I want a Monster Girl Quest thread, and I'm not walking away without one

I want a Monster Girl Quest thread, and I'm not walking away without one

I'm sorry user, I love the game too but a good thread for it is a very rare thing

So I've been trying to beat this game for the last few years. Do the fights heavily depend on RNG in chapter 2 and beyond?

Truly is the greatest rpg of all time paradox english patch when ;_;

Don't \vg\ have daily mgq breads?

Chapter 2 has some bullshit puzzle fights near the end
Nothing too hard though, as long as you play on normal

not really, use your spirits all the time, dont special moves unless you need to heal. You can do whatever on normal mode.

Sounds alright, and what's the ratio of cute girls/monsters to abominations?

Thanks. Didn't know this game had higher difficulties too. I won't even try them.

>they're human girls with maybe some tentacles or a different lower body

I want actual monstruous females not just monster cosplay

Just know whether you should be using Sylph or Gnome, and save some SP for healing and you should be golden
How the fuck have you been stuck for years though?

play part 3.

There are a lot more of actually ugly monsters in part 2 and 3 specially in 3.

You want part 3 then

Besides Alice even on hard most of the fights are still fairly easy. Although Alice took me 72 fuck me tries to beat so i don't know how discouraging that is to you.

There's a general that's pretty much dead.

Gets fucking terrible at chapter 3, most girls are actually off-putting unless it caters to your specific fuck-up
But when they're good, they're really good, so it's worth to stick around until the end anyway

But surely no one would actually play on normal

Monstergirl = monster + girl
Not monster

Does Illias look like a gecko to anyone else?

Part 3 is fucking pure art
It turned porn completely on its head and made you actually try to avoid the bullshit that happens in the rape scenes. It Gigers the shit out of you

I've been on and off the game, and I would either just fap to a specific monster (the kitsune in the cave in part 1 comes to mind) or throw a fit over losing a fight again.

Now I'm set on actually finishing the monsterpedia thingy.


Jesus, is she that hard?

Ill take your word for it man, Ill look forward to the good ones. Thanks.

I started blind on Hard and most of the fights were easy. I lost quite a bit but only rarely did I ever actually get stuck for longer than one or two losses before managing to win.

Hardest fights in the series for me were Succubus Witch and Alice. Lost count of the many attempts I had to have at both of them before I won.

Her fight is basically based off pure luck on hard mode and I have the worst luck in the world. Even with using all four sprites she is still has a pretty high chance to hit you and getting hit twice in a row means death.

>Jesus, is she that hard?
Not really, but she has an attack that takes over 60% of your HP
Just play defensively until she's has less than half health left, fully heal yourself then use salamander and chaos blade


>Play game a few years back
>Finally decide to get new computer
>Pull hard drive out of old one and use as an external
>Save files were nowhere near the :C drive

I was a good 2/3rds or more, I just needed to do some minor stuff, I think I was on some island away from the mainland that had some fairy queen and I just don't feel compelled to go back all the way through it again

Alice was a top tier waifu.

I forgot how much I enjoyed this game, it was really well done for a monstergirl femdom rape game.

I also drained by balls to the porn more times than I can count.

ill keep that in mind, thanks.

I wish Alice didn't have H scenes until the end
So she could be a pure waifu, instead of a cockhungry cumslut

What was your favorite H-scene? For me it was this one. Something about kinda cucking a small child appealed to me greatly. Played through the whole game and saw most of the H-scenes and this one remained among my favorites.

She was pure though. As pure as a monstergirl could be.

As much as I would have liked that, she's still a monster

She is 100% pure though
You're her first and only

Alice's H scenes cause they were actually voiced unlike the rest of them.

This one.

>tfw you touch the fluffy tail

I liked the angel soldiers, and the princess blowjob. Though the last one was more because of the comical situation.

Top-notch cucking is when you recover the spirits, Alice has to accept it and flail her frustration uselessly

Same here.

The fucking slime waifus would do it for me as well as human Alice.

Been playing through this again. When Part 2 came out I got just past Undine, but then I dropped it until now. Right now I'm just past Salamander so this is as far as I've been before.

Goddamn it man, I stopped giving a shit about the actual porn a long time ago (Succubus Witch & Granberia are the only 2 from part 2 I even like).

How can one h-game's plot be so based? It actually makes me wary of these threads because of spoilers, but then, I already have a loose understanding of what the end of the game is like since it's been out so long (and even if I didn't, the in-game hints are pretty obvious)

Also why is Granberia so best

I have a couple others.

All four of the Heavenly Knights also had voiced H-scenes. Possibly Ilias too but I forget.

See, that's how I knew that I didn't lose to Granberia the way I was SUPPOSED to lose in the Volcano.

She started talking


Granberia = bulldyke tier
Alma Elma = best tier

I must have lost on purpose to almost every monster, thank god I played this game when I was on vacation otherwise I would've died from exhaustation. My dick hurt like a bitch at the end of the week and my cum was transparent.

>A prematurely ejaculating shota has better character development than damn near any game protag in the last decade
I will never understand how this gem of a game actually exists

>no Alice feeding scenes

Ran > Tamano

True, Ran's got the silly hat and comes with a cute cat loli. Tamamo just cant compete with that.


i hope someone throws you into a shallow grave full of gasoline then tosses a lit match in

You come for the PLOT and stay for the actual plot. My body was ready but my heart was not.

I want to hug Granberia.

And then massage her tail so that she gets flustered.

>Granberia will never defeat you and then take you to the castle to live out the remainder of your days as a semen depository

it hurts

>Alice's mom's backstory
>All that shit with Lazarus
>Luka's home a fucking holy crater
>Luka going full RIP AND TEAR in the dumb plant village
>Alice begging for death

So dragondyke trained and got better, fluffy tail used her true form and succubus stopped holding back, but what did slime do to defeat her opponent? I can't remember.

Spoiler half that post nigga come on now

Blew her up with nuclear fusion.

Has there been any game released in the past one or two years that's similar to monmusu? I've played other hgames but I've never drained my balls as much as monmusu. I guess more of the battle against being raped games? Does not have to be related to monster girls.

Thanks, bruh.

just playing the game now, I regret not playing it when there were threads of it all the time on Sup Forums
do you think there'll be a renaissance of monster girl quest threads when the translation for paradox comes out?

I have masturbated, and cum to every single monster in the game.
This is my legacy.

>that Oppai Lilly bonus scene
Holy shit they just went for a fetish bingo

Well there is monster girl quest paradox if you can read Japanese.

Be worst girl and nuke herself, the same thing she does in every situation

Alice is fucking cute.
I mean, holy shit, I didn't expect to get so attached to H game characters
What the fuck

Cute Girl: Abomination Ratio

Part 1 95:5
Part 2 85:15
Part 3 30:70

Succubus Witch's special moves scenes (not including the unbirthing)

>Alma Elma
>the only one of the four heavenly knights that outrights kills you at everyone point she fights you

Shit taste.

Before I had finished the game I did not understand the mentality of a waifufag
Now at last I finally see

>No dragonwaifu to train with
>She will never spot you while she helps you get swole
> She will never wake you up early in the morning for jogs
>She will never make sure you eat well to build body mass
>She will never curl around you at night

I am suicide watch

>do you think there'll be a renaissance of monster girl quest threads when the translation for paradox comes out?
Might as well accept that MGQ will NEVER EVER be popular here again

Is it wrong that I really like the Toothpaste Queen?

Can you get all the CGs without having to lose every battle? i always wondered that

Worst fox.

I'm generally a slimefag but I just wanted her to fuck off every single time she showed up

I don't think so but its been almost two years since I beat the game so i'm not 100% sure.

You have to lose to get the CGs. It's the only way to get the CGs in the first place.

I just want to go on cute carefree adventures with her
This story is too srs bsns

The game is literally called "lose and be raped", what do you think user?

Did any of you faggots actually cry at any scene?
Because I teared up at the bad end of Chapter 2

All monsters need to be quadraple giga'd

Nah I just fapped to Illias.

I would have but then I got that sweet goddess pussy. All was good in the end.

>TFW all your fav pics are too lewd to post on Sup Forums

We need more casual artists, yo.

I'll be at the end of chapter 2 soon.

Can't wait to see the bad end before proceeding! It can't be THAT bad, right? :^)

It kind of hurt to watch.

Don't forget to use Quadruple Giga for extra feels

The volcano scene taught me just how different she looks without her armor. I almost didn't even recognize her. Notably, that circlet makes it seem like she's always glaring, but she looks like every other character (humongous oval eyes) without it

Well, I have some inkling about the contents of that ending so I'm kind of prepared for it. That said, I'm unaware-of-the-specifics enough that I'm sure my heart will be broken all the same

I would have felt really, really, really bad if that was the canon ending and the game just ended like that
But it never happened so I don't give a fuck

Does Quadruple Giga make it from a bad end to a super bad end or something? A simple yes or no or suffice

While we're at it, will it be obvious where I need to save so that I can still branch away from the bad end?

>there are people who actually attacked Alice
Excuse me

>quadruple giga'ing the imp

Zombie Mansion a best

>play it
>fight like 2 monster girls
>lose motivation to play it

I've been playing it on and off for about 2 years, I just beat a genie and went to some place with a warrior king or something.

Harpy queen is the best objectively.

Now you need to die.

How can Luka take less damage from tsunami and tidal wave instead of sexual attack?

Very obvious. And quadruple giga gets some unique dialogue from Alice

Human will extinct eventually with monster here in this world.

He's a very eager boy

Having something grow spikes while inside of your dick hurts more than some blunt trauma
Maybe it doesn't actually deal as much of direct damage but it sure as hell saps willpower good

It's really rough sex

Because his defense is 0 against pleasure attacks. It's why most bosses go straight for pleasure attacks because Luka's normal defense is so high.