Watching someone play OOT

>Watching someone play OOT
>They don't do the Fire Temple first

Other urls found in this thread:

>fire temple without the fairy bow

>completely unnecessary item

any good emus out there?

no n64


Have fun with Volvagia

>he can't beat volvagia without the fairy bow

emulators, not emus you twatwaffle fuck

I can, it just makes him way less of a hassle

but you said emus

Its needed? I never thought to use it, I always just bash his head in when he leaves the lava pit.

you need the fairy bow to light some torches in fire temple.

>he needs unnecessary items to make his game easier

lol literally no you don't



Don't you just whack him with the hammer?

Project 64 is generally good. I have a n64 and OoT so never tried it

context clues, use them you mong.

I always went to the Ice area first to get some blue fire and free King Zora, I wanted that blue tunic asap.

>He likes waiting around for the boss to finish its attack instead of ending the phase and thus the fight earlier

This. You need it to get a small key to meet Darunia.

whats this webm showing?

I didn't even know you could do that.

>doing the temples out of order
can you really do this?

Spirit Temple first, or Shadow Temple, Sup Forums?

sweet thanks, theres a retro store nearby but the N64 is like 160 or so, and i got bills to pay

The sooner you get that mirror shield the better

Shadow first, you borb.

How fucking use does the mirror shield have outside the spirit temple?

Her boobs are even bigger now

>he doesn't get the biggo sword first before doing any adult dungeons

>Walk into Shadow Temple
>Get boots within 3 minutes
>Walk the fuck out and get your mirror shield and ice arrows
>Equip Goron Tunic, Gauntlets, and Mirror Shield
>Finish the rest of the game looking like a badass

How hitomis boobs grew in the years

Also get a good game file, some are bad. Also if you use Windows, ID rec using a wired 360 controller

You can swap the Shadow and Spirit temples.

Save the best for last, spirit

Doesn't Navi tell you to do the Shadow Temple before she tells you to do Spirit?

fuck yeah
thanks for being helpful unlike

How she hasn't been hit by a truck in the face anymore

I-its pretty...?

Yes, and you need the lens of truth to get to the spirit temple in the intended method anyway.

I would always intentionally skip Shadow Temple because it gave me the creeps at 9 years old.

I would just walk in and grab the hover boots and flee the fuck out and do the spirit temple.

Grass -- > Fire --> spirit --> dark

Any other route is retarded tbqh

My man!

>mfw stabbing dark link to death with the big goron sword

Makes you immune to Redead paralysis.
Reflects magic attacks.
Can't be stolen by slimes.
Actually looks cool.

Let's just settle this

Typically only speedrunners do them out of order.

>"A-user wait! Where are you going!?"

the bow is needed to get into the room with the dungeon map

it's technically skippable i believe.

But Forest temple was the best in the game, I rush to get there when I can

I genuinely stiffened my spine seeing that shit.

These assholes, screaming redead, and invisible wallmasters still frighten me.

TFW two handed swords were the best thing in Zelda games and now its rarely used...

At least it looks likely to happen in Zelda U

Glad I wasn't the only made redeads less scary by pointing out their faces look like raisins.

what the fuck that is huge

Earth - Fire - Water

Fire - Earth - Water

Right after getting the Hookshot Navi says "I wonder how Kokiri Forest is doing, or "I wonder what Navi's up to?"

I'm playing OOT3D for the first time and just cleared the Forest Temple since the game literally tells you to go there first.

I'm running around and planting seeds as young link now so I can do some extra stuff

I'll probably go to the Fire Temple second though since Navi says some shit about Death Mountain now.

>come out of temple of time
>death mountain is on fucking fire
>"boy i sure wonder whats goin on up there"
>goes to kokiri forest tho????????????????????????????????????

You can literally climb the gate by the map chest and hop over it. That locked door is the only place in the entire temple where you're supposed to use the bow, and you don't even need it. The only reason to do Forest Temple first is to unlock the time travel mechanic earlier. Sheik stands on top of the Master Sword pedestal until you've finished the Forest Temple.

I've had OoT3D since it came out but only this week got around to finishing it, the forest temple is always so boring to do so I usually drop it there.

I heard they censored the fuck out of the well and Dead Hand so I wasn't looking forward to it. Suprisingly it was still pretty creepy, it's got a sheen to it now that makes it seem gross and slimy and you spray blood clouds when bitten still.

I'm not the only one who thinks it'd be crazy for Link to be swinging that sword he has one handed, right?

Navi was a mistake. Seriously, while she's no where near as annoying as the meme's make her out to be, the game really plays better when you have to figure out enemies yourself and she doesn't tell you where to go next.

I wish Faroe's wind had been needed to solve some optional puzzles.

>the forest temple is always boring

You're literally a fucking retarded.

>not being autistic and do them clockwise

>any video of someone driving in GTA V
Why are normies such godawful drivers in GTA?

>You're literally a fucking retarded

If you say so buddy, doesn't change the fact that it's a long boring ghost chase with really grating music.

>You can jump over the gate Ingo stands behind when escaping with Epona

... There's another way of escaping? I always did it that way

>Playing OoT at all

Point 4 is absolutely wrong, you don't need the fire arrows for any of the barriers at all, you can light the touch and shoot regular arrows from the room across. It is possible to beat the game with only Din's fire, which is what I did as a kid, and as far as I know it should also be technically possible to do most everything with just the fire arrows too.

The fences on either side of the track are low enough to jump over. That's the way I always did it.

that temple used to give me the creeps, one of those wallmasters catched me ONCE and I lived forever in fear of being caught again by these.

Link's scream made me feel the terror down to my very bones I remember.

I didn't use to think that temple was boring because I lived in fear of getting careless and getting caught by another one of those repulsive creatures even though, through the years I knew exactly where they were supposed to be.

what is this scarecrow's song end bonus it says?

Finally beat Master Quest on 3DS, and boy was it crazy:

>torch puzzle in the Deku Tree
Turns out you can use doors while holding the stick and bring fire to different rooms
>cow switches in Jabu's belly
>Fire Temple has trap rooms, abuse of Din's Fire, and an Iron Knuckle
>a random Dead Hand hand in the Ice Cavern that acts as a switch
>invisible Dead Hand in the Shadow Temple that requires bombs to reveal
>Stalfos fucking everywhere
>the giant Moblin from the Forest Temple entrance randomly reappears in the Spirit Temple
>hell, the entire Spirit Temple, period

I love how the Water Temple became easier.

Isn't it amazing?


>doing the fire temple before deku tree.
I don't think that's actually possible.

>Sheik tells you a friend from the forest is not listening the voice of awakening
>See Death Mountain fucked up
I pick Saria, my waifu needs me

>hos before bros
your brother needs you more

You sir are correct. You only need Din's Fire, but you must use some pretty unconventional thinking to get through the Forest and Spirit Barrier without it.

It's wrong in the image, but if you taught Pierre a song, then it will play an encore at the End Screen with various musical instruments. It's some kind of prerendered video, so it's not in any version except the N64.

You use bombs and hammer with him, he doesn't even fly.

I think your only childhood friend is more important than a self proclaimed brother. Besides Darunia is a tough guy, he did pretty well on his own.

he fucking died you idiot

details details

>Forest and Spirit Barrier without it
I don't recall anything unusual about the forest barrier though, it the Shadow barrier that I clearly remember you having to hookshot across to the like-like, which is far more strange.

>Not Water Temple first

Sorry, I'm going to attend to my actual wife who is still alive.