Post SFW cropped porn

Post SFW cropped porn.

Keep it vidya.


Level 3 Blade


>Keep it vidya

How come these niggers don't get auto bans from shit like this? it's obvious rule breaking with intentions to instigate a flamewar

>being this much a of moralfag
Have some fun faggot


>over porn
>Sup Forums
how new

still no update


But they're vidya characters and its SFW

>Cropped Porn

Either post full porn on a blue board or dont bother you sissy faggots




>ITT: op cleverly requests a new Steam avatar


>>>/reddit/ and >>>/neogaf/s got lots of rules. Go there.

Have you guys ever considered looking at porn for video game characters?

I'm perfectly fine with my current steam avatar
(pic related)




Hollo-nut is the fucking best.

>tfw commissions never ever

Sup Forums was better back when the mods didn't ban porn.

Now everyone tires to make subtle porn threads.



Id feel silly paying for porn.