Xbots and PCucks will never experience the greatest gaming experience of the generation

>Xbots and PCucks will never experience the greatest gaming experience of the generation
How do you people say you like video games, again?

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>paying money to be advertised to
You people are shameless.

>Soniggers shill their games the hardest because they need to justify spending 400 bucks on a console that has 4 games on it and has already been abandoned by the developers that made it.

That webm could be really funny if it looped almost seamlessly. But you fucked up.


hey anons, can you tell me why he is taking those pictures? I know why, but I want to see if the people who mock this bit understand why

no one?
figures as much

fucking cell phones have to ruin movies and games

I also know why, but I won't say it so you're experiment can continue.

Did you get the trophy (and dialouge) for taking a picture of Sully during this scene?

>Did you get the trophy (and dialouge) for taking a picture of Sully during this scene?
ha didnt even think to try that, im not really a trophy hunter but I might have to replay this chapter now

Sonybro here. uncharted 4 sucks, don't believe the hype

some nice gameplay you've got their m8

which chapter was this again?

another hidden one is if you grab an apple in the market and let the lemur run off with it

but just with that webm i experienced it. didn't pay a dime either.

Remember to sign up boys

wow..................... so this..................... is........................................ the power........................................................................................ of the.................................................................. p......................................................................................................s..................................................................................................4

yeah i got that one unknowingly lol, ill have to check

can you tell me why he is taking pictures?

bullshit for the player to do while the power of the ps4 loads the next cinematic cutscene

My roommate has a ps4 and I just finished the uncharted bundle, they're okay games but super repetitive and the puzzles are mostly tedious/easy

>taking pictures of shit now instead of meticulously sketching everything out in his notebook

Yo how you want your uncharted senpai?


I'm pretty sure it's Chapter 11 "hidden in plain sight", which is weirdly long for some reason. It contains the market, clock tower, this whole puzzle sequence AND the huge chase.

Another hidden trophy is "Stage Fright" which you get if you don't touch the controller for 30 seconds at the same place as where the e3 demo broke last year. I thought it was pretty funny that they included that.

but wait why post a webm of real lif..... wait are you saying that's a game?

those of us who have powerful PCs can also afford a PS4. I have bloodborne on the PS4, dark souls 3 on the PC running at a nice 1440p 60fps, demon's souls on the PS3, the uncharted series, and absolutely no regrets.

would it be nice if I could play those games at high resolution/quality? sure, but I'm still playing them and enjoying them.

wow! that wasn't hard, was it?

oh wait
> b-but I'm a neet
> b-but I don't have a job
> b-but I work at mcdonalds

I forgot, I'm so sorry. I guess you'll just never have anything good in life.

he still sketches in his notebook

>Another hidden trophy is "Stage Fright" which you get if you don't touch the controller for 30 seconds at the same place as where the e3 demo broke last year. I thought it was pretty funny that they included that.

You obviously havnt played it, or even seen the next 20 seconds after the WeBM.

Also he draws in real time now, instead of new entries just appearing somehow, which is cool.

dude you just destroyed 80% of the anons in this thread

Good post but did you play and have fun in Uncharted 4?

it's probably part of a puzzle or challenge and the phone aspect is probably so they can include more characters offscreen and involve them in the story.

What did i win

But I can already experience the full movie on youtube.

Calling yourself masterrace then still begging for for bloodborne isn't true master race.

To follow on what this user said, adding a hacked 3ds to the mix helps too

Because Drake is dumb, having done none of the research on pirate sigils, so when this dumb puzzle requires knowledge of said sigils and to whom they belong, with the pirate portraits in other rooms, he texts his brother to give him the answer.

thats not that part

Does it matter that *I* do it instead of someone on youtube?
If no, why would anyone care.
If yes, how?

same can be said of any game


Why don't we call them sonygros?
It keeps the phonetic sound of Sony while still calling them a derogatory term for blacks.