Anyone still play this?
I got back into it recently, and it's completely different. Fun, though.
Anyone still play this?
I got back into it recently, and it's completely different. Fun, though.
It's better than hearthstone at least
Though that means nothing
Pixel art is too ugly to look at over long periods of time
Luck makes the strategy component feel watered down. At least in hearthstone they don't try to convince you of strategy.
It's a good game but since when has that ever been a requirement for being popular
No way, it's 20x as pay to win as Hearthstone, at least in Hearthstone 99% of the cards (including Legendaries) are roughly on the "Jedi Curve". In Duelyst the Legendary cards are unabashedly more powerful per mana than lesser rarity cards.
I don't understand why they stopped making you draw 2 cards, that really helped with making your deck less RNG dependent and more reliable
sure but you get them far more often in packs and crafting them is a lot easier, not to mention all the free packs
Holy shit i hope that isnt official art.
That's not the point, the point is that rarity should not determine power level.
I refuse to support a game which is so unabashedly pay-to-win, it's a cancer business model.
is vanar /songay still broken ?
the game was an unbalanced mess when i left it like 3 months ago
I assume you've never supported a card game in your life then
wait that am i reading ? a hero with the best atifact that can deal double damage ? fuck that
>bloodborne spells
top kek, now i'm interested.
Until Hearthstone, you are correct, I did not.
Hearthstone has 1 or 2 exceptions, such as Dr. Boom, and Loatheb which are unbalanced cards for their mana, but they've since been banished to the Wild Format.
And even then, a 99% "not-pay-to-win" game is good enough for me.
ragnaros, tirion, antonidas, twin emperor vek'lor, cairne bloodhoof, thaurissan, reno, sylvannas
Not unbalanced, Class Card (So it gets 1 extra balance point), not unbalanced, not unbalanced, weak, not unbalanced, not unbalanced, and not unbalanced.
So, what's your point here, exactly?
You said:
>the point is that rarity should not determine power level.
Those cards are inarguably more powerful than common, rare or epic cards. It doesn't matter whether you think they're overpowered or not. The fact is they are more powerful than less rare cards.
Ragnaros: 8/8 (base vanilla stats). +1 point for ability to deal damage without receiving damage. -1 point for for the preceding ability being random. Therefore balanced for it's mana.
Tirion: 17 balance points (8/8 + 1 for class card). 6/6 stats = 12 points, +1 for taunt, +2 for divine shield, +4 points for Ashbringer, -2 for it being behind a deathrattle. Balanced for it's mana + class card status.
Archmage Antonidas: 15 points (14 base + 1 for class card) 5/7 = 12 points, Fireball generation +5, spell condition -2. Balanced for mana + class card.
Twin Emperor Vek'lor: 14 base points. 4/6 = 10 points, +10 points for second 4/6, -4 for C'thun deck requirement, -2 for C'thun being a 10/10 requirement.
Cairne Bloodhoof:12 points base, 4/5 = +9, plus second 4/5 = 18, -6 for second 4/5 behind deathrattle? Probably not. Potentially unbalanced.
Thaurissan: 5 points base. 1/1 for +2, Draw a card +3, deathrattle -1, spell damage +1. Probably the most balanced Legendary in Hearthstone.
Reno Jackson: 13 points base, 4/6 +10, +10 for heal, -7 for condition.
Sylvanas: 13 points base, 5/5 +10, Deathrattle +3? Probably balanced.
So on a point scale, they're all (probably) balanced. None of them are more powerful than their vanilla counterparts. Except Cairne, I guess.
the game was pretty fun but i fucking hate the 1 pack = 5 cards scheme, it makes you either pay a bunch of money or grind like there's no tomorrow
just let me buy a basic set or something
What the fuck is this point system are you high
Also those cards are extremely unique and a staple of control decks, you dont have them you cant play shit but face decks
Ragnaros can wipe out minions for free without taking any damage, thats a ridiculous mana swing
Tirion is so broken that due to its overwhelming impact on the board the opponent will always reserve removal for it from the momemt he know you are control
Antonidas is niche not even broken
Twin emperor is ridiculous, getting cthun to 10 attack by turn easy and two taunts both 4/6 is incredible value and halts all rush decks
Thaurissan is essentially free due to the batshit insane mana discounts it gives, makes combo decks actually viable
Jackson has at least 5 different decks around it
How do you think cards are balanced? Do you think a monkey prays to a divine oracle and scribbles down the results? No, they use a point system.
Well hey, the guy I'm replying to said it didn't matter about their actual balance state, what mattered was whether they were more or less powerful than their vanilla counterparts.
And using a point-balance system, the only unbalanced one is (probably) Cairne, and if you play Hearthstone, you know Cairne has only seen play in control decks back in classic, and in the new expansion in deathrattle paladin. So he isn't even broken.
Also, jsut realized I'm retarded and thought Thaurrisan was Thalnos. Oops. But still, Thaurrisan aint unbalanced, because even if it can give huge discounts, it's also dependent on the size of your hand when you play him. So his value goes down (usually) over the course of the game.
So many retards in here who think people that maintain a winrate above fifty in any 1v1 game are just lucky holy shit