You've got to admit Sup Forums
He had a lot of good points about Ocarina being overrated.
You've got to admit Sup Forums
He had a lot of good points about Ocarina being overrated.
Other urls found in this thread:
>ever right
Has he made any new cartoons recently or is he still doing that game grumps shit
not really. Have you bin watch his playthrough its sooo fucken bad....
He's so retarded he needs a guide to beat OoT.
just because he doesn't knows how to play, it doesn't means he's right.
Also, hes a transexual in denial
He does, but you won't see many people admit it.
Davepretendo's review was better than Egoraptor's.
his whole argument was "this type of game is bad because it's a type of game I'm not good at"
he thinks his problems are objective and that everyone experiences them the way he does, when really he just has some kind of spatial shortcoming in 3D environments. He doesn't seem to have object permanence or realize that things continue to exist when they go off-camera.
very little self awareness to talk openly about this like it's a common problem
>Making something that takes actual effort
>Making something that takes no effort and yields the same or more ammount of money
I wonder which one he is doing
You bring a lot of good points why you should be banned
He also contradicts himself on a lot of his "good points".
>This is Arin's serious attempt at playing Ocarina of Time
I have never seen an Egoraptor video
Not really, he just has ADD and some weird depth perception handicap. Not to mention his combat arguments were straight up wrong except for the fact that yes, camera feels kind of weird especially after playing later more fleshed out titles.
is this what GG is about? One idiot playing games stupidly while saying retarded stuff? is this really what people spend their time watching?
Rated PG-13
>doesn't use bombs
>doesn't use deku nuts
>not walking in then out to bait attack
fuck him I disagreed with almost every part of it
>millions upon millions of views
>tons of people agreeing with him
Ecelebs are for underage children.
It's literally the only thing he's ever been right about. If you can't see that LttP is the better game, you belong in a reeducation camp.
>Made one good point
>It was about chest animations
The rest was "I'm impatient and have REALLY bad spatial awareness in a 3D environment".
>Franchise about action puzzles
>Says he likes the puzzles
>in 3d the enemies are puzzles
>Now doesn't likes the puzzles
what gives?
Says the ESL faggot that can't even pretend to type English..
Just watch the video of him playing OoT in preparation for the sequelitus episode. The guy if absolutely terrible at the game and has no idea what to do half the time.
It's a defense used too often, but in this instance it's a valid one.
I think alttp is better, but Arin's points are still terrible and I still think he's a moron.
>making millions of dollars shitting out bad LPs
>not even doing your own editing anymore
>don't bother making basic animations for your AVGN ripoff-series
Fuck this fag.
OOT is fucking baby mode. There's literally no way that someone could be bad at it. It was designed for preteens to complete.
>If you can't see that LttP is the better game
Not only is it not, it's the worst game in the series pre-2003 by a mile. It has one advantage over OoT at best.
I wonder if it's hard for him to claim he likes Dark Souls/Bloosbourne. Sonyggers would fucking lynch him for saying they are anything less than perfect.
What was he wrong about?
>here's literally no way that someone could be bad at it
Except when there is literally evidence of it
Welcome to the reeducation camp.
I dont have to admit shit
absolutely none of his points hold water, and he's seemingly gone out of his way just to prove he's retarded
Is that the video where he starts out strawmanning the rose tinted glasses argument, then proceeds to do the exact same thing for the other side?
You would be surprised how fucking beyond stupid some people can be
Apparently he's been working on it even before Game Grumps were created.
Good argument.
I know. The amount of actual chimps on this board is astounding.
>lets take an OBJECTIVE VIEW on the game
>now here are all the reasons I dont like this game and they are all my personal opinions
The whole video is undermined when you find out the only reason he has a problem with the game is due his own ineptness
Sequelities on that awful Sponge Bob game when?
Just another e-celeb that got a little bit popular and let it go to his head.
This ability to play is about as good as his animation skills. BAD. We've seen his videos, he does some really dumb shit, worse than we seen demo players do when the game is being advertized.
All he's got is, oh look at my wacky humor, and that's it. He compeletly biased aganist 3D zelda while giving the 2d a free run no matter it's problems.
Bottom line is he's just a horrible player and not someone you should ever trust any review from.
"Overrated" is the most meaningless, empty criticism you can make, and exposes you as a wannabe intellectual with the mental maturity of a 17 year old.
>Too many people like this game
literal no fun alowed
Nah I'd say he's a good animator. Whether or not you find his animations funny is one thing. But his actual objective animation skill is good.
You're right about him being really, really terrible at 3D games.
His entire argument follows the biases he had from the beginning. It makes his entire point moot, unfortunately.
I think it's fair to say OoT is "fine." It was revolutionary at the time it was released, but then again so was sliced bread. With both of those things technology has shot miles ahead, so what once was concidered "the best that has ever been" has been understandably surpassed. It doesn't make it a less important or more importantly ENJOYABLE game, but what it does make it is a product of it's time which has since past.
People that that lavish it with praise should probably calm down and remember that 1996 was 20 years ago and they're no longer 10, and people that get overly upset with them for putting it on too high of a pedestal might do well to remember that there was a time before it and it 100% shocked the world and changed gaming dramatically when it was released.
last "real' animation was 3 years ago
>have a show where you play video games
>be absolutely shit at video game
The only reasonable reason for hating OoT I've ever heard a person give is that it's not enough like Zelda 1. Which is fair, because they are extremely different games, and if you want the Zelda 1 experience from OoT you just aren't going to get it. But OoT is a damn good adventure game on its own merits.
Not being able to see the spike traps in rooms that have them. In fact the first room you encounter them in navi warns you of the sound and tells you to check the corners.
All of the waiting, most enemies have ways around blocking(nuts, hammer, din's fire you name it though at a certain point it does become more of the issue of is it even worth pausing the game to equip said item) and even then why is it a bad thing that enemies have ways to defend? He's gone on record praising the souls games in which a lot of enemies shield themselves. So that's completely hypocritical.
And what's with this disconnect he talks about with the z-targeting system? I've never once gotten myself lost inside a singular room just because I decided I needed to pay attention to enemies. This one is completely on a person to person basis and it leads me to believe Arin got lost in the transition to 3D in general.
What else do you need Arin? I could probably muster up more but I haven't watched your video since it came out.
But ALttP was still the better game.
If you want to argue about Ocarina having flaws, go right ahead because it does.
But good god, don't use egoraptor's video as a source of evidence. It was awful and the only thing it highlighted was his inability to adapt to 3D games.
the only good thing he ever did was making game grumps, especially guests.
>Look I know you played the game when you were a kid. But can't we take the time to analyze it?
>Oh man that thing in Alttp was so cool when I was like 8 or something
I was completely disgusted by how contradictory and unprofessional his views were.
The game is still fucking fantastic and I play through it every now and then, but every 3D Zelda since except SS has surpassed it in overall quality, I think
I wonder if he actually has some sort of brain problem.
Only people who never played 3D games before are excused for having trouble with them.
Deku Nuts work on that fucking stalfos? because the shield thing sucks desu.
The problem is you're ESL, and you're not making your argument palatable to people who have mastered the language.
I forgot about the spike trap room bit. Doesn't Navi specifically stop the player before they enter that room and tell them there are going to be traps to watch out for? I guess he doesn't fucking read?
Nah, I legitimately feel that OoT's design has yet to be surpassed. The linear yet non-linear progression, the complex and multifaceted dungeons, the well presented story with some real coming of age themes, the way the game hits a perfect balance between old-school "cryptic" design and new-school handholdy design, the rewarding sidequests, etc.
You can crouch stab stalfos through their shield so I usually just do that instead. IDK about using items against them cuz I can kill them quickly with no resources.
Also, there's a glitch where crouch stab does the same damage as the last attack you did. So if you do a jump slash then run up and crouch stab, all the crouch stabs will do the same damage as the jump slash and kill it in 1/2 hits.
Doesn't he outsource his animation? I heard he only does the extremes.
Yes, that's literally what happens. Also in his current gamegrumps playthrough he goes "god damnit navi i know!" and immediately gets hit by one and says "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT'S THERE"
But the game really isn't a great as it you remember it was when you were 12. It has aged very badly.
It was a useless video to make for anything besides a circle jerk. It would be like making a Citizen Kane review and talking about how boring and outdated it is, while ignoring its place in film.
That isn't a glitch, that's just how crouchstabs work for some reason
The most OP thing is to use the Megaton Hammer before crouchstabbing
The only way you could argue it "aged" is with the frame rate, which OoT 3D corrected.
No. He pointed out legitimate faults with the game. Defend Hyrule Field. Just try.
I agree with most of this, especially the dungeons. Ever since WW, dungeons have been dumbed down so much. I thought OoT and MM did a great job and bringing the complex dungeons of aLttP to 3D.
The thing is though that people can't appreciate complex dungeons because it gets them frustrated. Great Bay Temple in MM is fucking amazing because it has a central gimmick that affects the whole temple and makes traversing through it so complex but people hate it because it confuses them. A dungeon should feel like a labyrinth. It should test your puzzle knowledge. And when it's complex, solving it makes it feel so much more rewarding.
The overall design is better then most adventure games today. It's pretty solid.
>talks about Super Castlevania being too fucking easy in sequelitis and being a dumbed down sequel
>can't beat in game grumps
Yeah he's a hack, he's just and "older games are better" fag (with the exception of Megaman X)
>It was revolutionary at the time it was released
It was, but that was always the least important and impressive part about it.
>With both of those things technology has shot miles ahead, so what once was considered "the best that has ever been" has been understandably surpassed.
This is largely irrelevant and no it hasn't. It was always miles ahead of everything, not because of technology, but because of design and artistry, at which it exemplified things few other games have even attempted.
>changed gaming dramatically when it was released.
Like I said, the ways in which it influenced other games are vastly overrated. It's the aspects of it which have barely influenced anything outside of its own series that make it truly great.
Okay Arin I know you dropped out of highschool, but you don't have to say others are dumber than you are. Everything there is perfectly legible outside of some admittingly spotty punctuation, but it's a casual image board so it is what it is. Maybe come up with actual counter arguments next time?
What exactly is wrong with Hyrule Field? It's just a way of connecting all the games regions. Sure it's empty but would you rather have had nothing there at all?
It masks loading screens, provides a hub linking all of the areas of the game, and gave a sense of scope within the limits of the N64.
Okay, here's an argument. ALttP is better than OoT in every conceivable way. OoT just gets fellated because of MUH 3D ADVENTURE MEME.
Arin did make one good point.
In most of the 3d zelda games you will rarely if ever be punished for just throwing your shield up and waiting. Almost nothing gets past your Hylian Shield.
Whoa, he pointed out some faults with a game that came out 18 years ago? Simply the pinnacle of video game discussion!
lttp had no z targeting
they should make a zelda game with a shield that can break
He and most of the other animators who used to make youtube vids have explained why they don't really anymore, and/or have patreons now to make their money.
Jewtube monetizes based on views, period. Meaning that a short 1 minute video that took 20 hours to animate and voice will always get less money than ten 10-minute vidya segments that took 20 hours to shoot and cut.
Don't blame Egoraptor, blame Youtube.
It's pathetically empty. It was a joke.
There's no defending it. They tried to make it seem 'deep' with the secret holes and whatnot, but it's clear that the world was soulless.
>Guys I used a buzz words to describe OoT, I WIN!
That isn't an argument, it's an assertion. Back it up with actual points to support your position.
In what specific ways is ALttP better?
I honestly liked Zelda 1 more to be honest. (Note that this is coming from someone with no nostalgic connection to either game.)
Literally all better in OoT. And before you argue against dungeons, I want you to go back to ALttP and realize how many of them were palette swaps of each other.
>user defends it
>There's no defending it.
I know user, but it's unlikely that that mechanic is going to carry on
>I defend it
>"There's no defending it"
>refutes nothing I said.
Are you actually this dense?
This is a fair opinion.