What am I in for? Let's talk FFX

What am I in for? Let's talk FFX

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A good game.

a good as fuck game

interesting characters

based soundtrack

dont be me and get to the end and not finish



An okay game with a shitty story.



It's the last FF game they released that you could call a good game

The only people that think the story is shitty are the people that had the story go over their heads and don't understand all of it.

I just picked this up on ps4 today

i dont get how people could miss the point of what tidus was doing

he was being sarcastic

That doesnt make the scene not-awful.

It's a good FF. Story's not bad, combat's ATB but with the welcome addition of in-battle party swapping. The Sphere Grid's an interesting take on leveling, and allows some customization in the later game as you move people into other character's area of the Grid.

FFX-2 gets a lot of shit for adding to a story that already had a good ending, but it's got a decent job system and it's a bit lighter in tone than most FF games.


Go, into the sand, and the dust, and the sky
Go now, there's no better plan than to do or to die

not that user but I think its dumb compared to some of the better FF stories.

A lot of blitzball. I think about half my playtime in the game was spent on blitz. So damn good.

Oh, and FFX has one of the best soundtracks in the series.


There has not been a single Final Fantasy game with a decent passable story.

They're often mocked and laughed at within the literacy world.

Why do you care? It's not your story.

my nigga
>that music when you first get to luca
>boss music
>via purifico
>tidus theme
>besaid theme

>literacy world

Are you sure they aren't laughing at you?

It's not sarcasm. It's forced laughter to cope with the reality of a journey that revolves around death.

I'm so sick of seeing this, did you fucks not even grasp the concept of the scene or that it was meant to be a bit ridiculous and everyone else was looking at them like they just took 20 hits of molly? fuck you people are stupid

seems that everyone either hates blitzball or plays the shit out of it, I'm gonna try and enjoy it

A corridor simulator with rock paper scissors turn based combat with an unskippable cutscene every 10 minutes.

fuck off newfag

what about 12?

Are there really PCfags who have never emulated this game before? Steam babies are the fucking worst

you got a laugh out of me

Nothim but how is that newfaggy?

It's shit

I've been here longer than you you autistic donut. Probably one of those people that think 4 is the best ff even though it aged like cheese.

$25 to play a 15-year-old game that's free on an emu ZOZZLE

If you're gonna waste money, might as well buy the $100 edition of ff15

When does xii come out?

This stupid fucking tank is kicking my ass


Because it's one of Sup Forums's oldest memes and he's mad about it.

Supposedly this year.


It's still funny you tard.

Auron is one of the coolest FF characters ever made.

I just started X it just got to besaid. Its easily square's best PC port so far and I've never gotten to play the HD remaster and international content. The faces are a little weird but the higher resolution textures on the environments look really nice compared to the PS2. Not even bothered about the 30FPS lock either.

Will be playing X-2 afterwards only ever beat it once a little bit after it launched, the combat system in X-2 is one of the best in the series you just have to stomach everything else that comes with the game.

A overrated game. FF13 is a overall better game.

Yeah I always wondered if people missed that, the entire point was that it was forced laughter then shortly after they start laughing for real at how stupid they sounded. The japanese one is pretty horrifying it sounds like a crow cawing.

Imagine how the voice actors felt?

>yfw they ruined him

In my honest opinion, FFX is the smoothest 30fps game out there. It's one of those few titles I couldn't give a fuck about being locked to 30fps. Hell it's probably the only game where I feel that.


Didn't even think people rated this as anything. Pretty much get bashed all over the planet because of HAWHAWHAW




I found FFX to be pretty stupid as a kid. The main character was whiny and everybody except Yuna was talking shit to him the entire time. Seymour was gay and there were a lot of dumb mini-games that were either too easy or too hard.

And then when playing it again as an adult, I found Tidus to be an angsty teen like all of us were, but he grew up as the story went along. He had to get over his feelings of self-doubt and his childlike hatred of his father and really accept his place in the story. He grows up so convincingly as the game goes on, and his arc is a true coming-of-age story, not just in allegory but a true change of heart and mindset. The characters and their arcs are great, and Blitzball was actually fun as shit. It was an awesome game that I couldn't appreciate as a child because the character I was supposed to dislike (early Tidus) was just like me.

Yeah its not very noticeable in this game say compared to an FPS at 30vs60 where it can have an actual affect on gameplay.

I remember playing trails in the sky and turned on the 30 FPS lock out of curiosity it looked awful.

>Vote Wakka for Maester 2016
Gonna build a wall keep out those dirty Al Bhed ya?

okay I'm thinking of taking the expert grid, worth it?

Looks like summer started early this year

I think people thought it was retarded because it was retarded. The intentionally forced laughter sounded uncomfortably forced, and the "real" laughter afterwards sounded even worse.

an inferior experience unless you emulate the original release

being able to go to luca and just watch the movies or listen to the music at the sphere arena or whatever made it worth the grind for all that gil

Yes, it's just better


Too bad he died like a total bitch

It's because the animations are slow and smooth. It would be pretty hard to notice 60fps outside of menu and overworld navigation/cutscenes(due to camera panning).

You were gay as a kid with shit taste. FFX isn't some crazy good game or anything but it's one of the better PS2 JRPGs.

Blitzball was the best minigame of any video game ever. I've never found a minigame more fun since. I didn't even give it a chance for halway through the game on my first playthrough until my brother showed me how fun it was. Since FFX I've wished it was a real sport

>Kinda want to replay FFX
>Remember the sphere grinding to fight the Dark Aeons
Yeah I think I~ll pass.

That level of grinding actually triggers me more than obtaining the celestial weapons. I even kinda want to see how my today's self would do on shit like Chocobo Racing, Butterfly Catching and Lightning Dodging compared to when I first played it.

I would use it for a normal playthrough. If you plan on doing penance and maxing as many stats as possible I would recommend the normal sphere grid because it has a lot more nodes. End game is just ripping out low stat nodes anyway and replacing them.

I'm going to do a second playthrough with expert but right now doing a playthrough of the normal grid and doing all content because I have never done the international content.

Auron isn't real

Tidus is a dream

>overdrive -> ap
>fight don tonberry in the arena w/ damage taken overdrive & auto-raise on armor
>50 sphere levels in 5 minutes

Auron is real, he's just dead.

Are these those alpha screenshots everyone posts? I just played through this scene it looked way better than this.

Auron is dead and Tidus is an aeon.

seeNo they're not alpha, that was PS4 footage and the PC version is pretty much the same.

The image quality on the other one was just shit then but yeah I'm not trying to defend it I prefer the original faces. Not going to stop me from playing through it though.


or was he ever really alive?

>i want to believe

Yeah I got it from youtube so it'll look bad. It illustrates the different models though.

I am in the same boat as you. Would definitely play a game centered completely around blitzball, like recruiting, managing and blitzing.

my sides

i remember that thread

The only change is Tidus' face. Unless I'm missing something.

texture mods are on the way, apparently

I've heard a lot of shit was tied to the framerate as well and 60 fps would totally break the game. Considering how old the core game is I really can't blame them for sticking with 30.


>10/10 WOULD BUY

It's only a matter of time.

>Tidus' model is changed, putting more emphasis on the cuck faggot he is
>literally figuratively subjectively objectively EVERYTHING about the game looks better graphically

Okay famalam. 10 is trash anyway

It's so bad.

>cropped FMVs
>crop and/or stretch 2D backgrounds
>ruin every character model
>textures look like a shitty mod
>remove point lights from every cutscene, destroying the cinematography of the original developers
>change the skyboxes for the worst 90% of the time

Watch this video.

That's pretty cool for screenshots but the models are fucked in cutscenes, they don't animate nearly as good as the PS2 version.

Someone was working on a patch though I don't really believe it's real. Could be though.
It would need a lot of work since minigames in particular fall apart when you hack into frame rates.

>meet rikku in FF-X HD
>her eyes have no spirals

user, the vast majority of gamers at the time had no idea what the hell was happening before there were extensive conversations in Japan.

Comments like yours are cancer

...yes they do?

>the truth is cancer
Ok then

Not him but for whatever reason she doesn't when you meet her at the first section of the game. I know she does later on though.

>opinions are truth

>>literally figuratively subjectively objectively EVERYTHING about the game looks better graphically
seeI also forgot to mention the color balance is fucked and they added god awful bloom to the game.

Tons of small details like the reflected green on Wakka's face from the water in this image are removed also, because the people who remade the game just didn't give a fuck. Auron's glasses casting a shadow(the colored lenses included) was also removed.

Subtle emotions are not portrayed in the characters either.

It's a failure graphically. It literally looks worse than a PS2 game.

Have you checked out the Piano Collections? They're pretty fantastic.



Wakka looks like he has the downs.

>Skyward Sword's Link without a hoodie visits the forest for the third time with a high Groose.jpg


>implying he doesn't

reminder that rikku is best girl