Can we have a serious discussion about this game?

Can we have a serious discussion about this game?

Will it be epic?

What toon will you be maining?


>Varian is dead
>Vol'jin is dead
>Sylvanas is the warchief
>Tirion is undead
>all the old demons are back
>warlocks enslave the eredar twins
>rogues enslave Vanessa Vancleef

At least it cant possibly be any shittier than wod.

Lets not forget, >Illidan was made the champion of the light
I wonder how blizz is gonna force it in.

They're faking their death or will be resurrected just have some faith man Blizzard writes are the very best in the industry and I FUCKING DARE you to name one company who has better writers.


I fucking hate that word

Voljin's body gets burned on a funeral pyre and Varian is buried in Stormwind Park

I fucking hate you too, toon.

But what toon will you be maining?
How many toons do you have?
Highest level toon?

Vol'jin is cremated and they have an urn in orgrimmar. The Ebon Blade could siege stormwind and steal Varians corpse like they did with Tirion but Vol'jin is gone forever.


It doesn't mean anything for one.

Fucking screenshot this. They'll be resurrected somehow m8

maybe they'll fucking go do some more time warping shit while they're at it.

Maybe it was all just a ruse?

It'll probably be shit.

I'll get it and play for about a month or two.

How do you know that it's him 4 real?

And for two?

It sounds dumb, it's overly used, you enjoy it.

Filter it.

They seem to be doing another bare minimum xpac, I'll play it for a month but I wish they would just retire the game and start a new MMO project, they obviously don't care about WoW any more and would prefer to be working on something else

Just because a words "sounds" dumb to you, and just because it's overly used doesn't make it dumb. Grow some testicles and get used to it you little autistic cunt.

My favorite MMO threads are one asking for serious discussion and then say toon

WoW needs to die and become WoW 2. But seeing as most other MMO's cant even compete that could take a while.

>Tirion is undead

Yeah because he was a beloved character that everyone gave a shit about, right?

Oh wait.

>warlocks enslave the eredar twins

Go on...

this. When your buzzword starts getting in normie tv ads and fucking shitcoms, its time to stop using it.

he was the only character that paladins had. Then death knights just steal him from them while they also get whitemane and nazgrim

>your class needs their 'own' character

>dks cucking warriors, paladins and priests
lmao dks are alpha as fuck

>Ret will never be good

I hate Blizzard so fucking much

>says he hates the word epic
>spam "toon" instead

Did you even read his post?

Well the joke's on you because I was only pretending to be retarded.

the entire order hall concept is to put all the major npcs of a class in the same area. The only major paladin npc in the entire game now is Yrel.

>serious discussion

Yrel is not even there.

>The only major paladin npc in the entire game now is Yrel
Probably the least interesting and most forced lore character Blizzard has ever created


she's still better than Med'an

do you guys think legion will be a massive blunder like wod? I don't think they can create something as bad as wod again.

There seems to be a much greater focus on non-raid and world content than WoD, which makes it better already, because they've obviously learnt something from WoD. It's still tinged with laziness though - reusing the hated garrison quest system in class halls, reusing the city from a fucking 2008 expansion pack as the main city, etc.

wod was blizzard expecting titan to work out and eventually replace wow. They need to keep wow alive now so it can't be as bad as wod.

and blizzard needs wow so they can have new content to add to hearthstone which is their big moneymaker now.

This desu. Sounds pretty hot.

They're literally characters who needed to die for further character development. The least popular race as warchief and the father of Anduin "my own hearthstone class, best friends with the only black dragon, went toe to toe with garrosh in mop" Wrynn needed to die.

>rogues enslave Vanessa Vancleef
my fucking dick and voljin is literally a meme character


I haven't played since Wrath.
I just started a Troll Mage and played for a little bit. Any advice for someone who's been out of the loop for awhile?

>garrisons 2.0
>everyone gets a million legendaries
>more ability pruning
>liable to get an even longer patch cycle than WoD because they just don't give a shit

No? He die in his throne in orgrimmar after the broken islands scenario. The only reason he survived is because Sylvanas saved him and Ba(i)ne.


Not a single troll character in WoD = No buy

no for the horde broken shore quest Vol'jin gets wounded and you take him to orgrimmar. He makes sylvanas the warchief then dies on the throne.

Meanwhile on the alliance side you go after Gul'dan with Varian and when you catch up to him he summons every demon we have killed and Varian dies in the fight.

I'm with you user.

Well that shows that their confident in their writing I guess.. is everything already datamined?

As I weep, May the plague kill all life on Azeroth.
Death to the living, and death to the scourge... long live..
Somebody hold me has better writers.

2nd reply in this thread is all the proof we need that the Blizzard writer(s) don't care and are just trying to keep the game alive with the bare minimum effort.

don't play

because they write this shit in an afternoon at the last minute, see the grom asspull mid-wod

>add a transmog library and let people set specific outfits
>still have to pay at an npc to actually change anything
>hide helm and cloak removed from basic interface options, added to transmogrifier menu along with the new hide shoulders option
>can all change talent specializations freely
>individual talents cannot be changed outside of rested areas and require a consumable that must be crafted by scribes

You'll be amazed at how little positive work Blizzard has done on the game since Wrath


>hide helm and cloak removed from basic interface options
That's a bug dude.

>individual talents cannot be changed outside of rested areas and require a consumable that must be crafted by scribes

What the flying fuck?

Remember all those Kennyfags at the end of season one and everyone shooting down their theories? Anything can happen.

It fucking better be

Confirmed by blizzard months ago.

They why was it added as an option in the transmog menu? There's no reason to have it there if it would also be in the settings.

The option is still there but they just move it to another menu? Is that what you're saying?

They want talents to be more meaningful choices since people in the beta would switch them between every pull, like aoe talents for trash then single target when they got to the boss

Because apparently they can't just have a cooldown between talent swaps or something like that

>individual talents cannot be changed outside of rested areas and require a consumable that must be crafted by scribes and everyone in the group can use it.

it's not both it's either. If you have a scribe tome you can change individual talents mid dungeon instead of needing to go to a rest area.

>They want talents to be more meaningful choices since people in the beta would switch them between every pull, like aoe talents for trash then single target when they got to the boss

How the fuck is this abad thing?


>i dont know havent played it yet
>lock/druid as always

i honestly dont even know what to think about it. Just have to wait I guess, I havent been keeping up with the news about it so i honestly dont even know what to think about it

Which part, the meaningful choices or swapping talents on the fly


master race coming through

All of it! The tree talents are so fucking small that they have to use this "meaningful" choices meme.

probably tauren paladin, hasn't hpaly been the best healer for like 6+ consecutive years?

I'm sure he means the meaningful choice part, only an idiot would support such static game play.

What does toon means?

since classic naxx, with a break in tbc when prot pallies were the best right?

>Im a dumb nigger that joined cuckchan today
>how do filter

Its WOD 2.0

World quests are just going to be more RNG loot crate grinding and everyone will be funneled into LFR/raids after a certain point.

The raid scene will still be an absolute joke, and PVP is still dead outside of that grinding imba shit they call instanced PVP

No not even close mate. In MOP they were actually the worst healer class

disc priests were the gods of wod

>Half the specs in beta are blatantly unfinished
>Affliction Warlocks, the DoT specs, only has TWO DoTs
>Destro Locks damage fluctuates by + or - 80% based entirely on RNG because that's literally their Mastery
>Fire Mages basically turned into WoD Frost Mages
>Outlaw Rogues DPS entirely based on literal dice rolls
>Brewmaster monks play like shit and scale inversely with Mastery
>Likewise for Blood DK's

>Blizzard says "We're done with class changes and we're moving to the Tuning phase"

>assassination rogues have like 10 fucking dots/buffs to manage

wew lad

naw mop was disc > hpaly = rsham > everything else, BoP was imba as fuck for solo-tanking and IH/beacon was god tier

meh disc is always strong but throughput>output imo.

disc priests were the only healers able to solo heal heroic garrosh

yeah before they got nerfed that is

every class (except mistweaver?) solo healed h garrosh

What do you expect, they're trying to mobafy the game.

Classes are based around their individual specs, each spec is like picking a hero in some shitty game like league

This isn't the RPG it used to be

>Casting from weapons.
That was all it took to drop it. It went from Dragonball to Harry Potter by that change.

>Casting from weapons.
Tell me you're not joking pls.

also a disc priest didn't solo heal it until very late and everyone outgeared it, whereas other healers actually solo healed it as progression

>Every class is the same shit in a different skin.

>Every class now feels more unique then they have in a long time

this is how stupid you sound.

shit , none.

False dilemma, classes were unique AND complex around BC.

>>Every class now feels more unique then they have in a long time

>Enhancement Shamans, Warriors, Frost DK's, Balance and Bear Druids, and both DH specs all using the same resource system with a different name
>Frost and Fire mages along with Prot Paladins not using a resource system at all
>All 3 Rogue specs, Feral Druids and Unholy DK's using the same resource system



Dad has been to or is currently in jail and/or the father is black.

how sheltered can you be?

The real question is how sheltered can YOU be ?