The only PC exclusive game this entire year with any kind of budget hasn't even sold 1 million copies yet. Holy shit

The only PC exclusive game this entire year with any kind of budget hasn't even sold 1 million copies yet. Holy shit.

Xcom2 was shit

>don't put it on consoles they said
>it will sell better if we focus only on PC they said

I bought a copy at $60, good game once the patches came out. Sad though, the "master race" never really shows it's face when it comes to supporting vidya.

Let's hope they at least continue to support the game.

game had performance issues, don't expect me to spend 60 bucks on your fucking game if you can't release something that works properly

>Make a shit game
>Game doesn't sell well cus it's shit

What's the problem?

>game comes out with insane performance issues
>wow why arent people buying my game wtf

with that said, I got my time out of it and enjoyed it.

It's getting a console version anyway for Q4 2016.

I'm sure it would have sold a lot better on consoles, where strategy games are really popular.

it's literally exactly the same as 1 but ran like shit

Good, it doesn't deserve to. It's buggy as fuck and it pisses me off to no end.

>double the price
>considered worse than the first one
First one didn't sell well on consoles anyway

Why should I ever, EVER, care about financial performance?

Because financial success = more likely to get sequel

XCOM is one of the worst games ever made.

Well memed

Because in a capitalist society things that aren't a financial success don't stick around.

meme games are literally the only thing that sell on pc

As opposed to CoD and AssCreed being the only things that sell on console

Maybe if they didn't dumb it down even further than XCOM 1 was dumbed down?

XCOM 1 was console shit already, who the fuck wants to play that in 2016, when there's JA2 1.13 which is infinitely superior?

Why would I want a sequel?
The 'everything needs a sequel/remake' meme is fucking awful.

>sold more in less than a year than console EU/EW in its entire lifespan

Well, I mean they couldn't have put too much money into it. It plays and looks damn near the same as XCOM1. I wouldn't be surprised if it was already profitable at the number of sales it's gotten thus far.


This, anyone that bitches about the game not selling has no idea about the issues that plague and still occur in the game.

Don't blame the consumer for the devs not bothering to release a public playtest so the game can be fixed up for launch day.


pc gaming is shit

You say as you posted The Witcher. lol'd heartily, my friend.


I'll happily buy it this christmas steam sale or maybe next summer sale for 50%+ off.

>out for only 4 months
>still full priced
>dlc still planned + expansion
Just wait for performance fixes and all the dlc to come out

You don't do PC gaming for the exclusives, bruv.

PC makes more revenue that all consoles put together

But ya XCOM2 wasn't that great. Not $60 great for sure.

Yeah, the first Witcher game which is by far the best Witcher game.

I mean you have a point. If you look at it from an economics perspective, steam sales have turned everyone off from paying $30+ on a game, period. Steam sales have destroyed pc gaming

Yet it has more and better exclusives than consoles. Weird.

good joke

These budgie gifs annoy me. I've had my budgie for a year and he still doesn't trust me. I spend as much time with him as possible but he always forgets who I am the next day.

>Steam sales have destroyed pc gaming
There are people stupid enough to believe this.

How much money do those clash of clan crap bring in?

More, sure, but whether they are better is subjective.

The ONLY thing you hear touted on consoles is Bloodborne. A game that's over a year old on a console that's been out for 2.5 years.

>the only PC exclusive with a budget

Total War: Warhammer?
New Unreal Tourney?

People just don't buy a pc game because it is an exclusive you fucktard, as opposed to console where people buy all kind of bullshit realeased just because muh exclusvie.

wake me up when long dong 2 happens
not worth buying it until then

Well, I don't know about other people...but I have very niche tastes, and rarely buy very many games for any of the platforms I own.

Shoulda gotten a dog, fegit

>niche game that didn't have a TV ad campaign and had issues at launch and has mediocre user reviews sold well but "not well enough" on a platform that's now infested with console refugees

what no way unpossibru

Oh also

>from a developer whose games are notorious for being feature-light until expansions release

I have a dog. He's a shelter dog so he doesn't fetch or play. He likes to run and snuggle though.

>MOBAs, free-to-play

Try using a high pitch and handfeeding, they respond well to that

In general though they're not dogs, they don't know shit

Idk about the implication that the PC's exclusives are "better" than consoles' but it has more good ones for sure, as long as you've got an open mind

>ass creed

Loving Every Laugh

Did you buy your budgie from a pet store instead of a hand fed one you stupid nigger.

Give it some time. Some of us are just waiting for a respectable sale.

>PC's best game is a simulator
Why is that so funny.

Maybe. His wings aren't clipped at least. Lets him get exercise.

The main issue was how poorly optimised it was.
Mid-range pc fags who make up the majority of the steam market couldn't run it.
Hell I still get huge dips on my 770 and on my 970M.

Maybe if they didn't ship it as a busted pile of dick, it could have sold more

>800,000 sales for a strategy game is meant to be considered low

Top kek

Actually Xcom Enemy Unknown was on consoles. Fuck, it was even on the iPad.

hmmmm it's almost like there's a reason why they haven't done that again

Buying a non-hand fed bird is literally the biggest mistake you can make.


Is this image legit? Pretty good

>considered worse than the first one

I'm serious. Your budgie is literally just a show pet at this point.

Birds need human interaction literally from the moment they're born. It's what makes them feel comfortable around humans. If your bird is wild fed it's going to have a really hard time wanting to be with you, and will require tedious amounts of work.

I know you're serious. But there's really nothing I can do at this point but keep working with it.

It was a good game. The performance was really bad at launch, but it was still good. Hopefully there is an EW-tier expansion soon.

Its a shame because it fully embraced modding by even releasing the full devkit and all assets they used.

wasnt worth the price at time of launch and i was too busy playing MGS V and Fallout 4 and i haven't even started Long War yet.
bad timing basically, they really really should have delayed it to fix the performance.

Because it sucks.

Wait what??? Link

>pc exclusivw