Is overwatch worth the money? My wife's son says the beta was awesome but I didn't play it. What do you think Sup Forums? I'm just worried it will go f2p
Is overwatch worth the money? My wife's son says the beta was awesome but I didn't play it...
Haha, cuck! I saw this meme on twitter!
wait for f2p
Wait, it's not free?
Apparently not :0
It probably will go f2p, but it's still a fun game.
My rule for videogame value is $1/hour of entertainment. I already put a good 20 hours into the beta, and I can see myself playing for at least a hundred more.
my wife's son agrees that the beta was fun too
>It probably will go f2p
Yeah just like WoW
Any day now
Do you have a group of friends who play it? Then it's extremely fun.
Do you play alone? Think much harder about the choice.
Reminder that if you play casual trash like this then you are not a true gamer
Sometimes I'm allowed to play with my wife's son and boyfriend so I might get a party of 3 going
win it from taco bell
like me
>My wife's son
Cuckold beta faggot.
I absolutely hated the way the game looked. I am not a fan of fps either. My cousin begged me to try out the open beta. and I fell in love with the game and prepurchased right away.
>amazing polish
>fun quick games
>low learning curve
just put it this way. here in nyc I pay 25 bucks for a movie ticket and some popcorn. This game is 40 dollars. with just 2 weeks of play its worth the investment.
You and your wifes son will have lots of fun then. Do it up!
Found the Virgin
It's blizzard and it's popular. It wont go FtP for a few years. How many years before TF2 went FtP? I'd probally double that since blizzard is jewey. Does anyone know the preorder count so far?
>Wanting to label yourself as a "gamer"
Are people who like to read books a "booker" to you too? Faggot
No they are readers. God you are stupid.
>true gamer
MUH GAYMER CRED, Gotta fit in with those neckbeards in Sup Forums r-right????
Then what are those "true games" you play then?
That is just as bad you mongol. I have never heard somone call themself a "reader". Gamer is some pathtic term made up for normies to feel like they are not pathetic that their main hobby is video games
>Is overwatch worth the money?
Not really. If you've played any other FPS, it feels severely dumbed down and consolized to appeal to children. Most characters have only one weapon and all the "skill" aspect of the game revolves around when to deploy your auto-recharging specials.
i put 40 hours into the beta over like 6 days. I didnt care about it at all till I played it. Definitely getting it.
>I have never heard somone call themself a "reader".
LOL, my sides.
So how many classes have you flunked? Your teachers must feel bad for you for being this retarded.
>My wife's son
Can someone give me an honest answer.
Why should I get it on PC over PS4. Yeah I already know about the damn controller vs keyboard mouse stuff. Leave that out.
I really regret getting DS3 on PC after the whole fiasco about the cheating stuff. Really dampens the whole thing.
Also does anyone know the IP address of the SEA servers? I wanna ping it if my connection is fine there.
My daughter's boyfriend Darius also liked it
what a shitty op
You should leave if all you understand about Sup Forums is meme arrows. That was obvious satire and mockery, you fell for the trick. -10 points.
It's completely fucking simple. Do you prefer playing on a computer or on a console. Do you prefer sitting in a chair looking at a monitor, or a couch/tv/what the fuck ever. What do you fucking prefer. Are you gonna ask us what you should have for fucking dinner too? Make your own goddamn decisions you pathetic fuck, it's a fucking videogame. Better yet, just kill yourself, if you can do it without asking someone how first.
>it will go f2p
The game had 9.7 million beta players. The game won't go F2P anytime soon.
I'd rather not because if it did, you can guarantee a "premium" service will exist. Such a s premium exclusive skins, heroes, experience gain, paid DLC, etc..
I don't understand why you're salty on DS3. I have 150 hours and have yet to run into a single hacker.
Hacking will always exist on PC, however the amount of people is minuscule.
PC will always be better.
Because I ran into them 5+ times already. One that was teleporting all over the place and did that stat-shit something. I had to stop playing online because of that.
That's unfortunate. Even when I played DS1 and DS2 I ran into like 5 hackers. The biggest plus that DS3 PC over PS4 is the fact that you will not get FPS drops, guaranteed you have the computer to handle it. I tried playing DS3 and my cousins house and the sub 30 fps was horrible.
Why should you get it over PC?
Better graphics, FPS, option to use any controller, Blizzard caters to PC market so game will be balanced around mice and keyboard not controller. PC version will outlive the console.
i dont think so. my husbands daughter says that this game is sexist.
I decided to buy some artbooks instead.
How is a free, open beta number of participation indictive of anything?
I don't know, you follow social media? The game even appeared on the news.
The game will have huge sales. To think any otherwise would be foolish. It could go F2P, in 3+ years.
Stop being so cucked to both your wife and Blizzard and just keep playing TF2.
A Legion open beta would no doubt pull 10mil participants as well. That doesn't mean they'll retain anywhere near that number for the actual game.
Just look at WoD, they lost 3mil subs almost immediately once people realized it was all hype and no substance, likewise it has steadily declined since.
WoW betas never pulled in lot of people. I don't think the amount of people never surpassed 500k for a beta.
That's because they're restricted to invite-only participation, they're not open betas unlike Overwatch where anyone could just download it.
The game won't bomb, that is for sure.