square
What happened guys?

they stopped making SaGa games

are you implying that Persona fags will pretend to like SMT in order to feel superior to other Persona fags? What kind of asshole would even contemplate that on an anonymous image board?

what's the best Suikoden? I never played one

>0 out of 9 of the ps3

>srpgs aren't rpgs
>jap srpgs aren't a subgenre of turn-based jrpgs

This retard meme needs to die.

Front Mission is at least more of a jrpg than an arpg like Kingdom Hearts.


>People actually believe 3 is better than 4
>People actually believe a Persona game with social links will fade into the obscurity of the first two games
>People actually want good games to get less attention

Rogue Galaxy is the one to go, but if you think Kingdom Hearts 2 doesn't deserve to be there you're insane. It's literally the greatest action rpg, and is synonymous with the PS2

And Tales of the Abyss is fucking amazing, I know it's polarizing but come on

but I like SMT and SMT II

I don't get why people keep arguing about whether 3 or 4 was better. They're both good games.

>Persona 4 is good

That''s not even true, the lack of party control is one of the best parts of P3

I never challenged you on playing SMT games, just that you would think that people would lie about it for 5 minutes of E-cred in a thread that will be pruned in an hour or 2

>best arpg

Into the trash your opinion goes.

FM3 is the SRPG, 4 is a turn based tactical game with barebone rpg elements and 5 (the main game at least) is even more so.

TotA has the worst gameplay of the freeroam Tales

Name a better one or stop being a contrarian, I don't really care which you pick

Don't come into Persona threads to shitpost.
You have your eceleb and overwatch threads for that.

Fucking Baldur's Gate's console outing was a better arpg than KH, had infinitely more fappable tits too

>P4 fag
>Try SMT IV because it's a spinoff of the Persona 4 series
>Where are the social links and calendar
>Why isn't it set in modern rural Japan
>Why do I keep dying
>Why aren't there any party members
>Grind it out and make it to Minotaur
>Can't beat him
>Give up because the game is shit

I got you senpaitachi

It plays better than Zesty and Xillia 1 though

Persona 4 is fucking garbage and ruined the fanbase with normie tumblr shitters

Tartarus is essentially the same thing as some SMT games. Dungeon is just rooms connected by halls with visual changes.

Dark Alliance series was fucking great

>Persona 4 is a persona game


jrpg is not a genre

No, hitting auto is only better than watching the game on youtube.

Please present evidence for your claim.

> souls series
>Dragons dogma
>Ys series
>Tales of games
these are just some options doesn't mean I personally think they are all better

you mean Persona 3

the hell are you smoking? Nothing in any mainline SMT is a monotonous multi-hundred floor randomly generated dungeon.


But in SMT you have story incentives, interestingly designed demons, bosses, etc... the dungeons are "wireframe" because of the time but Tartarus is shit for a whole lot of other reasons.

So normalfags such as yourself?

It didnt used to be, but just like the PS3 getting games, things change

Raidou, Xenoblade, Symphony of the Night, Ys, Souls, Terranigma, TWETY.

Just a few off the top of my heart. That was hard.

Farts fans are the worst.

>inb4 none of those count hurrrr

Did you finish it? There's a reason they make reviewers beat a game before they spout off bullshit.

And for the record I prefer P4.