>Family: 'Shut that game off, you've played enough for one day.
>They watch TV all night long
Family: 'Shut that game off, you've played enough for one day
r u 12
How old are you OP? If they bother you so much you can most certainly live elsewhere?
You have to be 18 to post here
>not milking your family for resources until your 30
Nice blog, now fuck off
i hate ,y family!
>have my own place
>do what i want
But watching TV let you gain information and knowledge like News program or History channel.
Hey Janitors, you can joke all you want, but at some point you'll come to realize how cancerous frogpost threads are for Sup Forums.
that's what you tell yourself that you're doing, but one day you'll wake up and you'll be 42 and you'll still be there. and then you'll be 50 and you'll get the news that your parents have died. and you will have nothing to show for your existence, you will end up living on the street because you are too autistic to ask your siblings for shelter, and you will be raped to death by a rabid crack addict.
>gain information and knowledge
>History channel
as opposed to FFXIV healer threads, waifu threads, and anime shitposting?
OP is probably a basement dwelling neckbeard but he had a point.
>watching TV let you gain information and knowledge
nearly everything on tv is some form of social engineering
> News program or History channel
lol both filled with hardcore propaganda
you learn more from staring at a wall than watching tv unless you are watching tv to research how propaganda and social engineering works
This. Why is Sup Forums filled with basement dwelling NEETs?
You can easily ignore all of those. Plus, it's an anime image board, dude.
You CAN'T ignore frogposting when you have shitty kids spamming multiple threads and posts with dat boi and pepe while shitting out lazy Sup Forums memes along with it.
>i used to hear this every fucking day
your folks jusr want you to make friends and be successful
so start looking for a job you fucking frogposter
When i was a kid i would just play my handheld under my bedcovers. They never found out!
>tfw thrashing your little sister in a game so hard she starts crying and your mom has to tell you to let her win
>don't let her win until she sucks your dick
Dude, wtf???
We just need Hiro to reactivate the image blacklist and add all the known Pepes to it.
Your mom, not your little sister. Maybe that wasn't clear.
>Having to play video games in the living room.
>Time to vacuum!
better than working
Nobody asked you for your life story m8
Why not both
Image blacklist? When did he do this?
Dad had dibs on my sister.
>not having your own computer in your own room
I thought family computers were a thing of the past
>I watch CNN occasionally I am highly intelligent and informed
>being that stupid
>all these games are slowing down the computer!
Some people weren't born after 2000.
Filtering is the worst
I swear you can easily ignore frogposters as well if it bothers you so much, don't be like reddit.
>History Channel
It's all pawn shops and cars. All you learn from that is that pawn shops need to make profits.
Moot had one running on Sup Forums in 2007-2008 when furfags would make rampant Sonic threads
>don't be like reddit
We are pretty much reddit's bitch, now. A cesspool of their memes because we can't do anything about it.
Couple days ago, you had people spamming threads with dat boi. Not only that, but there's also shitty internet acronyms and the lack of correct grammar on here these days. People used to shit on others for using shit grammar/acronyms.
I literally have no idea what youre talking about tbqhwyfamilia
Are those things still alive?
I really hope you're just joking.
>Your games gave the computer a virus!
>sister downloaded limewire the other day
imho I think the acronyms we picked up from reddit are totally EPIC if it wasnt for reddit we wouldnt have all our great memes like poo poo pee pee or whaddup dat boi
sorry no reddit images to go with this post
Yes. The oldest one is 12 years old.
Now this is a man who'll go places.
Still too old.
Rabid crack addict here. I can confirm this as true.
>want to fap
>sister is at home all day studying for finals
>mom got fired so she is at home all the time too crying
>parents play more video games than me
>they start downloading shitty shovelware PC games
>buy them plants vs zombies because I have no idea what casuals play
>they fucking love it
>so much so they're playing it all the fucking time and have beaten it a dozen times and unlocked everything
>they now teetered off to play shitty image search games
>they won't play anything I recommend them, and dismiss it immediately
What the fuck are those spots on the one in the lobster costume?
I bet they will open the portal to the underworld on their 18th birthday.
I don't understand. Why can't you masturbate?
I can only fap in the toilet, which is close to the living room
... why?
I swear to god anytime a sentence with
>games gave the computer virus
in it, I just immediately think of that one screencap with the Megaman pic and get mad
You want your room to smell like dried cum?
>People used to shit on others for using shit grammar/acronyms.
>he doesnt eat his own cum and tidy up like a good boy
What pic?
>tfw thrashing your little sister
>when your sister gets angry and starts sucking your dick