Game requires inputs faster than the framerate can even handle to not take damage from enemies

>game requires inputs faster than the framerate can even handle to not take damage from enemies
>game doesn't even have a stable framerate in the first place

What the fuck ZOE2 how is this even supposed to be possible to beat on Extreme

I've literally not once been able to hit an enemy with a burst attack. not once. either I pull the trigger and hit X too soon and get a normal attack (which does nothing and then I get bursted on like a chump) or Jehuty takes a frame or two to enter the burst animation and I get hit out of it

how is Inhert even supposed to be beatable like this, you literally can't attack him because the framerate is too low for your inputs to resolve

>game requires inputs faster than the framerate can even handle to not take damage from enemies

Literally MvC2 Psylocke. The fact that people use Turbo means Psylocke can never infinitely teleport and be untouchable

git gud
git gud

>game doesn't even have a stable framerate in the first place
Are you playing the HD collection on 360 by any chance?


I'm fairly certain that Inhert is literally impossible on Extreme. The game drops to like 5fps in the darkness section when he's on screen.

Yeah, you're fucked. The HD collection had some problems and the 360 version was never patched.

Good fucking luck

>tfw Kojima was so pissed at the port he had the PS3 version completely redone from scratch as a free update.

sorry xbros

>the 360 version was never patched
i actually looked this up before buying it (it was a hard copy I found for 10 bucks) and this is just a meme. both versions were patched, and true nuff, when I booted it up for the first time, it had to download patches before it'd let me play.


Seems like you just suck. It wasn't that hard.

The 2.0 patch, the one that fixed everything, was not released on 360.

The PS3 version runs at a stable 60fps.

This. Get fucking good, OP.


you wouldnt last five seconds in the fgc, op

Fuck you shitter scrub

PS3 HD collection was patched and is the definitive version of ZOE2.

Maybe you're just bad at video games, poorfag scrub

kill your fucking self for being so bad at such easy games

The inputs to continously teleport during the invincibility frame can be missed due to frame skipping for Psylocke. It's technically impossible even if you tool-assist.

Shame you are using gut gud to supplement your complete ignorance.

>he can't beat ZOE2 on "extreme"!

This, It's literally the easiest game of its generation, and you can't beat it?

>wah wah muh frame perfect inputs

There are none, and there's no framerate issues. Fuck off.

Op is indeed a bitch.
But you just lied. ZOE2 had framerate issues on the PS2. You've never actually played the game, you bandwagoner faggot!

>ZOE2 is hard
>fucking Inhert is hard
>ZOE2 has framerate issues
>fucking Inhert has framerate issues

What new hot memery is this?

ZOE2 has literally no framerate problems, or problems at all.

If you're having trouble with it, you're just a fucking shit scrub. It's not even a multiplayer game!

Go play the game. ZOE2 had framerate issues on PS2.

samefag spotted

>ZOE2 is hard


>IP Count didn't increase

The amount of shitposting in this thread is abnormally high.

Of course it is, we're having fun shitting on someone who thinks ZOE2 is hard.

He DID say he was playing on Extreme.

I dunno how much harder that makes the game though.

It's not fucking hard at all. OP is just a shit.

I'll take your word for it.

Git fucking gud, OP.

>can't beat ZOE2 on "extreme"
OP what's it like being shit at video games

>IP count didn't increase

>33 replies
>8 posters

Kill yourself.

He's also playing the HD collection on 360

Read the goddamn thread

>actually FACTUALLY so bad at video games you can't beat ZOE2

You can always watch it on youtube, opie!

All the more proof that he's a fucking casual that doesn't belong here.

>Git fucking gud, OP.
this but unironically

>wan wah game is le hard ;_;
the cancer ruining games today

op consider not being shit at video games maybe

I should just stick to my PS2 versions of ZoE1 and 2, right?

just git gud and you'll be fine either way

PS3 version is the definitive version. More stable than the originals and high resolution.

If you have access to the PS3 versions it's preferable, especially for 2 after they patched it.

But if you don't have a PS3 and already have a PS2 and the games then just play the PS2 games.

Well, I bought the PS2 versions because I like playing stuff on my CRT and experiencing games as they were originally intended, but now I'm conflicted.
I also have a PS3 btw.

Just play the game dude. It's super easy.


just stop being shit at video games. its not hard


ps2 ZOE slowed down all the time, especially if you hit something in the environment that blows up

For example, very first stage, the space fortress you invade into.

If a burst attack hits one of the pillars in the side of the stage, the thing explodes into clouds and glittery dust, which slow down the ps2 copy of the game.

Granted, the ps2 copy of the game was WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the HD remake (pre-patch)

but it wasn't completely free of FPS issues

Other instances that slow down the PS2 version of the game:

anything excessively flashy, like Nohman's homing missile that sprays blood everywhere

later on, more buildings explode into clouds of dust during the invasion of Inhert's base

But ok, "all the time" is a slight exaggeration. It's a great game with few of these such problems. Sry for my overreaction

Look up how much it is where you are. Are you willing to pay that much for the visual improvements?

The improvements are notable, and in ZoE 2s case, very significant with the patch. Post-patch 2 runs at 1080p 60fps with some frame rate drops and is quite pretty. And for a game that's about fast action the resolution and frame rate are appreciated.

I already owned the PS2 version of 1 before I got the HD Collection and I think it was worth it.

Are you sure you weren't running a chinese bootleg on a PS2 you hadn't cleaned in 25 years? ZOE2 runs fine and is a piss easy game.

sounds like youre just shit at the game

oh I wasn't arguing that it was hard

just that sometimes it slows down

you want the other guy

you cant hide from me