Sup Forums current thoughts on the Megaman X, Zero, and ZX series?
Sup Forums current thoughts on the Megaman X, Zero, and ZX series?
Dead. Unfortunate but better than being butchered.
Pretty good.
Would really like to see a conclusion to the ZX series.
The 3DS really suffers from not having any Megamans and Castlevanias on it. Those two series have been with it from brick gameboy times.
they need to make another Battle Network game
Zero > ZX > X
X would be better than Zero if the conversation was limited to the good ones rather than the over-extended series. ZX would be better if the Metroidvania concept actually worked out.
But user there are Megaman/Castlevania games on 3DS.
Just that one is a collection and the other is a western reboot abortion
good waifus
We need something like megaman to come back. I really hate capcom for letting one of star franchises to die in that way.
Capcom didn't kill Megaman.
We killed Megaman.
We kept asking for more, they kept giving us more, and we stopped buying the games.
Seriously, look at every single Megaman series baring the classic one. The last game for every series sold worse than the one preceding it, despite being critically reviewed better (or equally in Z4's case).
They gave us better games, and we bought less of them. If that's not telling that public interest in Megaman was waning, I don't know what is.
Worthless. What mattered was how enjoyable the game was, not how much people who do not play or enjoy games decided it deserved.
Haven't played all of the X games, only X, X4, and X5. They're pretty fun and I enjoyed playing them a lot when I was younger, though I heard X7 was pretty bad.
MM Zero games are great, 1 is my favorite. The story only starts to pick up at the end of 2, but the ending to 4 is fucking good; the Omega fights are also a highlight of the series, in my opinion. The collection is a must-buy for the DS, I'd say. 1 > 4 > 2 > 3 (I had a lot of troubles getting through 3, left a bad taste unfortunately.)
ZX and Advent are both really good, with ZX being a bit better for gameplay reasons while Advent has better polish.
Aile is my waifu and #1 Mega-girl.
Ashe is #2 Mega-girl.
Leviathan and Sonia (SF) are tied for my #3 spot.
Reminder that Capcom is actually reviving Mega Man as we speak and the dead meme no longer applies, the shit games meme however may still be in place.
>Zero 1-4
>ZX, ZX Advent
why is zero 2 so goddamned hard?
Oh yeah...
>Tfw no ZX3
Fuckin' RIP, guess we'll never get to fight evil master Thomas and have an older version of Ashe, a slightly older Aile, and a new qt female protag.
Also, fun fact, Ashe says "booty" eight times in Advent.
I felt like 3 was the best in the series.
>No more leveling weapons
>Best weapon set
>Best ultimate mode
>Introduced satellite elves
>2nd best missions
>Kickass story
>What mattered was how enjoyable the game was, not how much people who do not play or enjoy games decided it deserved.
Ok... and that changes literally nothing.
>MMX Series:
Fun: X8 > X7. Literally not even debatable.
Sales: X7 > X8. X7 sold 6 times better than X8 on release, and 3 times better overall.
>MM Legends:
Fun: Legends 2 is basically just a better version of Legends.
Sales: Legends outsold 2, even when you exclude the N64 version. Legends on PS alone got ~90K, while 2 got ~88K. Once you include the N64 version it becomes a no brainer.
Fun: BN6 is "funner" than BN5. It fixes the Cross system and does away with the extremely flawed Liberation missions. It has the best chips since BN2 and has a post game that rivals BN3. It also does the fuck away with the retarded Dark Chip system.
Sales: Not even close. Ignoring the DS version entirely, ONE version of BN5 (Proto Man) hit nearly 600,000 sales in Japan alone. Combined, both versions of BN6 only barely reached 600,000 sales in Japan.
Fun: Arguable. But Z4 is of the same quality of Z3.
Sales: Z3 sold 120K+ in it's release year. Z4 sold less than 75K in the same amount of time. No contest.
Fun: ZX Advent fixes most of ZX - it's pretty much a direct upgrade, with better level design to boot.
Sales: Not even getting into the numbers here. ZX sold 1.5x as much as ZX:A when you compare their first weeks, their first year, and life time sales.
Fun: SF2 sucked fucking balls. SF3 was actually fun, and it only needed to be playable to beat SF2 in this department.
Sales: SF2 sold 225K+ in it's first year. SF3 sold less than 175K in it's first year.
So yeah, pretty sure the point still stands. With every single series baring classic*, Capcom put out a game that was actually better and more fun than the previous game, and less people bought it.
*This may apply to classic as well, but we'll never know, because Capcom never released the MM10 sales numbers.
X4 was the only one I actually enjoyed, and I never even played as megaman.
>Ashe says "booty" eight times in Advent.
maybe she really wants the booty?
>Have about 12 images with Ashe in them including lewds
>None focus on her booty
This needs to be fixed. Ashe needs more love and art/lewds, seriously.
You are right, but in X7/8s case specifically I think that many people were simply turned off after buying X7 and receiving a megaturd so they didnt even bother with 8.
>mfw Layer
>you will never fuck a reploid
Fuck you.
>Not playing the GOAT Battle Network franchise
For shame
They're shit by virtue of the increased emphasis on story bullshit frequently as well as the fucking stupid "WARNING" text and voice before you see a boss.
Yeah, I know I'm at a boss. I just went through a door that closed behind me.
when I first played x4 and 5 I thought that was a cool touch. meh afterwards except in the zx series
different genre, not part of this discussion