What do you fucks think.
Will it suck or will it surpase Metal Gear itself?
Kojima's new game
Kideo Hojima lol
It'll be shit. Kojima was only good when other people reined him in.
"Fans of Uncharted or The Division will enjoy it" - Hideo Kojima
It's gonna be shit, BUT because it will be Sony exclusive it will be used to shitpost and upset people and you wont be able to call it shit like it deserves to be called because you'll just get labeled as a nintendork or pcuck.
Sup Forums is so predictable at this point its emabrassing
>if a sony game is exclusive and people sya its good, its literally shit, believe me, I havent played the games but I know
What an idiot.
its coming on PC too twat, and saying its going to be bad just cause of PR talk is retarded
>nintendork or pcuck
hilarious and original
A Game to surpass Metal Gear?
>hilarious and original
They should really ban people from adding the suffix of cuck to everything. ity is completely out of control.
It all has to go.
All the money sony is dropping on this game and kojimas steaming hot brand new contract and people still think it will be on pc
it completely dilutes the meaning of the word anyway.
Kojima's playing the long game, so it'll probably be an acceptable game at the very least.
You. You're alright.
>cucking yourself from using the word cuck
Yeah. I hate to admit it but this game has elusive written all over it.
Damn it. Exclusive.
don quixote style mecha game
>being so cucked you don't even realize the word cuck is cucking you
>get cucked so many times you build immunity to it
Considering he hasn't made a good game in 19 years, I'm going to wager it's shit. He should really just retire. But no, he has to be a fucking jew and beg for all the money in the world.
wtf is going on. Guys stop it
>hasnt made a good game in 19 years
highly debatable
Sony printed off his contract so fast the printer started to ignite. He never has to ask for a penny.
everything made since mgs 1 has been overly convoluted pretentious drivel that emphasized being movies over games.
I want to see the most science fantasy that crazy man can output.
I want to see Kojima with the cuffs off.
It will be just riddled with scantily clad women. I can't wait.
well that is your opinion and I respect that but thats not the way I see it.
Im almost hesitent to bring up MGS3 (my personal favorite) just because I am really not looking for a shit fest
yeah this, but i want semi real-world elements to it, not some space animuu weaboo shit
It's not really hard to surpass shit.
Splinter Cell was always better than Metal Gear.
>Im almost hesitent to bring up MGS3 (my personal favorite)
oh you mean the one where you can't die and have regenerative health?
Metal Gear was never trying to be Splinter Cell.
I thought there was a word filter for cuck anyways
What happened to it?
>Metal Gear was never trying to be Splinter Cell.
You're right. It was trying to be a movie masked as a stealth game with shit a.i. and cone vision.
It was like a week long. But the kept the filters for s mh and t bh and also f am
Please kill yourself
Euro Extreme
and I know what you're thinking
"but user, I shouldnt have to play it on Euro Extreme fucking got 'em"
Well honestly it doesnt matter but you want a good MGS3 playthrough. Play Euro Extreme is all I can tell you
I want Kojima to go batshit like he did at the end of MGS2, but I want the whole fucking game to be crazy like that.
there has to be pacing tho. It cant all be crazy
I'll go with garbage.
Why doesn't he go make a film with Del Toro or something since he obviously never liked making games. He's a cancer to the industry and should really fuck off.
MGS2 was universally panned on release. No metal gear fan liked 2 other than pretentious "gaming journos"
Konami used to censor him quite frequently, and he had to adhere to retarded jap morals. I think he's going fly off the handle this time.
Kojima is basically the adoring fan to del toro's hero of kvatch. If you look closely at all the events they are together, del toro is really faking his smiles and you can tell he doesnt want to be there
So was Empire Strikes Back, and now its lauded as the best Star Wars film.
>retarded jab morals
Like big time.
You obviously haven't seen their homo erotic banter on twitter. They're good friends.
Doesn't matter. Every Metal Gear game is garbage besides the MSX games and mgs1.
I was following kojima for a couple years but I got tired of foodblogs so I unfollowed, didnt see anything of the sort
Im sorry but you're wrong
It will be passable, but not great.
It will still be memoriable only because the fact that it's the first game made by the new KojiPro, and that's it.
Guillermo-san x kojima-sama forever
How, exactly?
>"Fans of Uncharted or The Division will enjoy it" - Hideo Kojima
what the fuck? did he actually say this?
i'm fucking pissed. i thought he was making a horror game
cause my opinion is correct and yours is wrong
Do you honestly believe Kojima won't put his own kind of weird twist on it? Have you not played his games for the past 19 years? I just don't understand people's grievances with that statement at all.
It will finally reveal Kojima as the hack he really is. I know you people love, just love to blame Konami for all the bad. This new game will finally open your eyes.
No he never said this.
we will see wont we
Oh boy, can't wait for more cinematic bullshit with clunky college freshman-tier philosopical dialogue, overly padded and convoluted exposition, and teenager-tier sophomoric "humor" like JOHNNY SHIT HIS PANTS LMAO and DUDE MERYLL'S BUTT LMAO XD
Konami made Kojima crazy though.
Yes I just said that bitch.
He did.
But I don't understand, it's Kojima. He'll change it up in his own weird way.
>teenager-tier sophomoric "humor"
no thats total tier jap humor
I know that he mentioned that he wants to get a game out as fast as he can this time, so how long realistically are we looking at? 2-3 years? It's been 5 months and all I see him doing is traveling alot.
well he's not going to show you his game until its finished now is he. Fucking idiot
it'll suck, kojima has gone full auteur
Yeah, but all his games since MGS3 got worse and worse. I dont have faith in him anymore.
no you said
>I think kojima is shit fucking you'll see how right fucking fag
And that's why jap games are shit. Also why their role-playing games are shit. They don't know how to write, have good level design, or do proper world-building. The japs will never make a Mass Effect or Witcher. Nothing but melodramatic cliche, poorly paced shit with cartoon characters and artificial sterile open worlds.
Bitch what did you just say to me? I dare you to say that again.
yeah we should have nuked them a few more times damnit
no you said
>I think kojima is shit fucking you'll see how right fucking fag
Oh sure they're getting worse so at best we'll get some aping of western video games with a weird plot and fourth wall shit sounds good to me.
You're an idiot for thinking that
Bitch I'll be back. You better not be in this thread.
How's highschool?
no you said
>I think kojima is shit fucking you'll see how right fucking fag
Do you realize what year it is?
it was shit but that was 3 years ago
How was your high school experience?
>getting this triggered over abbreviations
no you're the one in high school in this situation.
>You're right. It was trying to be a movie masked as a stealth game with shit a.i. and cone vision.
What are you doing/expecting in this thread?
yeah shoot him with doubt torpedos
Can he make a sexier woman? Is it possible?
Way too fat. Holy shit.
>not Naomi
Come on now
40K game?
MGS4 Meryl is indeed gorgeous.
You guys are short sighted. Half-Life was inspired by DOOM and Quake, and in the face of the absolute ASS-LOAD of games released by developers which did nothing to expound on the basic formula of the gameplay, they created a title that simultaneously blew our minds yet still felt somewhat familiar and easy to understand. Just because the Uncharted series has been a one track pony in terms of basic gameplay, and The Division as a finished product was dull because of its outdated cover shooting, doesn't mean they didn't have some good ideas that weren't well executed.
Kojima knows what good gameplay is, and now that he is his own Big Boss he can develop it on his terms.
you mean thick, sir.
not nearly as hot as Meryll.
>you mean thick, sir.
I just said Fat.
I prefer MGS1 Meryl myself
Can't go wrong with those panty shots.
>mfw cleavage lab coat
She totally wanted to fug old snake
Also why the FUCK did her accent completely disappear in 4? Pissed me off to no end.
>Also why the FUCK did her accent completely disappear in 4? Pissed me off to no end.
Different voice director/translator.
Did Soild "David" Snake die a virgin?
Metal Gear came out first