The original Doom has 3 episodes

Doom II is a direct sequel that takes place immediately after Doom. However, The Ultimate Doom, an updated release of the first game, features a 4th episode that takes place when Doom II is supposed to take place.

Doom 3 is a remake of the original Doom and retconned several plot points, such as the game taking place on Mars instead of the Martian moons and that the UAC opened portals to hell with alien technology left on Mars, not human technology.

DOOM (2016) is seemingly another remake of the original 1993 game, yet it it makes references to not just Doom and Doom II, but also Doom 3, which makes no sense considering Doom 3 was supposed to be a remake of the original Doom that retconned the 1993 game. The game also takes place on Mars, like Doom 3.

Seriously, there are few franchises this convoluted in the story department.


Story is thrown out the window
Why care
Its about killing hellspawn on mars

Seriously considering getting one of these


Doom 3 is a remake of Doom 1?

Reboot, more like

>Taking Doom's story seriously
>When not even the protagonists gives two shits about what's happening
Nigga, just do like Doomguy, and ignore the story.

DOOM is a multiverse and the only constant is Hell. All the .wads ever made are canon. Every game is canon. They wrapped it up kind of cleverly tbqhwyf

So in the Doom 3 universe, Doom 1 and 2 didn't happen?

DOOM 2016 is not a remake.

It's a soft reboot sequel to both the first 2 games and alternatively the 3rd game. Which uni else it takes place in (Doom 1/2's or Doom 3's) is the player's to decide

The story of the new Doom is your trapped in dimensions because Hell can't kill the marine.
This is just an alternate dimension from the first 3 games.
I mean when you start the game the loading screen even says 'the cycle begins anew' Meaning the marine has probably done this quite a few times. Which is why he just breaks everything he touches and ignores the robot guy.


"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." - John Carmack, one of the creators of Doom



>caring about STORY
>in Doom of all franchises
lmaoing @ ur lyf

When does it referance DooM 3?

When did it ever imply it was remake? The game literally opens with them finding the original Doom guy.

Doom (2016) takes place after all other events. The Mars science team unearth the Doom Slayer's tomb and awoke Doomguy after the Mars research facility was overrun with demons. You were entombed in hell for ages in the new Doom. Doomguy in the new Doom is basically an eternal unkillable demigod who has an affinity for guns, gore, and technology.

the soul cube is there, among other things




My gf has one, it's pretty cute.

Marine goes to Mars
Marine shoots Demons

The end


No it's not


Alright Junior, you can get one...
But you can only have one.


Cacodemon > meatball daemons


No one would ever pick the Pain Elemental.

I'm pretty sure it's on a shelf in Hayden's office.

Either there or Olivia's. It's just an easter egg either way.

Ok, there are three Doom continuities right now
There is Wolfenstein RPG > Doom RPG > Doom II RPG
Then there is Doom 3 + Doom 3 xpac

Then there is this continuity, which is Doom > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > D44M

Basically, Doom 64 ended with the Doom Guy electing to stay in Hell for all eternity and kick demon ass
D44M opens up after a decent amount of time has passed because the Demons finally figured out a way to make Doom Guy take a nap, except mankind fucked that up royally.

>new DOOM lore
>technically everything Doom is canon
>which means hdoom is canon

Well alright then

>tfw no doom movie where the main chracter and his squad show up to mars base where they get picked off one by one until only main guy is left, half way through the movie the main character is made into doom guy and travels through hell back to earth to battle demons

I see, so by that logic that user must also think that the Fallout and Skyrim Easter eggs are cannon.

Do it, they're great

>Seriously, there are few franchises this convoluted in the story department
Fallout and Elder Scrolls would like a word with you.

>mfw Terry WADS are canon

I love mine. Once I organize my shelves a bit I'll sit it next to my new agitating skeleton statue.

It's a remake of Half-Life

He shouldn't show up with a squad. In the original he was already on the Martian Moon (he got sent there after beating up commanding officer on Earth) and the other Marines died while he was in a detention cell after again causing trouble. Marine was always a bad-ass loner type, never a team player.

Rip and tear those guts, user.

Doom 4 actually takes into account the previous games.

You play as THE doom guy after locking himself in hell at the end of Doom 64 and eventually the demons imprisoned him because that was all they could do to stop his onslaught. Alt dimension UAC is hell worshipping and finds him, hell breaks loose in the facility, Doom guy wake sup and is utterly pissed people still dont tak eHell seriously, and thats where doom 4 picks up

Basically there is only one single hell, but it acts as a portal to multiple other dimensions, which is why Doomguy is back on mars again

Doom 3 hell is the same hell in doom 2016 and doom 1/2 and 64.

Doom 3 takes place in alternative dimension.

Doom2016 is doom guy prime.

It's heavily implied that you are playing the same doomguy as Doom1 Doom2 Final Doom and Doom64.

If you take out the "travel through hell" bit, that's basically the doom movie from 2005.


I want one of these guys

I want the hell knight variant.

I want s hell knight figure too...

Again, there is NOTHING about DooM 3 in this.
This is a sequel to the original series, and since 3 was a reboot it's not canon to this game.

What are some good wads to play? Preferrably nothing with hordes of demons that you mow down in one spot.

Holy shit...I should pay attention more to shit.

>doomguy became an ancient evil that should never awake.

I wonder how much shit to fuck up to be considered an evil to hell.

Yes but not shitty

Alt dimension are 3rd tier canon.


All wads as in even Aliens TC wads? Or just wads involving demons in Hell since he spent years there

>No one would ever pick the Pain Elemental.
The ladies would


And which is why he's this fucking pissed and angry

I'm christian.
It's kind of against what I believe in, having a fake demon in the house.

But whatever I'll manage without one

Samuel Hayden mentions at the end that Doom Guy won't be satisfied until every last trace of Hell is wiped from existence. So Doom Guy was rippin and tearin through Hell for quite some time before they managed to trap him in a tomb by having some of their best warriors sit in there as bait, then sealed him in because he saw some big guys with big guts and couldn't resist.

Also, some of the scriptures in Hell talk about Doom Guy's rampage through Hell. He was pretty much nigh unstoppable because he was granted armor and weapons by "The Betrayer"

All wads. pol.wad, nuts.wad,
uacmn.wad, gonehomo.wad, even hdoom.wad.



Nice headcanon

Just saying hell is constant. Explains the hell knight, demonic voice and other shit.

Doom3guy is the universe daisy didn't die.

Hell is multidimensional so EVERYTHING is canon
even HDoom

>The Betrayer

>Collector's Edition of DOOM had Revenant on a fan light
>When it could have had a pose-able Doom Guy you could have brofisted with

Doom may have been the biggest mismarketed and mismanaged game in a while. The marketing fucked up, pre-order bonuses were shite. Pre-release advertising was borked. Yet the singleplayer turned out alright.

Please tell me you are joking.

I know plenty of christains, but I've never met anyone who would believe that having a toy video game character would upset their deity.

>doomguy goes through hundreds of insane iterations of hell, including a gone home parody and a sexy adventure full of she-imps hungry for his dick

This is the best lore ever

>hell pulled some looney toon shit to trap doomguy.


Is this the Doom equivalent of BLACKED?

>thinking Doom was made for story
>thinks bethesda is capable of not making convoluted shit

Seriously, user?

Who is the betrayer?

Is Sup Forumswad canon?

>Doomguy actually fell for it.
I don't know who's dumber in this situation.

A unknown race or sect in hell or entity. Maybe a change of heart fallen angel?

The betrayer gave doomguy the good shit to fuck hell up

With all these lore twists, I only now realized how fitting is the name of our protagonist - Doom Marine
Just disregard the fact that the game is called Doom, he's literally the soldier of doom, bringing death and destruction to everything he touches. It's so easy to just call him doomguy because he's "that guy from doom game" but hell fucking no
He is Doom Marine and that's some god tier stuff right here

He's also the same Doomguy who stayed in Hell at the end of Doom 64...which was a direct sequel to 1 and 2.

The Soul Cube is a possible reference, or also part of the continuity considering Doom 2016's UAC is essentially both a legit scientific company and a demonic cult. It got returned to Hell at the end of Doom 3 and this version of the UAC is actively trying to do shit with Hell.

They also establish the idea of Hell being one focal dimension that every other universe can link to, so that explains why they could recover the Soul Cube.

Give me shit for it or not, but I am amused by how much of a game whose story is largely throwaway can hold up.

The game's lore and story is absolutely bonkers and doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest.
The only individuals who took this story seriously were Samuel Hayden, Olivia Pierce, and that one demonic voice.

Good question. One of the tablets near the end mention that the Betrayer's son is the Icon of Sin. There is a whole lot of lore I should dig through in the game's codex, but really unless you want to read all that, the game doesn't force you to or consider you will ever read it. But a lot of the demonic scriptures have some great stories of how the demons interpret Doom Guy's romp through Hell and beyond.


I mean it is established Doom Guy doesn't give a shit. He just wants to rip and tear possibly because they killed his pet rabbit at the end of Doom 1 as they invaded Earth

man I really gotta play Doom 64

There was a mention of a succubus in the doom datamine leak.

>20lb of hot demon ass and pussy

So wait, does that mean that at one point Doomguy was once a little Korean girl with a sword

It's probably just something ugly like the DmC one.

I think that ended up being the Summoner given how feminine its characteristics are.

luckily the story is totally secondary at best in all of them but 3, you're just assigning much much more value to it than the actual games do


Marty Stratton walked into the Id offices, his head heavy with doubt and worry. He looked over all his friends as they sat in bean bag chairs, snorting lines of coke, and optimized the megatextures while listening to thrash metal. He had no idea how to tell them the news, so he decided it was best to get it out simply.

"Guys..." said Marty, "I have bad news."

Hugo Martin looked up from his box of autopsy pictures and asked "What is it, bro?"

"Bethesda... They... They want DOOM to have a story."

Somewhere in the room a guitar dropped.

"FUCKING WHAT?!" yelled a programmer, his faced covered in Colombian snow.

"Yes, yes, I know. No point in arguing now, we need that Fallout money." Marty sighed, "What can we do about it? Shit, what's even canon? Is DOOM 64 canon? What about Thy Flesh Consumed?"

Someone lifted their head from a five minute bong hit and whispered "It's all canon..."

On that day, Marty shed a single tear.

funny how Half Life is almost to the level of plagiarism of Doom's story but everyone worships it for it's plot

user, this is a western studio we're talking about. It's going to be ugly as sin.

God damn, I want to fuck that Imp.

Succubus are meant to attract, has to be a cross between unsettling yet arousing.

Would be funny if that idea was an attempt to make impse canon lol

got one for my dad, worth it

But they called him the Doom Slayer, not Doom Marine...

i need the full pic


>hells hottest summoner was spread legs and finger herself, clicking and cooing in hell waterfall or hot spring.

Deepest lore ain't no joke