Bought this since it was $20 last week on a risk despite me not caring for the artstyle...

Bought this since it was $20 last week on a risk despite me not caring for the artstyle. I was actually having an alright time despite the overall look of the game never growing on me, but the core gameplay loop was fun even with the flaws in its core systems. anyway i ended up missing the small path to the left in the forbidden woods that leads to the underground area and therefor to Iosefka's clinic and the whole cainhurst castle, i ended up slogging through Rom who basically drained all my will to continue and by doing so ended some questline's i didnt know would end. Should i just make a whole new character at this point? The fact that i missed some cool shit annoys me to no end and makes me want to start a new guy but i doubt i would even enjoy that since i'd probably end up doing a similar build due to the weapon types being mostly offputting that are in the main game

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But you can go to that area any time. What is your psn, if you need any help?

you can doge the thunder bolts from the sky, youtube how, once you know this rom should be easier

also the game completely changes half way through lol, you
ll see what i m,ean

Also, post stats

The only things that you can miss that actually make a little difference are Arianna and Eileen's questlines. Everything else is unmissable, even Cainhurst Castle, unlike what you posted.

Did you get the rune thing after the witches? That will help some

I am up rn if you want to play

Is that area not affected by the changes to the overworld like everything else? I also figured i'd be overleveled even though im only like ~58
Nah i figured out his pattern easy, honestly the only problem with that fight is the little spiders damage output. Those fuckers easily did 80% of my health with most of their attacks.
fucked up my stats by going 25/25 on STR/SKL for holy blade because it sounded fun but the damage output isnt worth it. Put too much into stamina and i think im around 22 and only like 20 vit/what ever is health in this game since i thought it wouldnt be as important which is apparently completely wrong.

>the flaws in its core systems

What are these?

Those stats seem pretty good rn. Consider leveling either arcane or bldtinge to 25-30. You should be good at the stamina and health you have

No jump button.
Healing is too slow.
Guns dont work.
No map.



They're both useless at that point. 50 or fuck off.

Same poster

My skills are

Can switch through most weapons easily and not have many problems

For bloodtinge build in base game get that chikage and an Evelyn and upgrade those, from cainhurst I believe. Pretty helpful. Str-arc you would want that greatsword I think or logarius wheel if I remember correctly. Dont really worry about builds too much because there are so few. Skill will go hand in hand with bloodtinge for the most part though

Dank meme, rusemaster

Would I end up going there for sure later on then? Cause I would have missed the letter entirely if i didnt end up stumbling there on the wiki when looking up when i go there since i know it existed.
Blood Vials/Bullets not having a set number that it always resets to at a lamp/hunter's dream. This isnt a problem for me except for once when i got stuck on the electric optional boss and had to stop trying to fight him and go farm blood vials so i could go and attempt a boss more. This seemed alot worse in earlier builds especially launch day from what i've heard. If i was a worse player and got stuck through the normal gameplay loop and ran out of heals and couldnt progress there would be no reason to keep playing.

The whole attack after being hit system is basically worthless, even with my relatively high damage output it doesnt heal enough and isnt worth the risk of a chance of being hit again. Dont know how this could improve but i dont think it works.

Not being able to just sit at a lamp and travel to other lamps is fucking stupid and just wastes time.I've heard people say >but the lore
that's fucking stupid and shouldn't be an excuse for a very convenient feature.

Having to go back to the hunter's dream just to change what are essentially rings. This actually seems like a story reason moreso than lamps, still fucking stupid. There are others too but i cant think of them off the top of my head.

Nice shit at everything build

Strange because I rarely die even to the meme adversaries. But go ahead, give some useful input

The getting your health back with hits is very useful if you can dodge

Paarl is a tutorial boss m8. Hes literally iudex gundyr to loran beast's champion gundyr.
> step into attack
> btfo of leg
> repeat until dead

Plus isn't he weak to fire and arcane?

You can miss the letter if you don't know about it, obviously, but you can't miss it because you made too much progress, like the Eileen or Arianna quests.

>you literally have a jump for the rare situations where you need it, dodging for the rest
>healing is slow on purpose, and not nearly as slow as in other from games
>guns are only supposed to be used to create parries
>no map
wew lad that's some tasty bait

He is
The watering can works wonders on Paarl amusingly

Not sure if bait or just new to the whole series. Also you can get to cainhurst any time in the game but you wont just end up there following the main story or w/e

My favorite modern Sup Forums meme is the overuse of words to sound like a youtube reviewer.

"bog standard"

Those two have been cropping up everywhere

I just feel like the amount you increase from strikes needs to be more, to be fair i have no idea how the system works but it doesnt seem worth it in any case except maybe pvp if you're brave. in PvE its almost always better just to hang back for a second and heal and then get back in there if needed.
Yeah I think I was a bit underleveled, i think i was around early 30s and using the saw cleaver which has shit range and i really didnt like the trick form. Basically went through the first part of the game hating the weapons until i got the holy sword. I got real close a few times my first try but then stupid shit messed me up.

how was any of it bait.
also does anyone have the pastebin with the story explained? I saw it in a previous thread and i forgot to bookmark it for when i finish the game and want to have some proper exposition to shit

Well there you go, you should have just looked online instead of asking here problem solved /thread

Hanging back is the opposite of what you want to do in most cases. You gotta get outta that mindset and get confidence

I have moved out of that for the most part except during bosses when i know the next hit will kill me even with the boosted hp from the recovery. but i cant figure out the enemy staggering system completely and its better imo to just step back, let them swing and heal during that process and then get back in rather than risk the no stagger, eat a hit and need to use more vials after the fight.

Also while this is up are Chalice Dungeons worth it? They seem easy avoidable with no real payoff except maybe some unnecessary items, souls, and extra bosses

thanks bb

Upgrade material (only eay to get more blood rocks without spending 60 insight or having the dlc), trophies iirc, two sets of armors I think, and the beast claw or something. Also queen yarhnam

This isn't DaS. I can think of maybe two bosses for which playing defensively is a good idea.

But I wouldn't bother unless for completion. Can get boring af sometimes

Good gems are fucking essential if you have even the slightest desire to pvp.

The deepest ones are harder than anything in NG, so if your only goal is to complete the main game once, then no, not at all
They're a fun challenge though, and the depth 5 root chalices drop the best blood gems and give the best versions of caryll runes




Go to forbidden woods and smash some vermin in front of that guy then wait for the hunter and kill him for snek bell hissssss

i play pretty aggressive most of the time its just in those moements of being hit and having the option to do the strike back for hp that i go back. Pretty sure i play more more aggressive in DaS more than anything due to me being a STR fag

tried pvp a bit. had maybe 2 good matches out of ~30, which were just me and a dude fought without having his beckoners help him or just shit connection and teleporting everywhere.

The only place that becomes inaccessible after the Rom fight is the original version of Yarhar'gul I think.

>evening out all stats
You are retarded, I'm sorry

Use the cannon, go blood build (aka the stat that actually affects guns), or go arcane to use bullets on spells instead

Are you new or something? You don't go to Sup Forums for help.

Your stats are fine, just pump vitality until it's 40-50

Don't listen to this retard. Bloodtinge and arcane are for very specific builds and shouldn't be something you put points into unless you're going for a full on build revolving around them or maybe 15 arcane to use some of the hunter tools. Although I do recommend a tinge playthrough just because the chikage is the most fun weapon in the game.

Rally is more tied to the weapon than damage, with Axe you will regain hp, with a whip not so much.

In any case the core gameplay feature most guides miss is run in from attacks out of side and back dodge. It allows you to avoid attack and immediately rush back in. Mastering it makes the game far more manageable and movement more methodical.

Everything about your post is just wrong.

you're going to have 6 different builds anyway

>dont listen to this retard
>pump vit way beyond what's necessary

Vit is more useful than a lot of other stuff. He hit the initial softcaps for dex and str already, he's got enough endurance already, he's using meme blade and already built for dex/str so he doesn't really need arcane or bloodtinge. There's nothing really better to put it in, the extra health is more useful than the post-softcap damage, although he should do those after vit.

>the I plan on getting hit all the time build

> chikage
> not simon's meme blade, memeigig saw or MAJESTIC

Vit past 20-25 is useless on NG unless you want to face tank Cursed Chalice bosses and even then only few bosses have kill moves requiring 50 vit.

The important thing is that Stamina consumption is so low that you can use Endurance as a partial dump stat.

whirligig saw is the most boring weapon in the game, no memeing.

Ugly af too

Don't restart. Play the game, beat it, look up what the fuck you just saw, restart in NG+ and beat it again with guides if you want to complete every little detail. Worrying about completing everything will just ruin your first play through. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
But seriously if it's something that interests you, look up the story and theories after you beat it once. It made me appreciate the game in a whole new way. Nothing in this game is there just because. Every little thing that happens and every detail is there for a reason. Be prepared to go into NG+ with a whole different outlook on what's happening.

I recommend the Bloodborne General /bbg/ on /vg/ for new players, a lot of helpful things there with the pastebins and a fairly active playerbase (a lot more active and willing to help during weekends)