[Friend] is now playing Monster Girl Quest Complete
[Friend] is now playing Monster Girl Quest Complete
Do people actually play their porn games through Steam?
That's how DRM works shitfuck. I cant play steam games without their DRM.
>not playing MGQ
Get out of Sup Forums
Many of my steam friends idle at lewd games just to accumulate hours
I think
There's a big difference between playing weeb porn games, and advertising to everyone that you do
>[Friend] is now playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>[Friend] is now playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>[Friend] is now playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>[Friend] is now playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Holy shit dude, stop reloading the game after every mod you install.
To be fair, you kind of have to with Bethesda games. The fucking mod conflicts will completely break your game otherwise if you get 1 bad one.
>metric fuckton of tentacle sex
>pretty much no anal at all
What the hell is wrong with japs?
>[Friend] is now playing The Binding of Isaac
>[Friend] is now playing The Binding of Isaac
>[Friend] is now playing The Binding of Isaac
>[Friend] is now playing The Binding of Isaac
>ask him what the fuck he's doing
>he's resetting every time he gets bad RNG
You just have to use loot and one website.
>Friend is now playing CS:GO
>Friend is now playing CS:GO
>Friend is now playing CS:GO
>Friend is now playing CS:GO
>Friend is now playing CS:GO
Fuck off Emil, I don't want to play Counter Strike,
if youre referring to the one that autosorts and checks for conflicts for you, it doesnt always work. I used it to install some of the sex lab mods with a few of the modded loli mods, and it wouldnt recognize the loli mods.
I did this two years ago
I want to ________ with Sakura.
Go to Hong Kong
>on discord
>friend is currently playing Nekopara V1
That art is super attractive. Also I want to grope their faces.
Oh god I...I just did that for NekoPara V1. I turned off the feature for a solid 2 weeks afterwards just in case...
Doesn't matter to me, I'm the cheeky motherfucker that does the neko dumps.
>[Friend] In non-Steam game
>Super Deepthroat
>[Friend] wants to chat via voice
>[Friend] is now playing Starless
>[Friend] is not playing I Need a Budget
You accepted right?
>[Quirky]FriendshipPonyBoy is now playing Baka no Hideo namai wa desu
How did you even get on my friends list
>[Friend] is now playing Waframe
>[Friend] Offline - last online more than 2 yrs ago
Sup Forums kept talking about that shit, tried playing it. It is not even really a game. Just a VN dressed up like one. You just chose (like a VN) to lose to see a dumb sex or vore scene. I did jerk to the goblin loli and the goddess what kind of cute.
>Having shitty friends in the friendlist at the first place
your own fault
>[Friend] is now playing Dota 2
>[Friend] is now playing CS:GO
>[Friend] is now playing Dota 2
>[Friend] is now playing CS:GO
>[Friend] is now playing Dota 2
>[Friend] is now playing CS:GO
I don't get how people can just play 2 games all the fucking time
Doesn't it get boring?
Slit your throat
>multi quoting posts on /vee/
Who are you even trying to impress?
>didn't even read
>just multiquoting to be a faggot
wtf are you talking about, I didn't say anything about friends list.
Kill yourself Cebruz your dirty ugly paki
Your dad is going to beat you in your sleep tonight
>hes still going
> Sup Forums kept talking about that shit, tried playing it. It is not even really a game. Just a VN dressed up like one. You just chose (like a VN) to lose to see a dumb sex or vore scene. I did jerk to the goblin loli and the goddess what kind of cute.
I guess you guys are my friends in a way, but I heard about it by anonymous posts, not from a friends list.
Its not his fault, hes crashing
>You are making your post to look autistic
Thats quite humerus considering that its coming from the mouth of a tomoko poster desu.
>avatarfagging with Tomoko
>multiquote baiting
This seems familiar...
Your friend has good taste. It's actually a great porn game.
Fuck off of my board.
Don't need to change a post if it wasn't mine in the first place, friend.
This is my board, kid, I've been here since the last decade.
I assure you, you're the one who needs to fuck off, newfaggot.
>still clinging to the autism meme
Oh the ironing indeed.
What did I just tell you, kid?
How long have you been here, a few years maybe?
You're nobody, buddy.
>ITT: Avatarfurfag vs cebruz tomoko avatarfag extroardinaire
>continues to meme his
>nitpicks at the post as well
>while calling others the fateful C word
I like where this is going, keep up the good work champ.
Shut up, bro, or I'll suck your cock. I'm teaching this dirty niggerfaggot paki a lesson.
Kill yourself off of Sup Forums.
Well your not wrong there pal since we all know that Tomoko is really the lowest of the anime girls and a nobody to boot.
>I really like this lewd video game
>I know, I'll go on Sup Forums, the video game board to talk about this video game
>just my luck, there's a thread about it
>resident autists arguing about literally nothing
I don't why I expected anything else
They're both faggots in the end anyway
Feels good, doesn't it?
That's why I got popcorn, user.
And you're here to complete the party~!
>it is a meme xd
end it please
>that pics for anmts
Are you tooo mentally special to save real pics?
Also dont say you will suck anyones dick, your fursuit is sure scary as fuck
(You) for trying it :)
I just wanted to talk about video games