Healer/Tank thread
Healer/Tank thread
Linkin Park?
That's pretty hot desu sempai
I'll need to find me some healers to play with
what if I heal and tank?
>girl joins guild
>she's a tank
>suddenly everyone roles a healer
Am I supposed to be disgusted? I'm really just getting boners
That bunny can heal this
*unzips dick*
Now you're thinking with portals.
I play as a healer for the current DnD group I'm in.
I'm a Dwarf Warpriest. I hit goblins with a Meteor Hammer and heal shit every once in a while. I'm also building a tavern. Shit will be pretty cash yo.
Tank/DPS here, I like me some cute healer chicks
You will never not be blamed when things go wrong.
No thanks
cleric dorf master race
Name 5 games where you can be a healslut
>tank dungeon last night cause no tanks on
>be very vocal in voice chat, communicating and teaching the new guy mechanics
>do dungeon again today but this time a tank is on so I heal
>barely say anything in voice, only speak when spoken to. tank does all the talking while I follow along and heal
I wonder if this means anything.
fixed that for you
1) u
2) r
3) m
4) o
5) m
>projecting your fantasies as realities through a 5 minute mspaint image
how pathetic
This is hotter than the original
I liked picking up Mystic Elin poop in TERA. Would go out of my way to spam YUMMY YUMMY NUM NUMS every time I did. Not sure if that counts.
Mine was a tauran.
Bet you like that cow asshole squeezing your dick, don't you?
I want to get into multiplayer games and I suck at shooters. I always just run in and get killed because I don't have the patience to hide and stuff.
Would I be better off as a tank, or should I just forget about any type of offensive and just play as a healer?
>go tank
>the raid dies because the healers are shit
>go heal
>the tank dies because he stands in fire too much
Woe is me
Versatile. Congrats.
My man!
There's a reason the tank is usually the "leader" in any self aware story that involves class roles in a fantasy setting.
>Any DnD style game
>feeding opposing teams in ASSFAGGOTS
To follow up, I want to get into Overwatch and really love Mercy's design and found out she was a healer so I feel that's probably a sign to give healer a shot?
Normally I'd pick someone like Tracer and just get my ass kicked.
wat games are you even talking about
as long as you have a heal spell you can be a healslut, its all about the mentality of it really. you can be born a girl but unless you take the time to suck every cock on the block one cant really call you a slut just because you can be one. gotta earn that title mate.
take my darksouls 2 experience, I named my sexy lad seman_deman because you know **** and i would heal every time my mate got hit. Every single time, even if he just took a nick of fall damage. And that shit got to him fast, actually getting mad that I was babying him like a retard. Don't know about him but that gave me a stiffy the entire time.
>tfw dorf clerics can start off with a battleaxe instead of a mace
>be femtank
>have a pair of healers since I'm in two different groups, one of just friends and one for actual progression
>healers are both catty as shit towards each other and hate each other, but love me to death (found this out when I tried to run a dungeon with both of them)
>both are bi
>End up meeting up with and having a drunken horny night with both of them on separate occasions
Really wish they got along so we could all meet up one day along with everything that implies
Slut I hope you get an STD
>mfw I fucking love tanking in any medium like tabletop RPGs or mmos or god damn neverwinter nights
>mfw when I'm terrible and can't handle the pressure of trying to learn a dungeon with every watching me and wasting their time
>mfw mmos are the only good multiplayer way to tank for people and not be useless
What do I do Sup Forums
I'm erect, senpai.
ur a gurl!
we shud hook up or sometin
i will be the one in the kitchen :)
Nope, totally clean. Bonus points, they both had boyfriends and their boyfriends joined in during their respective night as well.
Sweetheart, I dont need any more cucks in my life.
>tfw no handsome tank for me to meet up with irl
>wants to fuck bi faggots
>doesnt want cucks in "her" life
Embrace the boner, user. And by that I mean jerk your hard cock while looking at sissy faggots.
Honestly bi fags are way less cucky than straightfags. When they don't get cunts, it means they are just in dick mood instead of getting all pathetic, begging and backstabbing their friends like straight vermin.
>"she" fucks niggers
well thats what you get for being a slag tbqhwy