Is Witcher 3 actually bad or was that just a meme?
Is Witcher 3 actually bad or was that just a meme?
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huge meme
Massive meme. It has its issues but they don't make it bad.
Great except for the combat.
It's not without flaws, but it was definitely deserving of GOTY
terrible RPG
any game that has a predetermined character with voice acting should not be allowed to be called RPGs, more like a action adventure game like Assassins Creed
It's mediocre.
See, this faggot is memeing pretty hard right now.
It's the first non turn based rpg since Skyrim I've played non stop for weeks on end.
Doesn't mean it doesn't have some pretty bad flaws though.
not bad but not good either. its a mediocre series.
It's the pinnacle of modern WRPGs, and although it's third on my list of 2016 games, I love it, and it's definitely one of my favorite games of all time.
That said, I do have some issues with ir, mainly how much it deviates from the books when it comes to Ciri's relationship with Yen; this is just a very small flaw, though.
how is it not fact
Pretty good. Has flaws, mainly that you can get overleveled easily doing all the sidequests, but still really good.
official witcher 3 review.
all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)
6/10 game. Had potential, wasted it.
Tons of content, depending on your level of standards.
Is Deus Ex not a RPG then?
RPGs aren't even fucking games, its just structured role playing. (spend some time on /tg/, that shit is not a game for 99% of the players) They should let video games use RPG for its own use.
It was pretty meh but the fanbase will call it great just because of the prizes despite them being worthless ever since Cisquisition won '14 goty
The controls, and as a result the combat are pretty bad. Everything else about the game makes up for it and then some. Trying to jump right back into the game after an extended time away is particularly jarring because of how shit the controls can be. Shit's still GOTY hands down
It was bad, but not as bad as Shitout 4. Bethesda should kill themselves. Yet another fucking jank ass game at launch while removing the good stuff that made New Vegas GOAT.
Should just give it to Godsidian.
combat was flat out fucking shit and its embarrassing that people still defend its combat.
everything else pretty amazing though.
its meme
I'd say the mechanics of the combat were fine, execution was shit. So not flat out shit, just mostly shit
Like every game in the series, it has its charms, it has its strong points, but there's also a ton of flaws.
The main narrative isn't nearly as strong as the second game, and aside from presentation isn't even really any better than the first. In-fact the overall quality of the games Side-Quests is superior to the Main Quests, which is in one way super awesome but simultaneously pretty sad.
Combat and gameplay in general is still pretty meh, and due to the changes made to targeting and the way Geralt/Roach control (Especially in combat), built this time 100% from the ground-up for Gamepads, it feels even worse with M/KB than TW2.
Environmental design is solid, but the way the POI content is placed in the world really fucks with the feel/flow of the world design. Sure, you can skip it, but it doesn't stop the absurdity of there being monster nests, chests, abandoned villages, bandits camps and a host of other pointless filler shit appearing every 30 seconds you ride in any direction, and it makes the world feel much less organic.
UI is rubbish, barely improved over TW2, and the HUD is the worst in the series (Although at least they were kind enough to make the HUD almost fully toggable).
But that said, the Music/Atmosphere was top notch like the rest of the series, the few characters and story moments they do pull off well they pull off really fucking well, Witcher's world is inherently interesting and the game looks fantastic (At least with a few PC mods), Hearts of Stone was actually really well done (Far better story than the main game) and it's certainly a better way to waste 50-100 hours than the vast majority of other AAA games released in recent years.
No other game that I can personally think of has nearly as much worthwhile content while also having such an expansive and beautiful world. Truly a game to get lost in.
HOWEVER, the combat isn't the best. There's a lot of dumb quests where you literally just follow a trail and fight a monster, and after you beat it the first time, it's hard to go back.
My biggest problem with it is that I just can't seem to find the motivation to bother with another playthrough. It's just too mind-numblingly long.
Definitely at least worth a shot, especially during sales. I think it's safe to say that no current WRPG touches it.
It was alright, it got GOTY because everything else in 2015 was mediocre at best, and shit on average
You have 4 consumable slots though.
>only 2 consumable slots
>playing with controller
One of the best games of all time.
I'm loving it
Not him, but I'd like to also say that Hearts of Stone was really enjoyable because of Gaunter O Dimm and Olgierd.
I also enjoyed the Olgierd boss fight, both real and fake.
>main narrative isn't nearly as strong as the second game
Yes it is, they both have huge dips in quality though. Basically anything to do with the wild hunt in 3 sucks dick, anything to do with politics aka Act 2 Roche and all of act 3 sucks dick.
Heart of Stone has the best narrative out of all the games.
Why cant we just enjoy video games?
Skub and anti skub over everything with you people
I put it up there with Dragon's Dogma
couldnt get past the sluggish movement so i dropped it
It's a great game with extremely shallow gameplay. I'm not sure how that's even possible, but it is.
because despite the franchise being like 8 years old in vidya, they've only made 3 games and its out of Poland.
Making third person action games is hard. Out of the last like decade all that came out of it was Dogma and Souls.
Combat is sub-par, but it's at least mildly enjoyable if not difficult or deep.
World, atmosphere and writing is fantastic. The main story and some other important quests could use a bit of work, but is better than almost all RPGs which have a comparable scale to the Witcher 3.
it's not bad
but the combat is kinda bad and it has no replayability
it's worth playing through once
Me too
- Dead economy system outside of absolutely cheating
- HUGE leveling imbalances and difficulty spikes
- The development team hands out massive nerfs with each new patch
Still, it's Shadow of Mordor + Skyrim
It's part of the trash "third person action AAA" genre that people play "for the story".
In its defence the story is pretty well written
there's a real Olgierd boss fight?
>lets turn the difficulty down to baby level and shitpost about a game just because it's popular
lel at your life
I'm sure there are many people here who genuinely disliked it, but knowing this place, I'm just as sure that a lot of people are simply doing their best to be contrarian given its critical and commercial success and the fact their precious underground Slav dev team now have normie attention.
I loved my time with it, though outside of giving me a genuine sense of place in the world and some great writing, I can't really say it does anything truly exceptionally (aside from the soundtrack being objectively GOAT tier). Being a bookfag and enjoying the prior games enhanced my experience, that's for sure.
I would recommend at least trying it, the amount of money you're willing to pay to do that is something only you can answer.
and uh
Platinum's entire catalogue
I'd say they don't count in this because its all small scale. Every encounter is a blood door/room, like how Okami doesn't fit even though its an adventure game.
How is every game not an RPG when in every game you play a role?
List of games that prove you wrong.
Deus ex
Every final Fantasy from x and up
Kingdom Hearts
Paper mario series
Mario and Luigi series
Sonic brotherhood the meme chronicles
Xenoblade fucking chronicles
Hyper dimension series
Cool spot goes to Hollywood
>3rd person action games
>Platinum doesn't fit
are you hearing yourself
my favorite pepe
I feel these are all the same person because they're posted in every Witcher thread I happen to come across
How droll
Witcher 3 is a great game. Here's why.
If you love a compelling story and interesting characters in a vibrant world with great lore, this game is for you.
But if you're a shitposter then this game is also for you. From combat to bugs you can shit post as much as you like and gather up all them tasty (you)s as you try to sell this game being bad.
Witcher 3 is the perfect game, not just for RPG lovers but shit posters and b8ers as well.
JRPGs aren't RPGS
The amount of detail and writing is god tier. It is a very interesting game to play but god the combat isn't all that. I really love to play games on the highest difficulty but with witcher 3 the combat just isn't deep enough to warrant it. I wish it was, I wish someone would perfect RPG combat
>re downloading w3 with galaxy
>still no speed limit option
its nice that gog can max my connection but god damn i can't do anything else.
>Inn at the Crossroads
>guy sends his daughter to the woods to hide from Baron's men
>in Midcorpse
>random conversation from NPCs about telling the Baron's men where he hides his daughter so they can get more food
I don't like it. The only thing I liked was the soundtrack. I just can't get into it because the story bored the fuck outta me.
I just did this boss the other day and it was pretty smooth, as soon as i start getting hit just flash quen and get health back. That sign is so broken
See? Here is an example I mentioned in . This guy has been posting the same webms for years about W3, trying to say the game is bad based off the sonetimes glitchy, lowest difficulty combat. Every thread he does this because he loves how easy it is to b8 and shit post these threads. He loves this game eternally just from all the (you)s he's gathered.
What a magnificent bastard.
a little bit of both
the gameplay and combat definitely gets repetitive and the skill leveling system is really not balanced at all
storywise however, work of fucking art compared to everything else that came out that year
And what are the letters after the J ???
lel fought the drauger boss in TW2 last week and did the same thing to him.
Name a better character
you can't
It's pretty bad. I'm not going to bother explaining why for 65th time, though. Tired of this shit.
TW1 >> TW2 > TW3.
>No other game that I can personally think of has nearly as much worthwhile content
>My biggest problem with it is that I just can't seem to find the motivation to bother with another playthrough. It's just too mind-numblingly long.
dot dot dot
>Novigrad was no where near as epic as La Valette Castle
When will they make a witcher game with good combat?
Some guy at CDPR thought the time and effort put into that dumb card game was cool but they still cant make fighting stuff feel good.
>not talking your way out of fights
>fighting some Witch Hunters
>everyone but the beggar in the wheel barrow stays begging
Nigga deserves some crowns for not fleeing like a pussy.
I have over 300 hours in the witcher 3 and over 10000 confirmed kills but not once have I seen this happen
I'd put
hate the amateur hour gameplay of 2
Still very comfy.
shit hairstyle ruined it
>Stop getting so excited over nothing.
>Come on, cheer up!
>I'm dead inside, Geralt. Stop.
Almost 100 posts and no mention of Gwent. It's like you plebs don't like fun
I've never liked card games and never bothered to learn them
don't think of it as an Action RPG, think of it as an RPG with Active combat
>its a "force you to play the otherwise optional card minigame" quest
I just let the guy die desu. Fuck your card game.
game was pretty dope but the wild hunt was kinda dumb. HoS made up for it though, Gaunter O'Dimm was rad
>opponent uses monster cards
>I use freeze and win
What a worthless deck.
Meme remember user every game is shit to neo Sup Forums
>I only like trash tier WRPGs made by Bethesda.
Well I play JRPGs to grind 2D pussies if you know what I mean.
Official Witcher 3 Steam review:
You get to punch a fucking pear holy shit 10/10
+235252 likes, +235364632 funny
all games are memes to Sup Forums
a good game, hell even a decent/middling game could come with a free blowjob from a super model and Sup Forums would still sperg out about it
>and probably REEEE at the woman, too
Dragon's Dogma > Witcher 3 > Dogshit > Dragon Age Inquisition
Sad part is... I kind of like DA:I
This thread in a nutshell.
What gwent faction did everyone here use?
>play though TW3
>never payed attention to gwent
>wtf is this dumb card game
>skip all gwent quests, auto forfeit everything
>beat the game
>looking for more stuff to do
>do all points of interest
>rediscover gwent
>play the shit out of it
>challenge everyone, everything.
>feel like shit for skipping all the quests
>can't start NG+ because blood and wine comes out in 2 weeks
Northern Realms for that quad spy action without giving my opponent a fucking 7 and 9
No reason not to use Northern Realms. You can literally play your whole deck in a single round with spies and decoys.