Honestly how long will the community for this game last?
I don't want it to become f2p 1 year after release.
Honestly how long will the community for this game last?
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How many non f2p blizzard games went f2p?
Long as they keep rolling updates the community will be there.
You're probably getting your hopes up if you think it's going to last longer than a year. The only way that'll ever happen is if Blizzard fuels in a fuckton of free content like additional maps heros etc. I'd be geninely suprised if OW outlives the next COD and Battlefield. Whether or not it goes F2P is another story.
quite a lot. Starcraft 2 arguably went f2p a few years after release.
TF2 took 4 years to go free-to-play.
It also didn't have anywhere near as much competition in the FPS market
Worst community I've ever encountered. Shit talkers, entitled pricks, and smug assholes. The community will kill it quicker than lack of content and surface level gameplay. Activision Blizzard has enough shekels from WoWslaves' sub fees to just use marketing (and paying SFM artists) to make this soulless game popular instead of actually making a good and unique game and caring about it.
I played like for 8 hours a day in the Open Beta. I was the only that was shittalking, no one has ever used the chat.
They keep pumping out content updates and address community concerns and the community will stick around.
There aren't a lot of popular class based multiplayer games out right now, I think OW will do fine.
A "Starter Edition" is not free dude, no matter how you try to spin it
You really act like that's an Overwatch exclusive problem
You are super retarded and butthurt to the highest degree
What are you talking about? Even russians didn't shittalk during open beta and I play in CIS region.
I think Starter Editions are great and think many more game should do this desu famalam.
It will be f2p within the two year window after launch. Most people are speculating they'll launch an additional 5 or 6 maps, and 3 or 4 more heroes before going f2p.
overwatch is the type of game that would benefit infinitely more from being f2p than b2p. If they want it to be competitive they need to appeal to 10 year olds who won't watch it unless they play it, and if it's not free, they won't play it.
It's a fucking Blizzard game. Going by history the PC community will last until the apocalypse.
Consoles might be a different story.
A "Starter Edition" that lets you play the multiplayer with no restrictions and sc2 arcade for free is effectively f2p no matter how you try and spin it.
It will last years.
Blizz will continue to invest a lot into OW.
its shit
Blizzard is on a decline, and it's mainly because they're out of touch with what they want to do.
Overwatch is a perfect example. Blizzard has been talking about how it's going to be this great game for E-Sports and they're going to really support it. It's first major tournament was at Dreamhack just recently, and it was a complete blunder. Tons of Twitter posts by people that attended confirmed a lot of negative things. No energy in the crowd, slow and boring plays. Ultimates do nothing to excite people, and there were actual boos in the crowd to some being used, like Reaper's. Not only that, but people involved in Dreamhack also pretty much said that Blizzard refuses to put any money into these tournaments and refuse to take any criticism from organizers, who have been running tournaments for years, and the players themselves, who you need to have an active scene.
Heroes of the Storm failed to take off and is a joke in the E-Sports field. Starcraft 2 is fizzling out, and has been since 2012, with major drop offs in 2013. Hearthstone is pretty much their only active title in the scene, and it never gets huge cash pot tournaments, just small pots here and there.
Now, take all of this and look where players are at across the scene. On the 'Moba' side of things, League and Dota are juggernauts that aren't going to be toppled any time soon. No one playing those games want to play Heroes of the Storm because there's not a professional scene to watch and be engaged in on the side. For FPS, we have Counter Strike as the dominating behemoth with no competition. RTS wise, Starcraft is the only one in it's field that's active, and it's been on the decline for years, as professionals leave it for fucking Hearthstone and other more popular games. Blizzard just refuses to put effort into supporting their stuff on the E-Sports side of things. They just expect people to do it themselves and be thankful they have a game to play. It just doesn't work that way anymore.
heroes of the storm is still doing so well huh
>Blizzard refuses to put any money into these tournaments
This is a very good thing. A good game should stand on its own and if Valve and Riot weren't keeping their games on life support with their own money they wouldn't exist as e-sports at all.
Just a heads up. Talking shit to someone directly or to even imply someone is shit can get you banned. I'm not a redditor but I did go there to see the overwatch reddit page and not only is it OK to ban over that but it's encouraged by everyone. Racist homophobic or banter that can be seen as character assassination about someone's skill can get you banned.
>Quite a lot
>Only lists SC2 and even that is a tenuous example
I think OW will go F2P down the line, but it wont be for a long time just like TF2. I'll give it at least 3 years before it starts dying, then the F2P model will reinvigorate it.
I feel like DotA is only a juggernaut because Valve pours so much fucking money into it that you'd be crazy to not compete for the prizepool.
Compare/contrast with a game like LoL where people got into it originally because it was fun and engaging and not because of the big payout.
I think OW standing on its own two legs is a good thing because pumping money into tournaments is basically a way of 'buying' interest and a playerbase and it won't last.
>Blizzard is on a decline
Only in terms of your engagement in their stuff.
Otherwise they continue to print money.
Yes, from their f2p endevors like Hearthstone and microtransactions in WoW.
>I think OW will go F2P down the line, but it wont be for a long time just like TF2
You might have had a valid argument if Blizzard didn't claim full license over all tournaments with a large prize pool using their games.
You can't demand a cut from the scene while at the same time refusing to support it with any money. Also you're just kidding yourself if you think CS is being kept on life support as an esport.
Riot poured tons of money into creating a tourney scene for LoL. It's the furthest thing from an organically created scene and arguably wouldn't have existed as an esport if Riot had not been propping it up in its early years.
Hearthstone is great though. Wow has unfortunately run its course though. I'm not sure how you could fix that giant mess of a game.
> I'm not sure how you could fix that giant mess of a game.
Make WoW2.
>I'm not sure how you could fix that giant mess of a game.
Sadly the best course of action for WoW is to go backwards and reintroduce servers that play Vanilla through WotLK.
they already have a plan for wow to be destroyed and is even foretold by lore ingame. its gonna go out with a bang and then a new mmo will come out of the ashes.
Probably years down the line with like a limited heroes roaster and a grindery system with little to no loot boxes
Only if there is a mixup between Valve finally giving half a shit about tf2 on top of Blizzard fucking Overwatch REEEEALLY bad you could say it's not going to last too many years, but you have people feed up with Valve's bullshit and aslo this is finally a game where devs shown that they give a shit about feedback but also about what THEY want to do instead of pleasing the crowd. I don't know about the tournaments, but I could not give less of a shit about competitive and the losers who play like that just for the money.
If they fix the balance and keep it tight and add maps and heroes that are not shit, this game can be really big.
It'll be F2P in 1.5-2 years.
More than HotS. A lot less than HS.
Around a year or so seems reasonable though I expect the population to start declining in as few as 4 months.
And after a year, blizz will release an expansion of sorts, costing maybe another 40$ that will split the community in half, along with the queues.
>Blizzard listens to feedback
Are we thinking about the same company?
Overwatch has next to no competition, especially since it is also available on consoles.
People said the same shit about TF2 when it came out, stating that nobody would play it because of CS. What is Overwatch even going up against? Battleborn and BF1?
With such a low skillcieling?
people will quit in a few months, once the novelty wears off.
no matter how shit blizzard is, its still better than current PHASE 3 valve, just look at the latest dota2 compendium... 50$ for a p2w map terrain? 1000$ to unlock a courier style? 1200$ for a map river color change consumable?
And Paladins I guess. Kinda.
Only people with no dignity and self-respect are gonna play Paladins.
People will forget about this game 3 months after launch. Threads on here will die. Game is generic shooter, nothing special.
Naw it's a decent enough game. And judging from their record with Smite, they'll probably polish it into something better. Problem is it will never escape the stigma of being a hobo Overwatch.
Well you won't have to wait that long, it'll go f2p within 3 months tops
screencap this
I don't get how they figure this will be a viable e-sport. At least in its current form. Most of the popular e-sports like mobas and CS:GO have elements that players can get autistic about. Item builds, strategies, leveling and progression, etc. Hell, mobas usually have exactly one map for their main play mode, yet you can have endless discussions about each character having different item and skill tree builds for different functions.
I get that Blizzard isn't going for the opposite of a moba- fast-paced, short games, players encouraged to change characters on the fly. But I'm wondering how they plan on integrating the kind of content that typically fosters an active e-sports community.
>with no restrictions
You do know you're not allowed to play protoss with a starter account, right?
Or play custom games
team comp meta
>But I'm wondering how they plan on integrating the kind of content that typically fosters an active e-sports community.
You mean dank Twitch chat memes, and prize pools funded by bronies?
They still have Hearthstone which is pretty much printing money, I doubt they'll go away before Hearthstone dies.
Until then that money is likely to fund the other projects they have.
>Blizzard is* going for the opposite
>open beta is out
>start playing
>get bored after 2 hours
>urge for an FPS, realise there is nothing else worth playing but overwatch
>get bored after another 2 hours
>another urge
>beta is over
its a generic "boring" shooter that does exactly what it is supposed to, i guess. I'd grab a key for $20-25 from third parties once its available.
>all these market experts predicting where the game will go
fucking Sup Forums LUL
The people that will stick to the game are the ones who play with friends or groups.
Playing the game solo is abysmal. I thought the game was shit at first but once my friends and I jumped into it we quickly got 30+ hours out of the beta and preordered it. Switching heroes to counter, group comps, the fast paced casual games, easily made it a fun group game. People who are seeking to make it "pro" are another group of people. Caring about the pro scene is retarded.
The game will go F2P after a few years, 3 at the least.
>how long will the community for this game last
What community?
Randomized matchmaking breeds shit as it always has since Halo and MW2
No publicly hosted servers dooms OW to cancerous end
you're autistic as fuck
Expect it's not true since HotS
valve doesn't even do much for le esports in dota
no ive just been visiting Sup Forums for too long during that period and got influenced by all the contrarian "its marketing"/"no its reverse marketing" posts.
What you people in this thread seem to forget is that, even a game like diablo 3 wich has the pay once model, still gets free updates with substantial content 4 years after release.
that game is barely even an online game.
i don't have actual numbers but the usual playercount must be pretty low, ofcourse going up during seasons.
same with starcraft still getting updates etc (granted they had to fulfill their trilogy plans etc.)
people thinking overwatch will be dead/Free 2 play are delusional.
especially with all the console marketing and the usual blizzard fans + TF2 veterans.
it's gonna be really big, unless someone has a good argument for why it will fail.
It's a Blizzard game
I knew something like that was going to show and that's why I said that I did not know about what they did in the tournamets (nor especifics about other of their games), but I'm mainly talking about the balance of the game and how they are shamelessly giving sugestions about how to deal with classes instead of nerfing everything to shit.
If they change the balance so that you can have more than half the heroes to select against a team with players that know how half the game works, then it's great to me. I only really care about the balance of this game, if they keep caring about it, beign reallistic about how a hero can be used and how likely is that it's going to be used to it's potential (really low, btw), everything else is going to be extra.
that game was rushed out of the gate way too early
big gameplay changes in beta and it is still a big pile of turtlefest
As a casual filth, I would be ever so grateful if e-sports as a thing ceased to be. The second you throw cash into the ring, or even the vague mirage of cash (I swear, every MOBAshitters dream is to become a pro and they all act like they're already Beckham), any pretense of community goes out of the window.
Nigger what are you doing writing and unwriting all that data to your already shit drive? Mommy won't buy you another one when your dumbass breaks it.
PC? A long while depending on how much more content is added. Blizzard seems to be implying they will have constant updates, but we will have to see.
Console? Might last a fair amount, but will suffer heavy losses as most jump ship to the next Battlefield or CoD when they come out.
>And judging from their record with Smite, they'll probably polish it into something better.
Smite is unpolished as fuck. I know because my friends make me play it.