Let's talk about DS3 bosses. I mean just general thoughts about the ones on which you have any. I'd like this to be a nice conversation with sharing opinions and stuff but it'll probably become meme/shitposting fest in no time. Anyway, let's give it a try.
>Champion Gundyr
I constantly see complaints about his fight being hard and I must say that I don't know why. Honestly, Iudyx was more problematic. His attacks have weird charge time and I find them hard to dodge because of it. Champion's are much more intuitive to evade and he doesn't grow black shit blocking 1/3 of your screen in the second phase.
>Twin Princes
Same as with Champion. In my opinion most of their attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge and the ones that could possibly surprise you are not very punishing.
In this case I just wanted to say that it's the best fight in terms of atmosphere. His screams and the whole Ocelotte thing are simply great. If he was not in this game the best atmospheric fight would be the Dancer. Not only because of the ass but I like it too.
>Crystal Sage
Time for some shameful confession. This one gave me the most problems in early game. While let's say Nameless King is at least supposed to be hard, this one shouldn't. And I died like a bitch for around 10 times.