I've never paid attention to this series but all the porn has me wanting to try it.
Any good?
I've never paid attention to this series but all the porn has me wanting to try it
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play 1 and 2, don't bother with infinite.
Came here to say this, the first two are legitimately incredibly good games that anyone who enjoys FPS should play.
no, they're all shit
ignore the people who say infinite is bad and bioshock 1 is some masterpiece, they're full of shit. bioshock 1 is just as bad as infinite, and is probably worse in some ways
>play the entire series recently
>1 is so incredibly dated gameplay wise
>2 was the best but lacked in story
>3 started off great and then slowly went to shit around the half way mark.
would still play 3 for its gameplay over 1 but my god the story made me want to kill myself around the end.
>1 is dated
Care to elaborate how so? No ironsights? No regen health? Level not linear enough?
1 and 2 are fucking amazing.
Infinite is painful to play because of all the wasted potential.
I don't even like the series but finished 1. How is it dated?
Gameplay wise, Infinite is actually better than 1.
In terms of atmosphere, there about on par.
In terms of story, 1's is better. Even it has epin shitty twist like Infinite does, as least it didn't fucking retard by introducing inter-dimensional timelines and travel. It makes for a clusterfuck of sloppy storytelling.
2 is still the best even if had the weakest story and atmosphere.
Also, if you are playing on console for some reason, get the ultimate rapture addition. it's about 20 dollars, comes with 1 and 2 and the dlc.
1 and 2 are great infinite is mediocre
how the fuck does infinite have good gameplay, like in what fucking way, i'm legitimately curious how someone would think this, it was a slog the whole way through
Hello. I think I'm one of the rare people who enjoyed all three. Get them all on pc if you can. Fun little trilogy of games.
Game play wise
2 >>> 3 > 1
Story wise
1 > 2 >>> 3
Infinite's gameplay is objectively worse than the first two.
I don't know how you could think that watering down of gameplay makes it better.
having to switch between weapon to plasmid is dumb as hell, but can quickly get used to
People say the plot is the best which I don't understand, since it barely has one beyond you aloha snackbar'd, you stuck in city, get out, but the game has the best atmosphere and is the most open out of the 3. Feels like a world somebody could live in if they all didn't try to murder you
game isn't as atmospheric as it could have been but still a solid action game. If you like 1, here is more of it basically.
Fuck that game.
Fuckers just couldn't stay with one Elizabeth design
first is good
second is gooder
third isn't good really at all except for the first minute or two of columbia
You'll be dissapointed. The porn is better than the actual games.
>Story wise
1 (→ 2), 3 (→ 3 DLC)
It's pretty fucked up.
i felt the combat of 2 and infinite was much smoother, everything felt just a little slow, the conserving of health and money was nice but i preferred how they did it in 2, the open worldedness of it was the only thing i found to be superior compared to the other games. (the "sidemissions" in infinite were a fucking travesty )
Bioshock infinite was shit
I haven't tried the other two so can't give you an honest verdict desu
Was anyone else reminded of a Disney princess movie after rescuing and going on an adventure with a quirky sheltered girl?
Meanwhile in Russia.
1 is good.
2 is good if you need more.
3 is good but weird because they called it "Dishonored." This "Infinite" game is actually unrelated to the series.
Elizabeth looks like a Disney princess
Playing System Shock 2 may make you see how Bioshock was a shallow cut down rehash in a new setting
but bioshock does have ironsights
go home penny arcade.
Honestly, game's whole art style could be a disney movie that was directed by Zyklon B Garrison
That's kind of the point.
Her fucking voice actress sounds exactly like Ariel.
Play everything but Infinite's DLC.
Absolutely ruins the canon.
Not him, but as much as I love Bioshock 1, its engine feels very slow and clunky compared to modern games. Pardon the pun, but it feels like the entire game is played underwater.
>tfw no qt french gf
>playing babby's first FPS
>it's an fps game
>moral choice involving throwing a projectile
>what do
>fuck off qte
wonder which retard thought this was a good idea
BaS Elizabeth is hot as fuck would put my dingalong into her shingshoong
Bioshock is good, Bioshock 2 improves upon the original, and well, don't play infinite please
Just play System Shock 1 and 2.
1 and 2 are fantastic. Infinite not so much.
The gamplay in 3 is shit though
>all these people saying Infinite had better gameplay than 1
It fucking did not. It was as generic as you could possibly get.
ss2 has pretty bad gameplay though
Play System Shock 2 and Bioshock 1 and 2.
Not him, but having recently played it, I quite enjoyed SS2's gameplay.
1 and 2 (and its DLC) are must plays.
Infinite's base game was pretty meh. Burial at Sea Episode 2 DLC was actually decent, on the other hand.
Eh, even with SS2 being better, I still enjoyed Bioshock for what it was.
Dishonored is great, but I find it borrows more from stuff like Thief and Deus Ex than SS/BS
Playing System Shock 2 made me appreciate Bioshock 2 a lot more. At least the writers tried to write something more original than a copy of a previous game like Bioshock 1 did.
Yeah and it's exactly where I felt Bioshock should have gone as a progression of its established gameplay.
Stealth was vaguely present with sneaking around enemies. The one melee weapon you got was great, just add a block button. Murdering innocents and guards alike affects the city the story takes place in, it'd fit so well in a Bioshock game. Turn some guns into gadgets. Charming enemies (whatever power it's called) becomes Possession, the bee swarm becomes the rat swarm, I can't remember if you could teleport in Bioshock but the enemies could. And while Bioshock didn't invent the health/mana system it uses (quick drain, focus on using potions often plus instant consumed food) is aped heavily by Dishonored. Both are influenced by steampunk (I know, Thief. Even DE is a kind of punk). Even the font looks similar to me.
Burial at Sea Episode 2 does delve into stealth gameplay. Its honestly among the few DLCs in the industry I feel is better than the base game.
Isn't this series pretty much confirmed for being announced by 2K at E3?
Q4 release.
Confirmed what about the series?
Please elaborate
Burial at Sea 2 had decent stealth gameplay but the lore rape ruins it for me.
Bioshock Collection. Xbox one, PS4 probably PC i guess.
Ratings for the game were leaked on multiple occasions. 2K were hyping up their E3 announcements. Solid bets are Bioshock collection and RDR2.
I recently replayed Bioshock 2 and its DLC, Minerva's Den. It's fucking ace, through and through. Shame about the multiplayer mode, amusingly enough made by the devs who are currently making the grindfest Warframe.
Aw was hoping for more bioshock.
Boshock 1 is severely overrated
>omg da twist it will make you think and change the way you play games hurr durrrr!
The twist is definitely pretentious. But I still enjoyed the gameplay.
Dont bother with last one, its shit I regret I even dowloaded that thing.
Trailer makes it look good, but that story gave me cancer and gameplay is boring as fuck.
I think I'd enjoy it more if everyone didn't hype it to shut and back.
I don't even think it's trying to be super smart or anything, but people made it out to be WAY more than it is. Like jesus fucking christ it wasn't THAT clever. Cool? Sure? Infinitely clever? Fuck of.
They probably have some scrub developer putting this together, 2k has probably already got the A team working on another bioshock. will probably get announced at 2017 E3.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are good.
Play System Shock 2, aswell
>got the A team working on another bioshock
Who is 2k's A-Team? Irrational isn't a thing anymore, and showed with Infinite they certainly aren't "The A Team"
>pick up that can
Bioshock is worth it if you want to experience the state of the art in 2007. It isn't THAT good but after playing Infinite (the best game ever made) and its DLC, you'll appreciate the fact that you played it.
You can skip Bioshock 2, it's hot garbage unfit to be remembered. And it wasn't even made by the true developers. Only its DLC deserves to be played.
>You can skip Bioshock 2, it's hot garbage unfit to be remembered.
Don't listen to this retard. Bioshock 2 had excellent gameplay, and some of the best level design in the series.