What is this SJW bullshit? One thing I always liked about Uncharted games is that they never pandered to SJWs, darkies, and other cultural marxists.
What happened Sup Forums? Trump can't be elected fast enough.
What is this SJW bullshit? One thing I always liked about Uncharted games is that they never pandered to SJWs, darkies, and other cultural marxists.
What happened Sup Forums? Trump can't be elected fast enough.
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do some people actually think like this?
If FFX-2 game is released in 2016, after 15 years hiatus from FFX Sup Forums would call it SJW too
Anyway, even if they're indeed SJW, so what? Let the free market decides right?
>it's a falseflag thread
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Shut the fuck up nigger. Drake is white, Elena is white, their daughter is white, their dog is white, their house is white blue, their backyard beach is white, Sam is white, Sully is white, Scotland is white, the pirates were white, Jesus was white.
spotted the cuck
OP doesn't, he's just stringing together some terms he saw on here is a sad attempt to troll.
>cultural marxists
spot the american brainwashed
fucking cuck
There's plenty of examples where stuff was obviously shoehorned in a game/movie/whatever for the sake of PC nonsense but some people legitimately become paranoid as a result and see it everywhere, yeah.
You can't even see me nigger.
What I'm saying is there is way less sjw pandering than a lot of games out now. Plus the niggeress didn't even have a true nigger accent.
Fucking cucks.
What does Trump have anything to do with this, whiteboi? He's going to commit a genocide against you white degenerates first. MAGA.
This is the creative director and co writer of Uncharted 4
Does that answer your question?
I'm just tired of the forced diversity in movies, video games, comics, tv. Its fucking everywhere. I've gotten to the point that if I see a nigger on TV I turn the channel or if its a game with a significant nig presence I become more hesitant to buy it unless I really want it.
If the minority is asian, I don't care too much. Just really irks me seeing fucking niggers in everything.
>Team up with Rafe because she needs the money to fund her mercenary band(typical wimmin)
>Can't lead her men worth shit, they keep dying or turn on her when they realize Rafe has all the money and ambition
Nah I think they did fine.
You should buy Mafia 3 then. :^)
I want to fuck them all or watch Leblanc fuck them.
this pussy clean
this pussy juicey
>another ashy nigger in a video game
>One thing I always liked about Uncharted was that I never had to question my racism
Pretty pathetic homeboy
Black Women are disgusting
Even their own men don't want them
What are you talking about? She leads a mercenary group based in fucking Africa. That means we get to shoot at niggers all the time, even though we go to places like:
-On a deserted island
Fuck you glass-half-empty types.
>looks it up
>sees poster
I'm triggered.
They were fine with them for thousands of years. It's only in this age of hypergamy and interracial social conditioning that they've had other (better*) options. Wouldn't you go for the hotter chicks? So would they. So don't blame the niggers, you nigger. It's instinct. Something they have more of than you.
Neil Druckmann
I'm pretty sure Jesus was Jewish
>GooberGlop/SJWs will stop playing a game simply because they see something that doesn't fall in line with their political views.
Being a jew is not a race. A nigger can be a jew.
>Name Meaning: Jewish (Ashkenazic)
God fucking damn it
"Judaism" is a religion. "Jew" is a race. "Israeli" is a nationality.
Jews will often twist the labels around to suit the situation however.
>niggers are animals
we know
le epic fencesitter face
>"Catholicism" is a religion. "Catholic" is a race. "American" is a nationality.
>the people who denounce trump are always suicidal defeatists with no backbone or will to stand for anything
what a coincidence...
>SJW game
Nadine is voiced by a white actor and its the only game where I can see a white male punch a black woman in the face, even if I get beat up.
Name a game where you can see a WHITE MALE punch a BLACK WOMAN in the face?
Heh, didn't think so, cuckbois
I wonder if trumptards really are ignorant to the fact that Trump supports the illegalization of circumstancial criticism and free speech...
no, keep thinking he's your le hero, and not the same liberal progressive he was in the 90's.
Should've used '"Muslim" is a race', Shlomo.
>playing games developed by jewish numales
>Giving Trump a Pidgey
>Not a Braviary
>Trump supports the illegalization of circumstancial criticism and free speech...
What, you mean making it so shitbag journos are liable to lawsuits if they defame someone's name for the sake of a story and can't hide behind "MUH FREEDOM OF PRESS" when they get sued because of it?
23 cents has been deposited in your shillary account.
your virginity is safe with us!
>video games are consumed globally, and the English speaking market is incredibly diverse as it is the lingua franca
>hurr the diversity is artificially forced
I hate to break it to you, but the world is pretty diverse and whites only make up ~15% of the world population (Europe makes up 11%, so I'm just guessing adding in non European whites brings the total up to 15%, don't quote me on that number though).
>all these anons taking this excellent bait
liberals cry the loudest when their own laws get used against them.
It's hilarious.
>defending western video " " "games" " "
I miss real video games.
>one day, Sup Forums will have to choose between their hatred of feminism and their hatred of black people because Africa will undoubtedly be the last continent to fall to feminism
I hope Africa's game industry grows so that Sup Forumsirgins will defend it because the men are masculine and the women are sexy, unlike feminist western games.
much of the world is an unlivable shithole, only whites and asians have had any luck making their societies pleasant.
That's why they're pouring into white countries by the millions. We have the free stuff we want because white people's biggest fault are gullible PUSSIES like you who can't wait to squander everything your grandparents struggled for.
Diversity is only an issue in those small white countries. It's a term that's end goal is the elimination of the white race and if you don't realize that then name ONE example of a country that works hard to give whites equal representation.
>your grandparents struggled for
My grandparents literally fought against fascism. Go fuck yourself.
>tfw half white half asian
Clearly they lost. Seeing as you can't tell an invader from an ally when you see one.
Productive people that assimilate and contribute to the society are good. The hate and envy is coming from outside the country. They don't want to be your friend. They want you to die so they can replace you, you pathetic cuck-worm.
>grandparents fought to make the country better
>you fight to make it shittier
>The hate and envy is coming from outside the country.
I have never seen an Indian website full of socially alienated young men blaming non-Indians for all their problems. I have, however, seen plenty of socially alienated young white males blaming everyone outside of their small pocket of existence for everything wrong with the world while refusing to get off their anime pillows to fix it.
I don't think Uncharted had any sjw bullshit in it. In fact, that nigga is voiced by a white girl.
This, he's also said he hates "anti-semitism". He'll probably shut down Sup Forums during his first day in office.
Indians don't have internet, electricity, the ability to make fire, or streets that aren't filled with shit.
I'm just saying, appealing to the authority of your dead ancestors who lived in different conditions than we do today isn't a valid political argument. Also how is LEGAL immigration bad? The US has pretty strict standards so only highly educated people can get in.
>One thing I liked about Uncharted games is that the pandered to me!
You're the reason BLACKED threads exist. You know that, right?
M8, some of the earliest plumbing was in ancient India...
>Sup Forums - SJW boogeyman
What drives me nuts is that so many of these terrorists are well educated within the country. They're fucking A students. Just look at the boston bombing, or any terrorist attack. They take the opportunities we give them and they kill innocent families as thanks.
Anyone who says "we aren't doing enough for them, that's why they hate us" is completely brainwashed. They are already dead on a deep philosophical level.
People really need to wake up and free themselves from decades of anti-american demoralization. It's completely artificial and based off of a narrative designed to make you hate "the middle".
How can white guys even compete?
Too bad they haven't made much progress since
Indian culture isn't in danger of dying, they are one of the most overpopulated people on earth you emotionally-volatile cuck.
also technically speaking indians are descendant of the same haplogroup as caucasians, they're just whites with poor hygiene and can't seem to poo in the loo.
>yfw this is your friend's uncle
holy shit
>They take the opportunities we give them and they kill innocent families as thanks.
Just playing devils advocate, you could say pretty much the same about every group if you use one person to generalize a while group. The black crime rate in America has been decreasing since the 90s, yet white people still shoot up innocent black churchgoers. Etc etc.
he's not white
Don't bring up statistics, Sup Forumstards will just bring up the most arbitrary vaguely relevant outdated stats to try and sway your opinion
>also technically speaking indians are descendant of the same haplogroup as caucasians, they're just whites with poor hygiene and can't seem to poo in the loo.
The existence of these identities/racial categories came into being way before knowledge of genetics. Indians are not white. At all. Even if they were genetically 99.999999999999999% northern European, they would not be white. That's not how this works.
You do realize you are talking about a country that used to be much bigger but hated Muslims so much it split right? They may or may not blame immigrants that I do not know but they most certainly blame foreigners for problems.
sjw is kill
Foxy Cleopatra needs no man.
Look at social justice movements of the last 100 years.
What changed? What really changed?
White people got nicer. This was good for everyone else, but it's been slowly pushing white people to extinction ever since.
Compromising and sharing is great in theory, but only if it's being reciprocated. It's not being reciprocated. The United States and other European countries have poured millions into 3rd world shitholes like Africa and Afghanistan and it has not made any positive difference.
Some whites are so naive and optimistic that they're literally will to commit suicide and they expect the rest of their countrymen to do the same. They want a complete sucidal sacrifice in the name of diversity and they want to take you down with them.
Is it so wrong to want to live? Is it wrong for a white person to put their own survival ahead of some uneducated primative goon who comes from centuries of rape and will never make anything of themselves no matter how much money you pour onto them?
I don't think survival is wrong. Anyone capable of thinking on the individual level without being emotionally swayed by "social politics" realizes that everyone is entitled to their own survival.
Slavery was ended by white people.
Social justice was started by white people.
We are not the enemies. We tried to help. It didn't work for everyone. You can't save people who have no interest in being saved.
>but hated Muslims so much it split right
>I have literally no idea how the partition happened
I'm not denying that there is a lot of hate between Hindus and Muslims, but at the time there were also quite a lot of people opposed to the partition because they knew it'd lead to forced deportations/population transfer and the violence associated with it.
>irrelevant statistics
I'm sure there is a very well reasoned and justified explanation for this.