What do you guys think about this new Warcreft movie?

What do you guys think about this new Warcreft movie?

The trailers and artwork look like straight to sci-fi channel fantasy garbage.

Would be more interested if they strictly just used the CGI from all the opening game cinematic they've made over the years

I wish it was 100% CGI.
The mix just doesn't look good.

As much as I used to love playing wow it's story is cliche ridden garbage and aesthetic is shit

The movie has nothing to do with wow.

So? It's the exact same shit

That would cost entirely way too much time, money and manpower. Those 10 minute animations are worked on over the course of a handful of months with blizzard's animation firm working on them full time.

The orcs look realer than real life.

Don't know how they did it, but they did it.

>when illidan vs arthas ends and arthas begins the ascent of icebourne at the end of tft

The promo shots they started with looked great but in the actual movie footage I've seen the CGI looked like absolute garbage.

David Bowie's son is directing this. What a time we live in.

It looks really fucking bad m8. And you know the story is going to be safe and formulaic. What's the point

Orcs dindu nuffin. They just wanted to kill everyone, they didn't know they'd turn into demons guys! They're innocent!

Not going to watch it.

I'm sick of Metzen's "ORCS DINDU NUFFIN DEY WUZ GOOD BOYS" bullshit. Orcs are the goddamn bad guys.

Pretty much another chieftains.

B-but muh prison camps

That is because they are too incompetent / overpriced

I remember that movie, Beowulf, average movie, but 100% cgi, and good at that for the time it got released.

If it follows the basic Warcraft story and isn't too cringe-worthy, it will be alright. I don't think people expect it to be the next Citizen Kane, but if the production value is well and they do a good job referencing the landmarks in the game it'll be decent.

If nothing else, the Warcraft universe is pretty badass and seeing it in "real life" and not just as cartoonish models will be pretty fun.

your god damn right brother. Fuck metzen. FUCK that overhyped cliche trash. WHITE POWER!!

You guys are fucking retarded. It takes Blizzard approximately 6 months to make a 5 minute cinematic.

I just watched the trailer again a few minutes ago.
Nothing stood out, it felt like some cheap Hollywood cgi crap that keeps getting churned out yearly. Hope I'm wrong.
I didn't like the way it looked and felt... I guess the cinematography of it?

As far as story goes I expect every cliche in the book.

Looks realer than real life.

Should've went the animation route. Warcraft has always been low poly and cartoony, it doesn't translate well to real humans.
Just look at her, I think she's supposed to be half human half orc but she just looks like some bad convention cosplayer.

Except that's literally whats going to happen if you know the events of WC1.

Might turn out well by video game movie standard but those are very low standards so not expecting much.

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

It contradicts Warcraft 1 and is doing it's own thing so I don't see your paint

half orc half drenai actually but it still looks like garbage

They look a bit too out of place for me.

The LOTR orcs and uruk hai looked better.

As much as I loved Beowulf, its quality was nowhere near blizz cinematic tier.

Great movie, though.

I've been a fan of Warcraft for years, playing it a lot in my youth and I have absolutely no hype for this movie.

it's only got slight deviations, the core story is still the exact same (medivh opens up the portal, orcs invade and fuck shit up, medivh gets killed, llane gets killed by garona, SW gets sacked.)

Looks like garbage. I hope it fails as hard as Ratchet & Clank did. Worse, even. I want it to be a blunder of the ages.


Only hope it does well so we get a movie about WC3.

I dont give a shit about boring ass Human Vs. Orc.

Lotr orcs look like bad Halloween costumes


I'm never buying another Blizzard anything except this movie

It looks pretty damn good from all the mini trailers I've seen.
It'll be fun for a bashing movie.

I'd settle for anything not Orc by this point.

This shit is fucking embarrassing.

Hope it does well enough. A Warcraft III movie would be too dope.

The movie does look ugly, though. Having human actors against primarily a blue screen is disgusting. The CGI dwarf really killed it for me.

It's Garona
She's supposed to look like a bad cosplayer

They're nothing like the Warcraft orcs.

This. Blizzard has managed to make a fantasy race like orcs as boring as humans. Bravo, Metzen.

Orcs were always boring as fuck.

This desu

I liked them in the animated LOTR movie

They were fine in Warhammer.

I played WoW recently and didn't even know it had a story. Just a bunch of lore they dump on you while you deliver bones or manure to NPCs.

it's not WoW

it's Warcraft

is anyone who remembered the original warcraft games still even around? blizzard abandoned them and has been milking the mmorpg thing when it comes to that franchise longer than most of its current player base have been alive.

this film is way too late if they managed too release it at about the same time cataclysm came out I may have been interested up until the trailers released.

The trailers showed a piss poor amalgamation of CGI and live action that just looks wierd.

I get the feeling that its one giant cash grab for the whole "pristine" servers. indoctrinate a bunch of 8 year old kids and sell them the whole WOW shit.




Even if it's shit I'll still watch it. Because I like warcraft.

I'm definitely watching it.

I haven't played WoW since Cata, but I've always really enjoyed the lore and especially the interactions between races.

Not to mention the orcs look so qt and handsome it's insane. I love it.


who the fuck is this Sup Forums? my friend thinks it's medivh please tell me he's wrong

Garona being a female human with green skin and pointy teeth pisses me off.

when in the hell is she getting into Hearthstone?

Explain to me why they used real actors instead of a full cgi movie.
The real actors and backgrounds are so out of place.

>when in the hell is she getting into Hearthstone?

Right after Arthas Menethil

I don't think even Travis Fimmel, whom I really like, can save this movie. Please god I hope Metzen isn't voicing the orcs.

desu I just want to hear that fucking god tier music in the theater on the big screen. Anything similar to the drums you hear entering Orgimmar and jizz is exploding through my benis




What do you think Fel magic smells like? haha

>tfw the ass the uploaded the gameplay to Youtube still didn't upload the rest
unless that's supposed to be the end of the game, of which I don't believe in the slightest, fucking around the Dwarves isn't exactly my idea for a last level.

I wanna say smegma.

Shit of the gods. Everybody who uses it gets addicted to it.


I don't pretend to know lore very well, but that looks like karazhan so maybe Terestian Illhoof? I dunno if that's even possible at this point in the story but fuck it


Arthas will undoubtedly be the star of his own adventure mode thingy. ICC is perfect for it.

Garona should have been the rogue hero

A former co-worker of mine was an avid WoW player but never played Warcraft 3 or Warcraft 1 and 2. He was actually completely unaware that any Warcraft games outside of WoW exist. And he also was deeply convinced that since those games are old they must be utter trash.

Yes, those people exist.

That's a good point
Why the FUCK is Arthas not in Hearthstone yet?
Why did we get gnomeshit, edgy dwarves, and ayys before Icecrown?

I want to believe in Duncan "Bowie" Jones. I hope it's good, but man those trailers are bad. And it's not necessarily the content, it's how they're edited. Shitty fucking cuts, and shitty music, things that the movie proooobably won't have.

Likely Medivh channeling the avatar of Sargeras

>he won't share the game
>he won't even give us a chance of seeing the cutscenes
Fucking Russians

I bet they're going to retcon everything. I bet the characters will be completely different. I bet the Orcs will be portrayed like innocent refugees and the humans super bad.

I know this movie will suck, but I will see it for myself.

Maybe they can't decide if he should be a paladin skin or they should add a death knight class.

There's a lot of practical sets in it though. They've shown a lot of it.

Why do dwarves like to pour buckets of lava into lava?

The latest stuff I saw looks great. Seriously they nailed orcs, look and sound perfect. The overall aesthetic is spot on too, I hope it's good I can't wait to see it. The first trailer looked cheesey as fuck with his hopping on the griffin and needlessly tossing his sword in the air like a faggot. But the more I see the more excited I get.

Magic effects look cool.

Sargeras corrupting medivh prolly

>forcing romance between Garona and Lothar because its a movie
You would think with Blizzard and Warcraft success they would let them make a movie without interfering.

This reeks of paid suit interference.
>its a movie there has to be a romance
>she's supposed to be half orc half dreanai whats it?
>no that's too weird and confusing for the audience make her a human in green face paint

If it's bad it will be Metzen's fault, not Duncan "Bowie" Jones.

>only slight deviations

Nigga Durotan didn't do shit in the original Warcraft. The fact he's included and trying to team up with humans flips everything on its head.

You can't compare them though. The Uruk Hai are just dudes with some makeup on. No crazy prosthetics or anything.

Like, unless you want to totally change the art style, CG Orcs was the only way they'd ever be put on screen. For fun, I googled "Warcraft Orc Cosplay", thinking that maybe some crazy fuck in China or something built some cool Orc costume. But this was the closest I saw to matching the art style.


Garona's half draenei side has always just kinda been brushed under the rug

She's half-orc and half-Draenei, but this movie will probably pretend Draenei don't exist.

They import the lava into the volcano, duh


The orcs look great in the small amount of footage ive seen, but the human armor man, it looks so plastic and fake, maybe it'll look better in the actual movie in motion

regardless I think it'll be a solid 7-8/10 and probably lay the groundwork for more actual good vidya movies and hopefully warcraft 3 story in the near future with arthas, that movie (if its ever made) will make actual tonnes of money

Apparently it was screened to some critics last week I think, but they weren't allowed to say anything (which is fairly normal, just pointing it out)

This Thursday though I think it releases in some countries, so we should have some idea of how it'll do.

If it means anything, I saw a lot of people on Sup Forums say shit about The Jungle Book's cg before it came out, and then once it got a 92% on RT there was a lot less of that. Just sayin'.

oh my god, there's so many

There is actually going to be at least one draenei