WH40K thread? Or is Sup Forums a bunch of heretics?

WH40K thread? Or is Sup Forums a bunch of heretics?

Just started a Dawn of War playthrough after hearing the news about DoW III. The graphics hold up pretty well actually.

The Adeptus Astartes are prepared to continue.

Battlefleet Gothic, ready to strike.

The Inquisition, as always, stands vigilant.


>tfw no Tau

Cant wait for deathwing

Whats the best 40k boardgame? Space hulk looked fun

The Astra Militarum is reaady. Let us proceed.

They will probably be released in some sort of expansion.

>yfw monkeigh think they're hot stuff

God I hate relic marines so much

meant for

I started playing a few weeks ago and it's been great. Feels a bit easy though, but hopefully that changes.

Fucking clean the flash off that helmet, soldier.

When the fuck is Gamesworkshop going to go out of business and be bought out by Hornby? I am so tired of their shit. Airfix became 1000x better when purchased by Hornby so I am hoping for a repeat.

I haven't played other 40k boardgames, but yeah, Space Hulk is one of the easiest to get into.

You might want to look into Conquest. It has quite a strategic aspect to it despite being a card game.

Aren't they still making good money?

Death Angel is pretty good, if you consider a card game a board game.
Look up FFG board games.

They apparently had a very bad trimester, which may be why they're now lending their license to anyone like a dock whore these days.


Their stock is dropping like a giant asshole. Of course they still turn profits but they have bled their fanbase dry and lose players every day. It's only a matter of time now.

who is the best primarch?

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes; have you got any warp dust?


Easy question: the Emperor. Any other answer is heresy.


Have you reported to Port Maw today, Sup Forums?

How the fuck do you deal with Ork incursions? I can plow through Eldar all day erry day, but a single ork fucks my shit up harder than any Chaos armada/Eldar bullshit, I don't get what I'm doing wrong.

What counters Orks?

Get your dumb le random meme trash out of here, please.

Never fear brother, the Bloody-Handed God will set them straight.

Go back to your e-celeb or Overshit thread faggot.

Orks scare me shitless with how tough they are and how hard they hit. But I do know this: you need to take advantage of the inherent flaws in their gameplay, notably:

>Without upgrades, they have no way of stopping insubordination. You can force this by destroying weaker Ork vessels.
>Although Big Red Button is potent, It leaves Orks with few other means of maneuvering. If you can react to BRB properly, you can reposition yourself for a counterattack (such as close range torpedoes or counter-ramming).

Go back to your containment board, underage Redditor. Spam your meme shit elsewhere, 40kfag.

>can't handle the 40K memes
>"b-b-b-b-but Warhammer isn't vidya"

Typical monkeigh

>Without upgrades, they have no way of stopping insubordination. You can force this by destroying weaker Ork vessels.
Holy shit, I forgot all about Insubordination working for enemies. Thanks friend.

Ha ha, epic meme my fellow 40ker. That is epic for the win right there. Let me give you one.


I understood that reference, so this is a pretty epic moment we're having here.

Death company did nothing wrong.

thanks for the bump

>Go back to your buzzword, buzzword buzzword. Spam your buzzword elsewhere, buzzword.

By making that post, I was also assuming you're playing as Imperial Navy. Take note that hitting the Big Red Button prevents an Ork ship from burning retroes, so as IN, your ramming game is actually better - jack a Power Ram on your brawler cruiser, then if you're in a good spot, All Ahead Full>Burn Retroes>All Ahead Full again.

Strike with the Emperor's Fury, Admiral.

Epic as in Epic 40K?

>What is sage

Okay, now you've confirmed you're new.

Anyways, you guys are basically the ponyfags of /tg/. 40k has always been a joke setting no one took seriously. It was an ironic thing like MLP, but retards like yourselves thought it was epic for the win and latched onto it. You need to head back to your containment board, ponyfags.

This isn't just autism.
This is advanced autism.

Seek therapy.

>thinking sage does anything


Seek reddit.com, the perfect board for you.

baited again

yo' mama's a heretic.

Heresy, that's a good meme. I'm glad we as the 40k community can keep spouting these epic memes and have an XD laugh together. What you posted there was pretty epic and I'm gonna have to send an upvote your way, sir.

Neat. Maybe you can answer another question. Melta Torpedo's or Normal ones? I play a pretty heavy Torpedo game, and I'm still not sure which would hit the hardest.

What dark god favors are actually not shit?

What is the best Space Marine Chapter and why is it the Black Templars?

I played DoWII recently and I gotta ask
What the FUCK was the Eldars problem? I get that they're supposed to be weird dicks who dont give a fuck about anyone else but I never figured they were window licking morons to boot. Holy fuck.

Eldar are just gigantic arrogant dickheads dude

Khorne is actually the only Mark that I find to be of dubious value, and even that can be fun on a light cruiser.

40k is a bad setting. Don't worry about it.

What exactly did Idranel do wrong in DoW II ?

thanks user I appreciate it

Excuse me while I keep talking about video games in a thread about 40k video games on the video games board on Sup Forums

That doesn't sound like the Lamentors user.


Wew dude you wrote Salamanders all wrong except the two last letters.

everyone's a dick in the 40k universe
atleast chaos admit they're dicks, everyone else thinks they're the good guy

>40k fags
>Not autistic

You'd have to be pretty autistic to unironically like 40k. That's not too surprising though considering that people here talk in memes.


I want to get into 40k, where start fellow friendoos

On a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to assemble and paint all of that?

I noticed that they aren't snap to fit unlike say, Gundam models were no glue is required.

That's right. Everyone knows Warhammer Fantasy is the better setting, if only because of the lizardmen.

Normal ones are for burst damage, you'll find yourself using them often, mostly for finishing enemies off.

Meltas are nice if you can get all torpedoes to connect; they can start a staggering FOUR fires at once if you're lucky. They're nice to use at the start of a battle since it can and often will force opponents to start emergency repairs (a very valuable ability to have once the battle gets into full swing). If you want to make your enemy's life miserable, you can also use meltas late in the battle. Note that melta torps actually don't deal damage, they just have a significantly better chance of starting fires than normal torps.

Don't. 40k is shit. It's a joke setting.

Games are a good place. Dawn of War or Space Marine. If you want to get into heavy lore then go read stuff on the Lexicanum(it's a web wiki) or you can start on any number of the novels. If you like a particular chapter then start by reading their Omnibus. If you're completely lost but still want to read a book then I recommend reading 15 Hours or Eisenhorn.

Go back in time, about 15 years before. Buy the 40k 3rd edition starter set, the one with the Space Marines and Dark Eldar.

dawn of war 1 is a decent introduction
wew lad would've thought you'd be tired of this by now, we get it you don't enjoy things, doesn't mean you have to impede people who do