What now Sonyfags? Your precious PS2 lost another exclusive.
You know it was already ported to PSP and Wii, right?
Keep it please
It's trash
Once again, the glorious PC Master race has won again.
The amount of sony tears I'll drink from this will be delicious.
The petition worked bros, master race!
We got the OST free.
Checkmate mustards.
ITT Sony fanboys falseflagging.
> PC cucks waited 12 years to shitpost.
Congrats. Was it worth the wait to finally get a port after 12 years?
12 years of Beta Testing
Yeh but we got the porn. We win.
The important question is :
Is this a port of the PS2 version or the PSP one?
>no fun allowed
Shitty version of Makai Kingdom.
What's different between the two versions besides graphix being the obvious one
>Port is based on the Wii version and will also contain content from the PSP release
PSP has Extra Content like more story, characters and new game+.
Thanks user.
Good thing it's the Wii version, which will probably mean no fps drop in the home island.
That's the only thing I fucking hate from the PSP port.
no user. It's not. From the battle system alone, it is not like Makai Kingdom.
That game played like ass.
It's mechanics were so annoying to get used to.
Makai Kingdom fixed all it's problems.
I think it was meant to be ironic
Personally, I believe this is NIS's greatest turn based strategy rpg.
Too bad not a single gaming journalists actually liked it. They were all too busy shitting on it for having a loli as main character. I'm sure that's what made them all give it a bad score.
The story itself is heartwarming. But the meat of this game is it's battle system. It's not the typical grid based strategy rpg. It's actually more closer to free roam .
It's the most underrated srpg out there.
uh this game was ported to the wii with extra content. so "thanks for beta testing wii fags" is what you should of said. also this is pretty cool news even though it can be emulated on either system at least theres a legit way to play for people not into emulation or moral fags
Awww yiss.
Feels weird seeing NIS games release on non sony platforms
They seem to try with Nintendo platforms every now and then and then stop
Why not just emulate it?
Oh boy, only a few more years/decades until they port Makai kingdom and soul nomad!
This thread
I'm so glad messageboards are a thing of the past. NIS fanboys would jump on anyone who criticized the game and characters.
Do an attack in the middle of the battlefield, the character glitches and moves up, pushing the friendly unit off the board due to an invisible wall.
I beat this game and in my opinion the plot and characters are gay.
Music was cool though.
>PS2 exclusive
>implying the Wii port doesn't exist.
Is There a reason not to just emulate it?
>Not Makai Kingdom
Tell me when they port the best game.
Whoa, they really didn't bother with sprite smoothing this time. That looks so bad in modern resolution.
It exists on PSP and Wii as well.
>Makai Kingdom
Probably never because PSP port never got officially localized and they're apparently always going off of the last game version.
DESU the smoothing in Disgaea was pretty bad anyway.
>ironic thread about an old game coming to PC
>somehow nyggers still get their triggers
Almost forgot that summer was closing in, thanks user.
>They seem to try with Nintendo platforms every now and then and then stop
Because Nintendo fans are perfectly fine just playing Fire Emblem on their systems.
Almost forgot that PCucks gets easily triggered
Thanks user
It's better than THIS. Which is a shame because those backgrounds look real fucking nice.
Now you get to enjoy your old shit game
thanks man, hope you still have fun with bloodborne :^)
Makai Kingdom is probably the most underrated NIS SRPG. Soul Nomad at least gets recognition for evil route, everyone forgets Makai Kingdom.
Every Nintendo port has been awful. It likely has to do with NIS being terrible at optimization and not knowing how to work with less powerful consoles well.
I can't wait to beat this again. Time for more Witch Rafts and Trout Valkyries. And trolly stacking until I am the god-king of speed.
I honestly wonder what kind of thought process goes into the Japanese when they port ancient games to PC. Do they have a bunch of games in a hat, and then port whatever they pull out? Are there a bunch of Japanese programmers giggling as they type up a port announcement, laughing at a joke that may as well have come straight out of Spongebob?
This is beyond being a stereotype, it seems like it's a joke every Jap dev is in on. There is negligible monetary gain from porting an ancient ass game, especially when the game is somewhat obsure to begin with, not to mention the game being placed on a steep discount. These games aren't cash grabs, they're jokes at PCfag's expense.
I never hear much talk about La Pucelle. Never played it though so dunno how good it is.
>fucked up stealing mechanics
>fucked up dungeon design
>fucked up way to get the "best" sword in the game
The best thing this game had was character designs that never got used again. No lady zombie ever again.
Japanese PC gaming scene doesn't really exist outside of H-games. So yeah, probably everything you said.
>KH, KH2
>Disgaea, Phantom Brave
Is there literally any reason to buy a PS2 anymore?
Nice meme, retard.
How fucking young are you to find console war baiting fun? Where the fuck are your parents right now and why aren't they beating your dumb nigger ass?
They port either their newest shit with the ports in development along the console versions, or old games they know people like because they're still praised to the day.
>There is negligible monetary gain from porting an ancient ass game, especially when the game is somewhat obsure to begin with, not to mention the game being placed on a steep discount.
No one can really knows because we have no idea how much they cost to port. Maybe it's chump change so practically anything they make is pure profit? I would like to see Disgaea games on PC, though.
Pretty sure Makai Kingdom is next in line, Phantom Brave came out right after Disgaea 1, so it looks as if they're releasing games based on their original debut order. So that means Disgaea 1 -> Phantom Brave ->Makai Kingdom -> Disgaea 2 -> Soul Nomad
No idea if PSP exclusive games like Prinny would make it, only time will tell I guess.
Phantom Brave shits on most every FE in my opinion.
anti aliasing pixelated sprites for 1080p+ resolutions looks shit most of the time
I had a sensible chuckle.
Thanks, user.
Some also do it backwards for whatever reason.
>Sword of the Samurai 4 gets released
>months later they announce 3 is also getting ported
I don't think MK is happening because there is no English version of the PSP port and all PC releases so far, Phantom Brave included, are based on PSP versions.
>porting new games
And no one outside the most diehard NIS fanboys apparently have heard of the game.
If it costs peanuts, then it must be pure profit. I just want to get the license to RECCA and "port" that to PC, 24 years after the NES version. Fucking hell, when will they port Blaster Master? That game is brand fucking new by Japanese console-to-PC port standards.
>mfw I can finally play the entire series on PC
Best unintentional RPG series ever made.
NISA didn't localize MK's PSP port because it came out at the tail end of the PSP's life cycle, this could be their chance to localize it.
If not, I don't mind playing the PS2 version, Makai Kingdom is damn fun.
That's just disgusting.
>PSP has Extra Content like more story, characters and new game+.
So I guess PC version becomes best one cause perfomance is better than PSP one?
fuck. I hate playing on PC.
Phantom Brave was probably NIS's most well known game that wasn't Disgaea back in the day.
What about puppet-whatever? You know, the one which was named Rhapsody a musical adventure here.
>>And no one outside the most diehard NIS fanboys apparently have heard of the game.
That's all the more reason to put it on Steam, so more people will find and play it in an easily accessible format.
I wonder how their new game sales will do after people realize PC ports are happening. For example, Idea Factory's new games aren't selling that well because people expect them to port everything to PC at a later date.
A better game than La Pucelle and Disgaea tbqh
Great, let's port an obscure game on a platform that is otherwise devoid of Japanese games.
'89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai port when?
>I would like to see Disgaea games on PC, though.
I just want them to get to 4 because there's no way to really pretty up old sprites short of completely redrawing them and that ain't happening. Switch to HD sprites in 4 and onward was great.
Here's the thought: "White pigs buy anything for PC! Disgaea PC port is shit, they still rate Very Positive! Quick, Takeshi! Take month and make Phantom Brave work on Windows!"
Despite being utterly shit ports, nip games sell well. Until customers stop buying lazy, shit ports of old games, we're going to continue to get lazy, shit ports of old games.
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness runs better and looks better on my PSP Emulator than the Steam version did before I refunded that bullshit.
>Despite being utterly shit ports, nip games sell well.
But not well enough to warrant simultaneous or slightly delayed ports.
Retard. Phantom Brave was in steamdb leak in Dec. Also Disgaea PC was a ok port.
>For example, Idea Factory's new games aren't selling that well because people expect them to port everything to PC at a later date.
If that's true, that should clue these publishers into realizing that the sooner games are ported, the better off they are. Intentionally withholding a game like this actually harms sales, though not in a great deal. Not to mention, when the games are inevitably ported, the hype has died and they can't ask $60 per copy, so they effectively lost quite a bit of money.
It's Disgaea with pokemon and an earlier (and I think better) GeoPanel mechanic.
Also Priere is the best MC ever. Well, 2nd to Gig I suppose
>Stuttered and slowed without a D-Input controller
>Limited Options
>VSync and SSAO on a game over a decade old slow even the best computers
If you think Disgaea PC is an OK port, you're a battered housewife saying your husband is OK because he stopped using the metal bat to beat your ass.
The PC port of Disgaea is terrible.
Aren't all those issues fixed and/or happened because of Steam beta build that fucked the game?
PSP version got fan translated, right? I know it was never localized because of rights issues because some other company had the rights to it in the west.
La Pucelle got talked about quite a bit at the time (A lot of people didn't seem to realize that it was actually released before Disgaea in Japan), but has largely been forgotten, sadly. Like Disgaea and Phantom Brave, it got an expanded PSP port a few years later, but I'm pretty sure it never made it to the West.
Yeah, the fan translation is pretty damn good, considering "they do it for FREE". A few hiccups here and there, mostly in menus and item descriptions, but entirely playable.
Of course not. Steam users are jews who'll wait for the Steam sale on a $20 game, let alone one that's selling for $59.99.
Why the fuck would any publisher self-cannibalize their primary sales market by launching simultaneously on Steam? As soon as their audience knows it WILL come to Steam, they can wait out the launch window and just play other shit until they snag it for $10.
So they launch on consoles first, get their money there, and then a couple years down the line throw out a shoddy port to snag some crumbs. Anyone willing to wait a couple years isn't in their primary market to begin with, so it's not a lost sale to them.
Would you launch simultaneously on PC and consoles as a small-time publisher? Fuck knows I wouldn't.
>Why the fuck would any publisher self-cannibalize their primary sales market by launching simultaneously on Steam?
I don't know, ask western AAA market.
>Would you launch simultaneously on PC and consoles as a small-time publisher?
Doesn't stop the indies.
So it's going to have all the We'll Meet Again content, right?
Not really.
The port is still hit and miss. The patch fixed some stuff, screwed up other stuff, and NIS decided to patch slowdown by using frameskipping, so that if you were slowing down before, you now get times where the game just goes choppy as fuck.
It's based off We Meet Again plus the PSP bonus content.
rip phantom brave threads.
not that they were alive before
>Western AAA Market
They know their shit's going to sell like hotcakes no matter how bad it is. Hype and marketing, baby.
>Doesn't stop the indies
Apples and oranges: Indies are indies, and every sale matters when you're small time.
Indies aren't selling their games for $59.99 at launch like NIS and other niche nip studios do when they release in NA.
Who the fuck cares, you can fucking emulate all versions of it already. Can't wait for NISA to release an absolutely unoptimized buggy mess.
Get a ps4 if you want it so damn bad
Oh wait I forgot ps4 has no games except ones I want ported away from it
I hate playing on PC. Just how bad PSP framerate is? Disgaea 4 Vita item world bad?
It's kinda weird they do that but I don't see the point of pirating the game if they port it now.
No you don't, man.
Trust me.
I liked makai kingdom but hated its structure.
>replay 50 bazillion times to get like one more new thing
Fuck that.
does that nvidia shield thingy will allow me to play comfy while streaming game from PC?
Goddamn, at least on PS2 this shit looked like it meshed together.
>I swear this nigger better have posted Walnut's song
Well, I'm satisfied.