Friend invites you to play new MMO together

>Friend invites you to play new MMO together
>then pushes guides into you
>which class you should not pick, which you should
>where and how you complete every quest
>vids showing you which skills to get
>how to defead X and Y bosses
>if I try to do anything different he starts to complain at me how bad my choices are

Does any anons here have friends like that? how do I deal with this kind of guy?

>then pushes guides into you
L-lewd, through which hole?

>TFW I'm that friend

I just can't help it, I've always been a huge tryhard on this sort of deal and seeing people playing "wrong" annoys the hell out of me, even more if it's a close friend since I get this feeling of HAVING to "help him". I'm sorry...

>Friend invites you to play new MMO together
I don't have shit friends, only an asshole will invite you to play MMOs or ASSFAGGOTs

Kmb season 2 when

you are a pain in the ass desu senpai

>Having friends


Dude, just let him make the mistakes, it's the only way he will learn.

Well Tim, maybe if you didn't always try dumb combinations of garbage "just to be unique"; there's a reason most people don't play a certain combination, and it's not because the skill ceiling is too high.

And while we're at it, can you stop skipping cutscenes and then asking what's going on in the story?

Tell him he's being a fucking sperglord. If he doesn't let up, don't play with him. I had a friend who did the same shit with Path of Exile. All he wanted to do was power through the game, even logged into his main account and tried to give me a bunch of end-game legendary weapons.
If you're not having fun, what's the point?

>not taking the advice and being the best player you can be

You're not the type of guy I like to play with


>Friends invite me to play Terraria
>Refuse to make new characters with me.
>Like, flat out reject the idea.
>They're all flying around on jetpacks and spidermanning it up while I'm making a house out of logs.
>Any enemy that spawns kills me in one hit.
>I can't do shit.
>Lose interest in the game.
>one years later.
>People decide to play Terraria again.
>This time everyone makes new characters.
>Except one fucking guy.
>He's just flying around and hunting down rare resources while we're trying to have fun.
>"Hey, can you make a new character with us?"

I have about an hour in Terraria, fuck that game and fuck those guys.

>"user, you've gotta get [game] on your computer so you can play with us"
>Get game, get started up
>the other players saying mean shit
>"Stupid noob"
>"he's only level 3"
>"uninstall scrub shit-lord"
>"kill yourself"
>"your gear is shit"
>"fk shit noob"
>Voted to kick. Reason: "fcking noob"

>using a cookie-cutter guide to tell you how to play
>not learning the mechanics on your own

Nigga, it's no longer playing a game at that point.

And it's the biggest reason I don't like mmos anymore. To much min-maxing.

I had a friend who did the same shit. I tried to start a fresh game with him, but he got bored very quickly and just wanted to go back to his ultra powerful character with the best gear that he didn't even get legitimately.

My friends are the opposite

>We play the shit out of terraria
>beat countless bosses, etc
>5 months later
>"Hey, lets play terraria again!"
>eveyone decides to create new characters
>sure, why not
>then they stop playing again
>and months later we go back again
>they all go with new characters again
>have to throw all my hard work into the trash AGAIN

geez, I get the start of game is fun but not all the time, can't we just stick with all the cool stuff once?

I know, that's why I stick to less min-maxy games when playing with friends, I save the min-max games for myself since that shit is oddly satisfying.

See, for me, this is how it goes.

>Want to start playing a game with my group of friends
>they dont want to pay for it
>convince one friend to join me
>we have fun, get 5-10 hours in
>new friend has bought the game, wants us to make new characters
>do it
>3 people having fun now
>4th person wants us to recreate
>"This game sucks, it'd be fun if we all started at the same time together"

I think the worst time was when we played some korean free mmo, and I grinded the first 20 levels of the game 4 times because every other friend refused to make a new char and play with our friends.

>Friend invites you to play new MMO together
>Not immediately removing him when he suggested that
That's your fault onii-senpai

Yeah I was that guy

Got them all to play LOL

They all became that guy as well so it was real fucking toxic

Happened to me with L4D2

>Get free copies of L4D2.
>Play the first campaign with a friend, it's pretty good.
>Next day another friend joins us, so we replay the first part, no problem.
>Later, another friend wants to play too, so we play the start again.
>Next day ANOTHER friend wants to play it, so we do the first part again.
>This happens again 3 more times.

Me and friend n1 HATE the fucking mall levels because of this, we have played it so many fucking times we pretty much memorized it.

Know that feel

>friend invites me to play new MMO together
>wake up and realize I have no friends
Every time.

Had the exact opposite happen to me.

>play Destiny, just hanging at the Tower
>a lvl 25 walks up to me
>get a message asking me if I can help them with some missions
>happily oblige since I have nothing to do and I like seeing people have fun with stuff I had fun with and relive it with them
>I try to stay behind, let them lead and go where they think they should, me being just a safety net and maybe showing them things they missed
>they can barely navigate the space, I pretty much have to show them how to get through every single "platforming" section
>they also skip every cutscene
Long story short turns out they're a couple who take turns playing the game. This was her character so her reason for skipping it all is because she was gonna watch when her boyfriend would play through it but since they only ever PvP I don't think either of them actually finished the story. I helped them get the sword so I guess that's something but whenever we play we just do PvP. Can't complain tho since when I queue with them I feel like a god, always being the first on the team and carrying most of the time which never really happens when I play alone or with anyone else. I like them but it honestly bothers me we don't really like the game for the same things.

>friend pressures you to play an MMO
>pressures you into buying a 3 month sub
>quits after 2 weeks and returns to WoW

I played a bit of the mall level like that but my experience was more like - friend gives me copy to play. Four of us have it... get three games with various combination... everyone else stops playing it entirely, pub a bit but the game is fucking terrible anyway. Quit playing. That was a gigantic waste of time and shit.