OG Battlefront Thread [cont'd]


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>tfw thinking of all the fun I had playing the first two battlefronts
They were a dream come true to me

there was another thread, this is a continuation brother

I think I miss those shitty custom single players map a lot more than I should.

Anyone here know the long throw mine trick?

Well shit



Is that the one where you swing the camera up as you throw the mine to throw it further than normal?

I found it btw.

If you guys want me to post a comic again the thread will need more replies so the mods won't be completely 404 happy.

I have some things to do btw so I'll be back.


you know what must be done

Might be better to wait for another day.

I'm on the hunt

I love the Thrawn Mod for Eaw, are there any other mods for star wars games an EU fag like me would enjoy?

meant mods but that applies too

>Please! I'm worth more alive!
>You're worth enough dead.

Server When

Men at War has a SW mod, Galaxy at War.


I love Geralt from witcher 1!

So guys, who would win?

Was it just my imagination or were the CIS bombers way better than the Republic's?
I used to go over to the enemy ship just to steal one of them so I could use it for bombing runs because I thought the damage output was way better.

I'm getting conflicting reports here, Open Season isn't exactly in a red zone anyways. You can unlock it from star wars bounty hunter.

Legends Canon: Boba
Nucanon: Jango

Boba has experienced so much in his life, even as a grandpa with cancer he still kicked ass. Then got that cancer removed.

Jango is the cold professional that can kill jedi with his hands.

But I'd just assume there'd be a lot of hugs and being happy to see eachother.

Jesus I had no idea.

You have to be backing up while you throw it, too

If you could live on one planet in the star wars universe what would it be?

Naboo. My house was there in SWG and it was so fucking cozy.

isn't it oldcanon that boba surpassed jango in infamy

Naboo looks nice. Just as long as I die peacefully of old age before the Trade Federation decides to ruin everything.


probably pic related user, always loved crowded cities with cold climates. Would also love being a vigilante in the lower levels, and would kill as many bottom feeders as I could.

Nute Gunray, GRA. I didn't say you could bring droids

Watch out for the pipe worms.

Fuck living on a planet, I'd live aboard starships my whole life, if I had to choose though it'd be Yavin 4 so I could train under Luke's order in the old EU, but leave before I become slaughter for the Vong

Pretty sure. He trained Jaina so that she could take down caedus. Pretty badass if you ask me

not coruscant, that's for fucking sure. ecumunepolis are really cool, but even if you payed me the sum cost of both Deathstars, the Galaxy Gun, and a fleet of Executors would i live there.

that being said, a private lake with an island home on Naboo is ideal. preferably where Gungangs like to pop up so i can practice pest control with a slug-rifle

post yfw when Polis Massa for the first time

>Not staying to defend the galaxy from the edge masters

What the fuck is wrong with you, user?

I miss playing BF2 with Sup Forums, had some sick games during 2012-2014

cheers to the user I took down AT-ATs with

>mfw learning the first rule of Polis Massa

Nigger have you ever faced a Dark Eldar before? No thanks.


>Welcome to Polis Massa, where both teams walk single file down a meat grinder and the control points don't matter.

post yfw you see through the lies of the jedi

>He doesn't destroy the enemies of man

Sorry for offtopic screenshot.

Why is Anakin so good looking, is it the Jedi training, Sith teachings, Midichlorians?

>Mfw parking a vehicle on top of Luke Skywalker

Fucking faggotass cheater deflecting missiles n shit deflect this my man

K anons. Choose one master that you would train under if you had the choice. They can be jedi or sith. Pic related is mine.

Dantooine, Naboo, Onderon. Basically any planet that is relatively populated but isn't a super densely packed mega city like Nar Shadda or Coruscant

>Welcome to Whose Line is it Anyways, the show where everything is made up and points dont matter. Just like Command Posts on Polis Massa. They just dont matter

>excited for new Battlefront with current-gen tech despite knowing EA was publishing because DICE makes pretty good games
>it was literally one of the worst multiplayer shooters I've ever played
What the fuck actually happened?

>Jaden Korr from Jedi Academy Became a recurring book character

I'm gonna miss this about the EU, all the different forms of media still being intertwined through characters and events with minimal oversight from Lucas was so fucking interesting. I still remember seeing the Darktroopers and Thrawn in Empire at War and flipping out a little.


Even though he's black

>picking literally anyone but Talon
nigga you must be gay

>making Jaden a canon human male
This is what I loved about the KotOR comics, they never specified. Then TOR fucked it all up by making mullet Revan canon.

I like that helmet

>Roll a Kel Dor or a Rodian
>Still has the human voice
>Is human in canon anyway

Why are Clonetroopers so based guys?

>Not wanting to learn how to gain eternal life
guess you want to die then

His book was written by a guy who skimmed a wiki.

How would you put him in, genius?

>mullet revan

i will never not be angry about that. and the fact that his armor is completely fucked as well.

his voice did also not match the character

Plo Koon.

More boring answer: Luke Skywalker.

Qui Gon seems like he would be the perfect fit for me. Maybe the exile from KOTOR 2 (and by that I mean the one from my play through)

Marr was the coolest sith
He didnt want to become emperor even though he was more than qualified
he was just a patriot

>Name is Jaden Korr


I feel like being Luke's direct apprentice would pull me to the dark side because I'd try too hard to live up to his legacy

>implying you ever could

Make him a girl, obviously.
But I wouldn't touch the EU anyway, especially if it meant putting Jedi Academy in canon.
>Star Wars
>Established naming schemas outside of Darths and droids
You can only pick one.

Sith please go, your trips can not sway me.

Tyber Zann did nothing wrong

Manaan. Highest level sushi.

Marr was just interested in winning. The state of the galaxy was perfect for him. It wasn't about philosophy, it was about performance. In a way he was a much purer sith than SW and SS ever could be. They did him justice in Yavin but the new xpac mooks him too hard.

I think the consortium was mentioned one time outside of the game.

Am I the only one who doesn't absolutely loath the prequels?

I mean besides Jar Jar, nobody likes him.

Anakin was also kind of a shit.


I mean they didn't give me cancer. And they got better as they went on. Better as in less nonsensicle and feverdreamed.

I mean I know BW was just lazy with him but I truly believe that he respects the Imp toons.
Honestly after completing RotHC with my agent, I truly felt bad for choosing to defect
Michael Harney did a perfect job and I truly felt that my agent would have been so proud to be respected by such a prominent figure of Imperial Society

I didn't find the movies to be completely awful. What I really enjoyed was all of the expanded universe content that came out of their existence.

I don't loathe them, but they're definitely not very good. I absolutely loathe Attack of the Clones because it's a complete piece of shit. I have a soft spot for Episode I, though. Despite all its shortcomings, it has a lot of heart put into it, cool designs, etc. It's clearly the only prequel Lucas actually wanted to make.

I loved Episode III, liked it more than VI, outside of the space battles and the Luke and Vader fight was just phenomenally done, it might be my favourite part of the saga. II was meh and the romance was really, really weak, and I was interesting but I don't think it was great. I can appreciate the prequels and do enjoy parts but they aren't as well put together as a whole.

meant for

Quick, post your lightsaber color!

Blue! Blue!

2 was the only one that I have trouble stomaching.
1 and 3 are alright, though 1 suffers from having Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar in it and 3 suffers from Hayden.
I'm kinda glad Clone Wars exists, if only because it makes Anakin a pretty good character.
And because it actually gets good after a few seasons.
Purple, my man.

I forgot to say I think the music was phenomenal for the prequels imo

Cyan is the prettiest.

The Phantom Menace has the best soundtrack out of all 7 movies and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Is it true VII has a poorly done soundtrack

Duel of the Fates was the best thing to come out of the prequels

auralnauts entire prequel redo was great. The original not so much.

I wouldn't say poorly done, but there's not a lot of standouts compared to the other movies. It's only not great by fucking John Williams standards, in any other movie it'd be fine. Rey's theme is absolutely gorgeous, though.


So does anyone else feel that VII was a little to cut to the chase with no meat? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of drawn out diplomatic scenes, but I like at least some politics. Makes the universe seem much more real/authentic

The original cut was nearly a half hour longer, it was forced down to be closer to the 2 hour mark. There's one cool deleted scene where Kylo walks around the Falcon and reminisces/has internal conflict. I'd love to see the original cut but I think it's going to be a while.

Actually, after watching the newest movie, I thought all storm troopers were cloned. So how come the main male isn't a clone?

They'll probably release a special edition DVD or something that has all the cut content. Guarantee it, just wait awhile it'll happen eventually.