Couldn't stop DRM

>Couldn't stop DRM
>Couldn't stop the preorder scam
>Couldn't stop bad business practices
>Couldn't stop nickel and dime DLC, Day one DLC, Blatantly stripped content, etc
>Won't stop paid mods
>It all feels like a waste of effort

Is it time I ignored everything and just gave up?

>Waste of effort

Fuck off frog shitter

>Can't stop retards from buying shit
I guess ill just sit here and enjoy my emulator.
>Getting called a poor fag
>Piracy is "killing" gaming
>DLC lengthens the games total lifetime

Hello marketer

don't go to school tomorrow if you live in USA

It's literally over and has been over. The target demographic for video games now thinks micro transactions and day one DLC type deals are cool. Have no idea why preorders and in turn preorder content is still a fucking thing but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere either.

>waste of effort

Considering you actually put ZERO effort into preventing any of that, I'd say you got what you worked for.

Stop playing video games. Your shitty opinions were never recognized, and nobody will lament the loss. Stop coming to Sup Forums and making shit threads that assist in burying my shilling and bait threads.

>implying bad business practices weren't abundant way before the internet became mainstream
>implying arcades weren't kids' pocket money highwaymen
>implying video games are compatible with effort


DRM and preorders are older than you, you whiny twat.

What effort can you even put into it? What could you possibly do to stop 15 year olds from buying pre-order download codes from gamestop and half-baked game from shitty companies that used to be good companies? For every 1 person who thinks about that shit there are a thousand wanking little cunts eager to spend mama's spare change.

Not OP btw.

Indie game development doesn't have to be a bad word. Create something, user, it's actually not as hard as you might think. You can be what you desire; create a game that like-minded people can be passionate about while selling it at a fair price with plenty of content.

Row row fight the power

>Caring about video games

Why contain it?

> couldn't stop DRM

Look we manage to stop most of the annoying shit like always online in single player games and install limits.

If you're just against DRM in general you should just stop buying games on steam.

Why do you even care about triple A games anymore?

Are you a fucking normalshit or what?

many new games still can be gotten for free and played on a 5 year old pc

and drm platforms are quite affordable and very convenient

I was going to say pick one but,
I noticed that neither of those are true.

this is relative ofc
and steam has different prices across the world

Nothing wrong with paid mods if the mod makers get paid fairly.

Grow the fuck up?

Your phone tells advertisers everything. It tells cops where you are. Your car can probably be stopped at any time by remote access. Your TV can listen to you and report it back. Your digital collection? Gone the instant they pull the servers.

Yet you complain about videogames doing stuff you never have to worry about. I haven't bought DLC in years. I preorder if the core game looks good because the bonuses are rarely anything but shit. If you don't want paid mods, don't pay for mods.

You act as if somehow the core experience is changing. That's only true in F2P. Any standard game you buy is fully featured. If it isn't, it bombs because we don't buy it. Look at Evolve. That motherfucker was dead day 1 because it was a 3 mile high neon sign screaming PAY WALL.

So again, grow the fuck up.

Yes, but only because you're a loser

>>Couldn't stop DRM
>Doomnuvo 4 was cracked the day before release

>Implying honeypot site is a legitimate crack

>he hasn't stopped playing video games in 2016

They'll only realize their mistake in about 20 years when only six major super corporations own everything and make all of the money and games become limited to 30 franchises that are homogenized and the same over and over.

Don't think it will happen... it already happened with several industries. Food, Healthcare, Oil. What made Sup Forums think the cowards that are the average people were going to stand up for something more and actually defend against this. We live in a culture that believes more stuff is good no matter how broken up, damaged or shitty it is. Only once they see it finally completely broken will they complain about it. By then it'll be too late. Hell, maybe the industry will crash, if we're lucky.

Non-AAA games have this shit as well

No but there was a golden period in the mid 90s to around 2004 where they were getting better and better every year before monster corporations swooped in like vultures and ripped it to pieces.

Because that's what corporations do. They wait for everyone who gives a shit and cares about something to bust their chops and make it worth something and then they swoop in and seize it, taking all of the wealth, just before letting it die and rot into a husk.

It was bad at the beginning when it was nothing, then it was getting better, now it's back to shit and worse because of leeching practices like in the beginning.

Because that's all PC has. There are indie games and ports of old Japanese games, but NONE of those validate my GPU which costs as much as a console.

Or fight all instances of corruption and abuse of power, maybe?

Don't just isolate what you think is important, and side step all the rest. It's all interlinked after all.

>but NONE of those validate my GPU which costs as much as a console
You are part of the problem.

Yeah OP, we aare all tumbling down

Time to be a normie / hermit.

Why would you upgrade if you didn't have something driving that decision?

Oh, right, because you're a retarded child who has to buy the latest trash. Your phone probably cost more than your computer, dude, and is infinitely less useful.

He's right. You are actively supporting the cooperation of devs and GPU makers to conspire to force selling of overpriced cards and overpriced game development costs that benefit no one (not even gaming as a whole since it deviates from focus on better game design and better games overall) except GPU companies.

>linking someone a post that directly replied to them

>Your digital collection? Gone the instant they pull the servers.

Are they going to delete it from my hard drive?

That's obviously not the problem.
Upgrading should only come when it's NECESSARY and AFFORDABLE for visuals to improve. There was absolutely no reason for visuals to improve at the rate that they did.

Literally every other facet of game design has faltered over the years since this rapid expansion of graphics.

And people like you are perpetuating those poorly planned and realized decisions. You are why shit like Order 1866 and CoD trends exist. Because to you, only graphics matter. Not the game actually being worth a fuck.

Or you're part of that stunningly naive selection of people that think increasing visuals lives in some vacuum where it won't affect any other facets of development.

Hope you're still running Windows 2000, dude.

lol more like 2009

Sup Forums has never tried to stop anything they just complain about it all day here and then brag about how it was them who accomplished whatever it is they think they were doing. Look at Tortanic
>hurr it was us! We did it!