How should an FPS boss fight play like?

How should an FPS boss fight play like?

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This is the correct answer.

A battle of attrition as you shoot them more than they can shoot you. Some AOE attacks and maybe some weak enemies that give you health and ammo.

Most FPS bosses are too easy. Needs way more bullet sponge = longer fights are more fun.

Shoot it until it dies.

>music from the Matrix

fuckin gay

I really liked Doom 4's new bosses, they actually felt like boss fights instead of circlestrafe tests.

I hope future shooters take inspiration from those fights.

Like Metroid Prime bosses


The opposite of everything Quake did

It should be like a final exam. To beat the game you should be adept at each of the individual mechanics contained in the game, and use them in combination to pass the ultimate test.

Since OP is referring to DOOM, where you shoot everything until they die, the cyberdemon is a great example of this idea.

You shoot it until it dies.

A duel with a Godlike UT2004 bot

An instagib duel with a godlike UT2K4 bot

That would be boring because map and resource control would no longer be necessary. Instagib is a shit mode.


>no download link


It was a joke since a godlike CPU would wreck pretty much anyone in instagib
>Instagib is a shit mode.
fffuuuuuucccckkk yyoooouuuuu

implying all FPS the same
It should have summons and weakpoints. Or you should use environment, switch turrets, open traps, etc.
Wolf3D or Duke's bosses were shit.

>Shoot it 'til it dies.


>have to use newest weapon/every weapon for final boss
>immune to damage until button is pressed/attack is countered
>typically small weak point, you have to aim well (obviously metroid didn't do this but still)
>a couple boxes of pickups, basically a few un-fuck-things-up buttons

>Bullet Sponge
Fuck that shit do you know how annoying it is to fucking barely chip down health on some of those dumbass priest bosses in skyrim? That's a horrible idea.

dynamic and unpredictable, a final test of new talents abilities and tools you have gathered in preparation for this fight or just getting to it... or maybe just something cool.

Countless quick time events.

The DOOM 2016 bosses were pretty cool

UT2003 was far better with faster weapon switching and boost dodging. Fuck Epic for removing it.

I had to cheese all of them with paralysis and weapons that were infused with mana damage.

Weak spots that cripple them temporarily but aren't nessisary

No immunity to all guns, but high resistances to shit like pistols and rifles

Weak spots that are hard to hit AND DONT GLOW

Heavy damage wind up attacks, and spammy hard to dodge chip damage attacks

Minions, but they aren't a phase and the boss is still attackable

An arena that has hard to reach special ammo and health pick ups, but risky to go for

>it's an autist complaining about minuscule changes between games episode
UT2k4 had mutators to re-enable both of those things you contrarian faggot.

The boost dodging mutator never worked.

The final boss of Rage

it works, it's just different
>it's an autist complaining about even more minuscule changes between games episode

>you can re-enable it
>it's different

>I cant fly across the map and shit up CTF games
>this game sucks

Does there exist an FPS boss fight that doesn't require the use of common enemies as support?

Hard Mode: It's actually good
Dante Must Die: it's not a giant

Good to see you notice they removed an aspect of the game some of us enjoyed. Took you long enough.

Unreal Tournament series

I wanna play this


Good to see you ignored the fact that they didn't remove it, they nerfed it.
>some of us enjoyed
that's being generous, especially considering most people hated it.

The point is still that they didn't add it back with mutators.

Except they did. Just because it isn't exactly the same doesn't mean that they didn't add it back.
You are literally the only autist who has ever complained for the case of boostdodging to this degree.

Probably because nobody would have otherwise wasted the time. If it's not the same it's not fucking same.

Google pol.wad and you should get links.

>log in to download this!

just a really hard boss that acts like a 1v1 in multplayer

>If it's not the same it's not fucking same
kek, i guess dodging in UT4 isn't actually dodging because it dosen't have the exact same physics at UT99.

That has nothing to do with anything.
