User, it's my birthday, why haven't you bought me any games yet?

>user, it's my birthday, why haven't you bought me any games yet?


If she's asking for a gift then I'd leave.

Greedy bastards.

is this a girl? i want her to make me feel good

Who gives a shit?

fuck off alecksy

>overdone makeup
>un-natural hair color
>shitty colored contacts on eyes

not mai waifu


no but dude she is like an anime so i post her with all my Sup Forums posts


you fuggin piss me off with that Q&A video where somebody asked your name and you were like "uHHHH im not comfortable exposing MY NAME so you'll have to call me my kawaii anime name"

How did you not mention her dry, cracked lips? I could deal with all the rest but not that.

but I did *unsheathes shopping bag*


bitch got crusty lips

is that alpha omega? Surprising that he has an athletic build. You'd think he would just be another skinny white boy.

is that that youtube guy

TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL anzu's used pantsu ARRIVE


Here you go, Anzu.
I bought you a game of your life. :3

can a*zu ever recover from this?

Because I don't know you.


I don't get it

I only buy video games for myself you whore

a) I don't know who you are and b) you aren't currently sucking my dick so I don't understand why you think I would buy you anything.

it's because we kiss so much!

Le turks are roach Sup Forums maymay


how long til we get lewd/nudes out of this slut?


Kekked hard

Who's bitch this is?

It's a shitty Sup Forums meme

reminder that anzu is eggman

let me tell you about the jews

here's your present
*unzips dick*

it aint me it aint meee

Ground Control to Major Tom.

This can't be real.

Is it a trap?


>tfw i introduced Sup Forums to anzu by posting one picture of her

shoulda kept her to myself

Shit didn't notice that. It looks like she's on drugs or something with those lips.

>Implying my instagram isn't just to look at pretty girls cosplaying and having fun
>Implying I give any fucks aboyt it

Because you're an entitled cunt.

He's a small guy

>implying I didn't find her on twitter ages ago because she cosplayed mai waifu

I'm not dating you. Fuck off.

I wanna fuck that roach