Thoughts on the DOOM soundtrack?

Thoughts on the DOOM soundtrack?

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>those eyebrows

I like it, to be honest

In fact, I love the game as a whole. I wish I could express my love in words that don't sound shilly, so I'll just leave it as that.

>Thoughts on the DOOM soundtrack?

The only catchy music is in the classic maps

BFG Division is fucking amazing

There's a couple nice tunes but most of it is really disjointed random garbage. Built out of 5 second pieces of atonal guitar chugging.

>inb4 "it's industrial, it's supposed to sound like that!"

Descent 2 has the better industrial soundtrack then.

Fantastic all around. Sounds a lot like Sonic Mayhem's Q2/Q3 OST

It's nice but wut

They sound nothing similar whatsoever beyond both having guitars

They do sound alike user

This could easily be a track from the new Doom

Not hearing it at all, frankly.

You're contrarian and very autistic, so it's understandable

is kind of right, it does sound very obviously built out of random riffs dynamically mashed together, it works great in some songs but kind of trash in others

For example in 's post, BFG Division sounds good but Rip & Tear not

Literally garbage. Could they not afford nin or mastodon

You're the autistic one if you can't hear that they are completely different styles

Is Quake 2 the only other metal music you've ever heard? Is that why you think they're similar?

the first game's soundtrack was a little, new wave for me, but when DOOM came out in 2016, I think id really came into their own, commercially and artistically.

One of the tracks from the dynamic battle music actually reminded me a lot from Cerberon:

I'd be surprised if Mick Gordon didn't take a look at the OST from previous id games for inspiration


What's a better metal band right now?

Still don't really hear it.

Quake 2's music is actually very melodic, Mick Gordon is far more focused on the effects he can churn out of a guitar than any melody though

Dude, nobody cares about what you think. Please leave this thread


anything but mastodon

i do kinda wish i was more campy.
I think it would have been cool if like once you started it would play some dumb live band cover of E1M1 At Doom's Gate

and I like the new game plus to let you just skip the whole fucking shitty story

but over all i like it

im sorry but can you please just get the FUCK out?

No one gives a shit about your shitty replies or shallow observations. You even took the time to put a fucking period at the end of your 2 letter reply.

Waste of space, listen to and
off yourself kid

nah I'm not into the soundtrack love the game tho

Samefagging doesnt help your case

Thinking Doom 4 sounds at all like Quake 2 is the shallow observation. As shallow as it gets.

The first time you get to hell was the best track in the game.

>that godlike choir in the hell levels
orgasmic. Also how does this game run for everyone? for me it runs poorly, anywhere from 30-60 FPS on Medium, I don't know if my gaming laptop with a GTX 965M wasn't really good enough to run it well or if it just isn't good on laptops in general

>one part has an electronic gurgle wub
>sounds like a classic mancubus
ok, that shit is not OK.

Itherwise, the soundtrack is decent. Nothing i'm putting on my phone but decent.

Half of it is good but the other half sounds like a 12 year old's first time on the guitar mashing the C string. The best word I have for it is Inconsistent.

Great answer you faggot


It's shit

>listening to music on your phone

Might as well just kill yourself now.

>that feel when the menu music is a remix of Suspense

I dont really hear it

Here's right you fucking shit.

fucking love it

the full version of the pause music is incredible

it sounds more like Sign of Evil





Explain what's wrong with using your phone for music.

Or are you one of the autistics that demand everything in FLAC.

Autistic that demand everything in ALAC

FLAC is too bloated

It's not industrial, it's more like djent.

The guy worked with Meshuggah drummer in TNO and I think he might've been present in Doom sessions as well.

I does get you want to split some heads and take hell heads on. A bit too electronic for my taste but appreciate the vibe it gives off


It has a soundtrack? I mean I like the ambient electronic metal during battles but there's hardly anything memorable or significant about it.

its shit


It's literally pieced together from 5-second or shorter segments in random order

There's no rhyme or direction to it, it's the literal definition of throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks

He just chugged out hundreds of unrelated bars of heavily compressed and filtered guitar rhythms and called it a day, letting the game put them together

I muted it and have been playing music that's far more suited to both the environment

it's pretty okay now, the gameplay still sucks but the audio is pretty nice

I love it desu

I haven't played the game at all but I like it a lot actually, I've been trying to find a way to download it on its own. One of the few game OSTs that I'd actually be interested in listening to on their own.

Not metal enough, needs to sound more like The Big 4

If you really want a Quake II/III Arena esque soundtrack. There's Battlezone on PSP. Done by the same person. (Check "More Games" The first three tracks listed are from it.)

Unfortunately no one has uploaded the whole thing anywhere. So you'll just have to listen to those 3 tracks.

But phones can play flac

I like it. It's ambient when it needs to be, and gets you pumped when shit gets real.

But can phones play deez nuts!

Check out this hidden track

Anyone had this song in an arena?

How the fuck did Id manage to turn a slow, clunky, poorly designed Halo clone to what is essentially the FPS equivalent to MGR:R in a matter of a year?

Christ, this went from absolute trash to fucking good

Honestly, I don't get the hype around the game.

Its not that its bad, because the speed and gunplay is fantastic, its just that the level design is just so fucking lacking. Too many open areas with no enemies, too many arenas, and not enough corridors and hallways of nothing but rip and tear action

it's simple user, they took criticism from fans and got Mick fucking Gordon to handle the soundtrack

is this bait?
Shit you're making it sound like MGR:R is one of the best hack and slash games.

Doesn't really sound that good desu. it's random, overly compressed synth farts.

What the fuck is this shit?
I wanted metal not fucking Death Grips

I think thats why people like it.

it may be not the best cerebral game, but fucking hell it took me by surprise. After the beta fiasco, I literally dropped all the news and had no idea why people keep buzzing about it.

Until played it at friend's PC. It was refreshing it was opposite of a TORTANIC.

this is kinda trash

BFG Division sounded okay but what the fuck is this

maybe if you completely ignore the rhythm and melody and pretend there isn't guitar all over it, sure

They should have had Aubrey Hodges do it, Doom 64's soundtrack is godlike.

Too much electronic/feed back but I drives me to get pissed to fuckng rip off a imp's spine>

Which gun do guys use the most?

>and pretend there isn't guitar all over it
Vomited all over it with no sense of melody, sure.

And no, there isn't any in that song he replied to

i still like the older one more, this one sounds like some dubstep shit

Well I guess younger people are into dubstep and all that weird shit, can't blame them for trying to pander normies

Super shotty and missile launcher combo has never failed me.

It's like someone made a remix of the fucking dialup tone.

combat shotgun is my most reliable weapon, second would probably be either the plasma cannon or gauss cannon
>mobile siege mode
it ain't fair man, one weapon shouldn't be this insanely destructive

Why couldn't there have been mid support. I'm so willing to put hundreds into a game like this but there's no fucking support why


Still enough for you to rip and tear?
Has some metal good vibes.

Honestly music is all noise to me, I stopped listen to music after high school. I dont know what the fuck are shit anymore...Just respond by emotion or feeling now

Generic, uninspired shit.

Which is a shame because he's Killer Instinct stuff is pretty good. Was the composer just not feeling it or what?

I dunno man, I feel like this is just the culmination of all the things I didn't like about Mick

I think the only reason his KI music was good because it had to ape the melodies of the original music

Without that to tamper him there's just no direction to it

The only music of his I liked was the Wolfenstein Old Blood end theme and that's because it's the one theme he didn't feel like shitting up with crunched synths

Killer instict is shit.
Why people play garbage and dead genre?
I think he did a damn fine job.

>I think the only reason his KI music was good because it had to ape the melodies of the original music
he only used the "original melodies" in the slower sections as classic remixes, beyond that the only track I recall using an "original melody" as a base for the track would maybe be Sabrewulf? if you want to count that anyway

>I wanted to make it lower
>Riffs played lower sound more aggressive
Stopped watching right there. I hate this fucking trend.

Trash. suffered the same fate as the RotT remake.
Going super hard on the metal to appear edgy.

this "trend" is decades old you fucking mongoloid
please kill yourself

the soundtrack has far more industrial influence than strictly metal

>this "trend" is decades old you fucking mongoloid
and it's still shit

>the soundtrack has far more industrial influence than strictly metal
still not good. there's industrial that sounds way less disjointed than this shit

the disjointedness is intentional and effective, play the fucking game before judging a game's score in a fucking vacuum

Well I dunno how effective it is

I already beat the game faggot. Setting the mood is one thing but I literally don't remember any of the music other than the choirs in hell. it all kind of blends together because it's all pieced together random overprocessed shit with no melody.