3 more days who hype? Going to go watch it with my son

3 more days who hype? Going to go watch it with my son.

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>3 more days who hype? Going to go watch it with my wife's son.

I'm not gonna lie they made the trailer look funnier than I thought it could be

>not my wife's son
something isn't right here

I think it's gonna be really bad but it's okay because I think it is for very little kids.

It will be a massive success and Nintendo will base all of their movies on it.

I'm pretty hyped for Anti-imigration Birds.

>excited to watch a children's movie
>is going to force his kid to watch it with him
Are you using reverse psychology to turn your kid into an intelligent, thoughtful and productive member of society or do you actually spend your time in this way?

OP must be feeling bold

Olaf as Chuck

I don't to be put on a SPLC database

At least they tried to adapt that shitty game into something it makes sense.

Someone should post that Sup Forums theory already.

It is crazy red pilled.

Sup Forums approved

Someone post the picture

Unlike Ratchet, it gives the impression that they designed this movie as an actual movie.
I want to see it only because I am a sucker for birds.



Truly the modern day Animal Farm.

Reviews are looking good.

This review and the Sup Forums image make me want to go see that movie.

I figured that critic was just blowing hot air. Is it really some kind of male-centric movie or some shit?

Ask anything for a guy who watched the movie like two weeks ago at a special preview event.

Will deliver.

Did you like it?

that's not the full version

Story is as deep as the game it's based on. Chuck (yellow bird) really shines and is the only memorable character. The visuals raise many bars, the movie is just visually pleasing.

I would have enjoyed it more if there was actually a story to care about.

ISIS mod where you play as the pigs when?

Why did they make an Angry Birds movie that looks like a rip off of angry birds with no characters that look like birds? And furthermore why did this weird/freaky new non bird animal become the standard style of the merchandise?

Daily reminder that this is the highest rated video game movie to date and will blow Warcraft and AssCreed outta the water
I say this because it's the truth, I fucking hate the franchise but this is quite possibly the highest quality video game movie ever, like a golden turd

Sounds like a decent one off for an evening at least.

No, feminists are just neurotic retards.

They're mildly anthropomorphic.
How do you expect them to sell a movie where no one has arms or legs?
The birds in the game barely even have wings!

How obvious are the Euro migrant crisis parallels?

>Going to go watch it with my husbands daughter


Fuck you, Street Fighter was fun.

>Not liking the Prince of Persia movie
It wasn't amazing but it's a decent watch. Seen it a few times

Wish it was a little more faithful to the game though

It's practically in your face and impossible not to connect the dots unless you're grossly uninformed about international issues. Now if it was intentional or pure coincidence, which is hard to believe, you can't tell it from the movie alone. Rovio is a Finnish company.



I understand the need for a redesign but if they're going to do that then why don't they make them look more like birds?

I wouldn't trust her opinion. Her political standpoint on human rights issues, the only political issue she is able of discussing, is centered on an extremely radical version of feminism. I consider myself a feminist, though I also write a considerable amount critiquing the questionable trajectory feminism has taken, and this woman will grasp for anything to critique any representation of a male in movies, willingly defending even the most derivative of female roles that are as ill-fated as not including women in movies.

There are male stereotypes in the movie, but in the same way the critic used them to label the film as male-centric, hormonal rampage, it could be reversed to suggest it is a parody, or a subversive way of critiquing the very same thing. Like in the photograph I am attaching by Linda Nochlin.

Seriously tho, Mortal Kombat was the best game movie.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Pikmin movie that is about just the Pikmin doing Pikmin things. It will also have some drama and action with them trying to survive all the creatures that are after them and also them hunting.

Sup Forums makes a movie

>I consider myself a feminist,

You should consider suicide.

Is this shit approved by Sup Forums or something?

>I consider myself as a feminist



And it gave us this gem.

Damn, I totally forgot about those movies.
I remember considering of them to be campy fun and the other being genuinely enjoyable, although I can't recall which is which.

From what people are saying, it's the fashiest movie since Drive and Triumph of the Will

>I consider myself a feminist

K well you, very clearly, did not read anything else. Your definition of feminism is carried by a neo-liberal shit-fest that has plagued the very same things you and I both disagree upon. If you were at all aware of where feminism started from, what its politics are about, I can assure you that you would understand that the term is just a sign that has very little to do with gender politics.

But say what you want. The people that aimlessly bash at feminism are just as bad as the tumblr-feminist crowd. Both are perpetuating and sustaining the same shit through antagonism.

Is it banned on mudslime lawn?

Nice assumptions you have no clue about what I do or do not know
But I can tell you this

Anyone that considers themselves a feminist needs to consider suicide

That goes for , and Read a fucking book as opposed to getting yourself triggered over something you don't understand. I fucking hate contemporary feminism, probably more than you three knuckleheads.

No, kill yourself.

Women don't deserve any rights. They ruin everything.

>not my wife's son
It is correct. Op aren't cuck to show his son a liberal cancer shit.

It started with jews wanting to tax women´s labor and destroying the family so humans would be easier to manipulate
And you fell for it

Not him, but modern feminism really is a corruption of the original intended meaning.

And then this post brought you down to just a raging faggot again.

You assumed quite a lot too. You created a category, placed me in it, of which you clearly don't understand it fully. I didn't really have to assume much because if you comprehended anything I said, and operated through any form of rhetoric, you would have wondered why I simultaneously hate the review that woman wrote, which is very representative of feminism, and how I consider myself a feminist.

No, no. Feminism is bad. In all its forms. Women should have no say in the political process.

>which you clearly don't understand it fully

You are wasting valuable time that could be used in planning that suicide

This one still gets me.

The greek were the wisest ones

Thats why they were all gay

Bison is fucking gold in that movie.

>Flick Filosopher
No wonder.
She's not qualified to review this Kïnémâ.

Call down faggot and take a joke

Feminism is a menace, not a joke


>Have women being oppressed by men?
>Is there a rape culture in society?
>Do men have more legal rights than women do?
If you answered hes to at least one of these questions, expect to get proven wrong here.

If you answered no to all 3, try and tell any other prominent feminist this, and expect to get shouted at.