Poise is working as intended

>poise is working as intended


fuck off, this game is not for you
reminder that str is literally easy mode, i am tired of all these scrubby shitters complaining they cant wear a full set of heavy armor and steamroll through the game

literally get good, faggots

t. buttmad twinky dexfag

why are you complaining? just parry us with you're little microdick sword cuck.

oh wait, you're so bad that you can't do that

Post more GoT x Dark Souls gifs and weebums

>reminder that str is literally easy mode
>can get off 2-3 attacks before running out of stamina
>all attacks stunlock equally

spotted the dexfag
STR is gimped as hell in ds3

>dexterity affects cast speed

You niggers would argue less if you spent your time simply gitting gud instead.


>str is literally easy mode

>see shit ton of straight sword cucks thinking that there is no way to defend against their r1 spam
>bring out a Greatshield of Glory +5
>watch them waste all their stamina trying to get through my shield
>they can't
>cuck them with my meme sword and avelyn

>parryfags spamming their parry thinking their hot shit
>just keep my shield up and not attacking for 20 seconds
>strike them when they least suspect it

feels fucking good to be a strength fag. the only way you can kill me is either by lagstabbing me or actually being good

What armor

Any way to repair performance on ps4? Still stuck on Lothric but getting a lot of bs. I get juggled by the fire attack BEFORE he even does it, he starts the animation when I'm already falling back to the ground. The stack is also fucked, if I get hit during a dodge the dodge goes through after anyway, taking away control for a good amount of time. Never seen a stack problem like this before, normally it gets canceled when you get hit. Reinstall?

nice legs

Passive hitstun resistance is a shit mechanic that made Dark Souls PVP worse. I'm so glad From realized this and brought us back to the glory days of hyper armor. There needs to be some adjustments to it still, but heavy weapons feel more useful than ever provided you can time your attacks and space well.

If you're getting killed by Estoc or Dark Sword spam, I'm sorry, but it really is as simple as you are bad at the game. Switch to a weapon with hyper armor or learn to parry.

firekeeper top
loincloth bottom
pyromancer hat
gloves really don't matter, sometimes use havel or thorn for auxiliary effect

>Mfw beating the whole game with Str build
>Find out later that Str is literally the hardest build because Miyazaki made the game to be like BB where it's dexfags only

Fucking why

I swear to God, the references in this game are worse than fucking Borderlands.

>first character had high str and faith
What a disaster that was

reminds me of that post of someone playing a game as a religious person in a super athiest type world that beat the shit out of his character for not giving in to the fedora tipping.

The Sage Ring makes a bigger difference to your casting speed than raising DEX ever will.

I'm right there with you... no good faith weapons and the spells were pretty bad. Wasn't terrible once I managed to get Lightning Blade and Sacred Oath.

oh neat

This is such a fucking lie spread by reddit fucks that have no idea how to play the game(seriously read their threads on poise, they're bitching about being stun locked to death by rats in PVE). Strength weapons are better than they've been since Demon's Souls. Greatshields are arguably to most overpowered thing in this game right now, even.

Strength is really good. The only thing that kind of sucks is that for top end PVP there's a smaller pool of strength weapons that work against good players, but there's so many that are viable against normal players.

yup. that's why i struggle against FarronGS users. one, their shit is hard for me to parry and 2 they are hitting you while they wind up and i'm pretty sure one of the swings initiates hyperarmor.

it's referencing a game in its own series, not minecraft memes

Space them out(shading a bit to the left helps too) and BS them after the first spin. You have to get a feel for the range this works at, but it's consistent once you do. Renders the weapon absolutely useless, actually.

Sage's ring +2 is equal to 40 Dex in terms of casting speed.

What was the point of this anyway? Why did we randomly fight Jon Snow after Pontiff?

>waaaa y cant i facetank attacks and circle into lagstabs anymooooore waaaa DDDDX

kys desu senpai

DaS1 poise was broken

You don't have to go str to stack poise. I think you're confusing using tower shields with hitting through damage.

>Did the family share thing, get blueberry invasions now
>Set up as full fucking mage, both dragon crest rings, magic clutch and sage ring, fucking 195 spell buff at level 50
>Spam soul arrows any time it looks like they're going for a hit on the host
>Oneshot my way through mobs with heavy arrows if they hide behind them
>Play keep away with heretic staff flashsword if they try to get me
Fuck me this is funny. If I get pulled in for back-up to a lower level guy, who's getting invaded by an even lower level guy, a heavy soul arrow or soul greatsword will chop of more than half the red's hp.

does sage's ring count for miracles

>>Did the family share thing, get blueberry invasions now
Does this fix the covenant?

>advancing on a sword when you have a spear
It looks terrible even with the perspective cut.

I think it's just sorceries, I'd honestly have to check but I'm not sure

Dev builds that stack poise were fucking broken anyway. They could do it far more efficiently than strength builds could do to their weapons being lighter(with the notable exceptions of Kumo and Flamberge, god I miss DS1 Flamberge), so the system that From had in mind to help heavy weapons ended up benefiting light ones more.

It was a good idea for armor balance, but there's a reason it hasn't been back since. Does too many bad things to the way the game plays and PVP balance.

is it safe to get online yet?
Is going for balance str and dex bad?

>miracles getting another short end of the stick


1. Yes, just make save backups. Supposedly From is making it so people can't softban you, but don't trust'em. The game flags you as a problem and gives you a chance to revert to a clean save before banning you, so a save backup prevents everything we currently know a hacker can do to fuck with your character.

2. No. Quality is actually probably the strongest build in the game right now. Aim for 40/40 as an endpoint for Str/Dex. Strength is less important as 2 handing a weapon gives you a 50% bonus, so 27 is equivalent to 40 when 2 handing. Dump the rest of your points into vigor and endurance.

is it not?

I only pooped out enough Dex to use TNK's spear/sword thing, otherwise, str fag slamming yhorms machete on everyone

Didn't get shit before, I get shit now.

So yes. Or no, maybe it's a coincidence.

Miracles can be pretty OK actually. Requires 60 faith and all of the rings that boost their damage, but you can do some pretty crazy shit with them. Use the Sunlight Talisman weapon art and bait trades. You'll hyper through shit and out damage nearly every weapon.

So far I've beaten NG+ and Im mostly STR, for fun sometimes I'd go in full heavy armor at like 90+% weight and id still wreck shit.

Is everyone here just really bad?

Should I reroll as a Soul Stream fag in my NG+ playthrough?

So what is the general consensus for PvP SL, 125?

Couldn't help it when I fought an Oberyn.

Most people are 120.

100 is good for melee builds, but casters kind of get fucked(they do at 120 too desu, too much stat investment).

DSG was pushing 80 at one point, but that appears to be a losing battle.

You can find action anywhere right now though.

You nigger would argue less if you spent your time being productive instead.

I found STR weapons wreck shop if you use them correctly. You can't mindlessly spam attacks like light weapons but if you trade and get your hyper armour you'll always out poise and out damage the enemy. It makes pve a joke since you deal so much damage. The only problem is when I fight other str weapons since it turns into who can out hyper armor the most. I have yet to use a dex weapon so I can't entirely say that they're balanced but Sup Forums is exaggerating.

>yfw nameless king

found similar conclusion using fume sword. trick is to intelligently trade attacks. time swings correctly to activate hyper armor before anyone can begin stunlock. you'll win trades every time.

sounds complicated but it's simple with practice.

also fume sword has an awesome r1 attack after rolling that has great range and attacks quickly.


>STR the hardest
>not Faith
Nigga what the fuck

Lies. No action at SL227.

>you are having so much trouble with nk that you buy a steam controller because you hear its the best way to control dark souls 3
>6 hours later and you still haven't beat him

People had trouble with this guy?

>tfw you cheese NK with dragonslayer shield

>pontiff was much harder for you because you didn't know you could parry him

I want to impregnate you and raise a family of warriors.

Summon me and I'll kill him for you.
PC only