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How the fuck was Battleborn more expensive than Borderlands 1 and 2 combined? They literally just reused the engine, have a 5 hour single player campaign and 4 multiplayer maps.
It's a shame they didn't invest anything in marketing.
lmao ,sjw delusion kills entire studios
Because they didn't have money to steal from Sega this time, it was all their own funds they had to use.
Because BL2 wasn't funded only by T2, remember Gearbox took the money and ran from Sega
Does this mean Gearbox will finally fuck off? Thank god
lmao they fucked up so badly
I like Borderlands, but this is also the studio that brought was Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines. Not a big loss.
should've had more waifus like Overwatch.
We can only hope so.
I can't believe that the immature denziens of this forum who have never poured their blood sweat and tears into a game will celebrate the downfall of a game and possibly a studio.
You people have crapped all over Battleborn and Gearbox and have elected to carry Overwatch's banner because it has "waifus" whilst Battleborn has in depth gameplay and actual unique characters.
This is what modern gaming has a become. Nothing but a bunch of horny teens buying games with their genitals.
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
You must not watch YouTube
>western waifus
Gearbox hasn't made a good game since blur shift. It's all right if they go away, unless they go back to porting games.
gr8 b8
gearbox should've been dead long ago and I'm glad they're out of the racket
not even gonna reply to all the overmeme bait
Wu please go
Oh hey Randy.
*tips fedora*
Some grade A advertising
How long until Gearbox goes and stays go?
none of the ecelebs I subscribe to has mentioned this game even once besides TB
They're both complete shit.
every game gearbox has made is shit. shut up faggot. HURR MY BOREDLANDS AND BATTLEBORED REEEEEEE. kill yourself
This fucking "people only like Overwatch because of waifus" meme has to fucking stop. For one, Battleborn also tried to create waifus, they just failed. For two, the games shouldn't be fucking compared because they are very different. Battleborn is MNC with a new coat of paint, meaning it's basically third person Dota. Overwatch is TF2 witha new coat of paint, meaning it's a fucking FPS.
Good. Serves them right for abandoning brothers in arms and scamming Sega with aliens colonial marines back then. Fuck gearbox and randy pitchford, stupid faggot
Seriously, blizzard may have plenty of sjws, but clearly somebody important recognizes that waifus sell games.
Best waifus in YEARS
They've been advertising it on ESPN quite heavily. But yeah, it's too little too late.
But the game looks so, so boring...
Funnily enough here in New Zealand, I have seen billboards and posters for this shit everywhere. Where as Overwatch I seen barely anywhere
It's about ethics in masturbating to waifus
Maybe if Battleborn wasn't the most calculated attempts at creating a heartless cash cow they would have better success.
I mean seriously, a MOBA plus an FPS? How can you make a more uninspired trash combination. It's like they listened to a little kid idea guy.
all is fair in the meme wars
Ya, I saw TB and Angry Joe say they liked it a lot but none of them stream it.
This game has some merits to it, but it needs a lot of patches. Still, it's largely been forgotten already. Doom kicked it's ass in the second week and Overwatch will literally bury it next week.
>appeal to the waifu market
>porn artists advertise for free
Blizzard's been around long enough to know better.
Look I hate Wu as much as anybody else but this tweet appears to be entirely fabricated?
That has always been the way. Liberals like you are too dense to understand that.
>mfw Gearbox moved to my city
>mfw this game will put them out of business and they'll have to leave
why did the pick now of all time when overwatch is coming out
guess gearbox couldn't afford advertising that wasn't halfway across the globe
Yeah, nice game Gearbox.
Gearbox exec detected.
Anyone who bought anything even remotely associated to Gearbox after they stole Sega's money to fund their fucking shitty Memelands game deserves to be shot.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Vidya has always been horny teens. And I'm not going to celebrate studio death, but at the same time i think nothing of value was lost. I tried borderlands 1 back in the day, it was super generic garbage, battleborn looks so uninspired and go-with-the-flow that it brings tears to my eyes
That can't be a real screenshot.
is it?
I agree, both battleborn and overwatch suffer the same fate.
Sloppy transparent clones of better, and boy to I use that term loosely, games.
It is.
Grabbed it from some guy's twitter who was complaining about how blinding the Battleborn HUD is.
Do you really not know that sex sells? It's hardly exclusive to games. Also trying to compete with blizzard is suicide, as dozens of dead mmoe can attest to. I don't like it either but it's true
and nothing of value was lost.
They are very stupid if this is true.
they had to front the cost themselves instead of just stealing money from Sega.
It's a real screen shot where someone turned on every possible hud element at the same time to make it look awful 90% of that shit isn't there most of the time
>use some of your own money to fund projects for a change
>suddenly things take a lot of money
randy "the kike" pitchford surely didn't see this one coming
Literally all they had to do was not release it on the same week of the Overwatch Beta. Make up a delay or something, don't think that you can compete with your competitor with the superior product.
Jesus, that's as bad pic related, only it's an actual game so it's worse.
we all know what will bring 2k back, this epic new game made to all fans of the mafia series, starring a character that symbolizes modern tastes and themes such as racism that everybody is interested in nowadays.This will sell like hotcakes guaranteed.
is that a tattoo of rei? that's dedication
They failed in the most important thing, which was differentiating it from Overwatch.
The two are completely different games, but because Gearbox dropped the ball so goddamn hard, they were seen as the same product. And guess what, people think that Blizzard made the better version.
Doesn't help that the game as a whole doesn't seem to know what the hell it is. Someone post that Randy quote, I forget what it was exactly.
Fuck off. Gearbox has never made a good game since Half-Life Opposing Force and that was their first game.
They're an absolute joke and should get careers elsewhere.
>Gearbox hasn't made a good game since blur shift
Wrong. Borderlands 1 and 2 and The Pre-Sequel were both smash hits sales wise and met with critical acclaim.
>gearbox should've been dead long ago
And yet they're still here. Cry some more, kiddo.
>They're both complete shit.
Wrong. Battleborn is not only innovative and unique, it's well designed and easy to jump into yet difficult to master. It has a full single player campaign, PvE, and PvP. Overwatch is yet another class based PvP only shooter. Yawn.
>every game gearbox has made is shit.
Says the guy with BL1+2 and all the DLC installed.
>Battleborn also tried to create waifus
Wrong yet again. Gearbox isn't so scared of their development skills that they need to throw in scantily clad women to spur sales.
Heartless? Just look at Toby at tell me Battleborn is heartless. I dare you to find a game with more unique characters.
>Vidya has always been horny teens.
No. In the past, people cared about quality. They cared about innovation and community and skill. They cared about fun and replayability. Now kids just want something shiny and sexy.
The game is probably pretty good but the problem is that what it is offering is already available for cheaper or free.
pls tell how u formulate such a good bait in such a short amount of time
Damn S'arais, back at it again with the shilling.
>Borderlands 1 and 2 and The Pre-Sequel were both smash hits sales wise and met with critical acclaim.
This is where everyone stops taking your posts seriously, Randy.
Why wouldn't it sell? In the end none of that shit Sup Forumsrants about all day matters. Either it is a solid game with tight action and stealth and what not, has decent story. Or it isn't. And negroid mc doesn't really matter
>Literally all they had to do was not release it on the same week of the Overwatch Beta
1. Battleborn was announced months before Overwatch
2. The Battleborn release date was announced in March.
3. Immediately after Gearbox announced Battleborn's release date, Blizzard changed Overwatch's open beta date to THE EXACT SAME DAY AS BATTLEBORN'S RELEASE
Blizzard has been trying to sabotage Battleborn since day freaking one and I can't believe you people are blind to that.
Oh, there is a god.
It is so good to see these fuckers getting what was coming for them after all the shit they did.
How can quasi-successful people dilly dally through life with such petulant, ego fueled opinions and assertions
Maybe they should have poured less blood, sweat, and tears into it and put forth a bit more effort. The whole thing is riddled with flaws and problems that any serious playtesting would have lit up like a fuckin spotlight.
Seriously, how did the entire dev team seemingly miss the fact that the UI is absolutely atrociously bad and that the battle effects make it utterly impossible to tell what's going on in even a minor skirmish? You might as well play this thing on a fuckin tablet for all the visibility that you have.
We should be ashamed of ourselves? Fuck no. Those devs should be ashamed of themselves for trying to push something like this as anything but the cash-grab DLC-delivery system bullshit aimed at the lowest possible skill demographic that it obviously is.
Obvious troll but I never really got interested in Battleborn because it just all looks like generic shit. The waifu thing with Overwatch works because ultimately it gets your fucking attention.
Just looking at those two pictures, the two battleborners look unforgivably dull in comparison. Then I watched the opening cinematic for battleborn and just dropped it altogether.
Battleborn was one of those "Good idea, poor execution" games. They managed to slip up in all fronts when it came to gameplay, graphics, appeal, and timing most of all.
Gearbox has never made a good game before so why start now?
The same person who decided Pre-Sequel was sexist misogynist shit for some reason now says the same studio is her hero.
The fuck, feminism?
Like anybody cares. blizzdrones will eat anything blizzard shits out, any day of the year
How's it feel to shill a game nobody would even want for free?
You say that like its illegal or something
They probably moved up the date because they probably thought it was another generic tf2 clone that looks like their generic tf2 clone, like how everyone else thinks that they both look like generic tf2 clones.
Oh no, competition? Under Capitalism?
Because Blizzard, for all their failings, still has the intellect and clout to actually pull that kind of sabotage off.
And I'm not just saying that because I hate Randy or because every game besides the first Borderlands that Gearbox has put out was shit. Obviously both those things are true, but don't factor into my opinion re: battleborn.
Can we just all agree both are shit and start talking about good games?
Incidentally I've heard that basically everyone involved with Opposing Force isn't at Gearbox anymore. Not too surprising considering that game came out what, 14 years ago?
Give Duke Nukem to someone who will treat him right.
> Blizzard changed Overwatch's open beta date to THE EXACT SAME DAY AS BATTLEBORN'S RELEASE
What's wrong with giving them a bit of competition? Maybe if their game was good gearbox wouldn't be in this situation
>everyone replying to this pasta seriously
fucking idiots
Pity Gearbox was blind to it. Or too stupid to do anything about it
>Blizzard has been trying to sabotage Battleborn since day freaking one and I can't believe you people are blind to that.
Yeah Blizzard owned them pretty hard.
On the bright side at least it is a company as morally bankrupt as Gearbox right?
Yeah, how is HunieCam Studio doing by the way?
God, I hate Overwatch so freaking much
Are you not aware that Wu is batshit crazy and flip-flops more often than a Taiwanese sandal store?
They didn't change their open beta date they announced it there was never any hint of an open beta til they announced the same week battleborn came out
No, I'm not done jerking off to sfm porn and complaining about games I have no interest or intention on buying.
Haven't played it. Is it really good?
Sounds like you should cancel your pre order to battleborn because you'll be the only one playing it
Enjoy having a game mode that's literally unplayable because gearbox is retarded and let snipers kill the objective from their fucking spawn
lmao, fuck off gearbox employee
After they fucked up Colonial Marines they deserve this.