What are your thoughts on Kracko Sup Forums?

What are your thoughts on Kracko Sup Forums?

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needs legs

Kracko is wacko


what would fucking kracko feel like?

Came here to say this.

I like it. Because he's always one of the easiest bosses in every Kirby game. Except fucking Kirby's Pinball Land where he's impossible.

Do clouds have genitals?
Do we even know it's gender?

>mfw Kabula is back in Planet Robobot

male or female or female penis?


Like fucking a soft cactus

best boss coming through

It has a child.

He is a very handsome boy, I love him.

Easily the worst recurring boss in the franchise since he has the same fucking moveset every time, the only exception being in Triple Deluxe which was later rehashed in Robobot.

At least Whispy Woods tries something new every. single . time.

what's your face?

this face


Yeah, I know.
Maybe it's just cloud mitosis or some shit like that.
I don't know why I'm questioning the logic of a fucking Kirby game in the first place.

For some reason i really like this boss.

Holy shit.
Do we get to experience a mech vs. airship battle?

Second deepest lore, bro



the illuminati

what's this from?

too easy of a boss. but good design

Kirby Fighters IIRC

Would ever be a hard kirby platformer? Because after playing Kirby Super Star i feel theres no need to try the other ones.

Krakovv is a very nice city, the best Polish food and nice women.

Superstar is not the hardest kirby game, and return to dreamland, triple deluxe, and apparently the new robobot one all approach it in quality.

Atleast play Return to Dreamland. the final boss itself is worth the trouble.

yes, go to about 11:40 of this video, you fight a machine wall at first then out comes kabula


oops i mean you dont get to fight as a mech, but you do fight in a mini ship thing like one of those crazy japanese shooting games


the only part of Kirby is this


>still haven't beaten any version of it to this day
>the only time I ever even beat the regular arena was super star ultra
why must life be suffering

i came close in triple deluxe but i fucked up at edgy meta knight

because you aren't using a copy ability with an invincible guard

invincible frames with fire has saved my ass so many times in triple deluxe's is not even funny, and yeah edgy knight usually fuck my runs easily: either he kills me or it makes me use the tomato and i end the fight with half or less of my life and then we have sectonia 2 DX and her soul form

kirby 64's is still more brutal imo since there's no fucking rest area and you have the old 5 life bars as health
isn't robobot's true arena similar in terms of recovery items? i read that there's only a protein drink to hold instead of a max tomato, and no oranges like in triple deluxe
