ITT: vidya PTSD

ITT: vidya PTSD

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so many enemies fuuuuuck

>kotomine kills vergil







1 huh: It's okay, I got this
2 huh: Uh oh.
3 or more huh: You have died. Release spirit to nearest graveyard?

Can't wait for all the newfag tears when this gets released in steam.

That is assuming any of them actually manage to finish Extra.

>King stage 2

thank god those were optional

losing everything after getting so far can do horrible things to a man


That's what made it fun

The only boss fight that has made me get legitimately angry with a videogame.

saved as "gangbang initiation.jpg"

Oh don't get me wrong its a great zone.

First time you play it though, those first few spawns you get fucking ravaged



You just mash x until it's over, that's a VN


I know it's a VN, but the whole point of VNs is that you kinda have to read them you know. And that scene is pretty traumatic.



What was even hard about Boost Guardian?
I played the game on release and years later I started hearing people complain about it.
Nothing about it really stood out to me to the point where I didn't bother to remember anything about the boss.


Not after it has been spoiled 500,000 times

It was fun killing nuke boosters in FFA





true source of ptsd

You'd be surprised how many people have managed to avoid spoilers all these years. Hell, there are plenty of people who backed the kickstarter without having read Muv Luv before.

It was really easy once you realized he is grid based, and the order is more important than the location

Well, "easy"

I almost broke my PSP because of it. Then I got the HD Edition on 360 and it was a piece of cake.

The scene following this was far, far worse

Ohayou Shirogane-kun!



The one where he cries on Marimo's lap. Fucking hell I just wanted everything to be over and go back to the happy days.

Takeru's had a hard life.

Playing SS coop with 6 people was so fun, good times

>Hey there! It seems like you're having fun!
>I like having fun too!
>It also seems like you have no way of scaring me off! That's good!
>I'm going to come and have fun with you and never, ever leave! Ever!
>I sure hope you like learning game mechanics on the fly, because there's a bunch of stuff you aren't ready for!
>I sure hope you saved up your flares and noisemakers, because you also have to solve puzzles and need to buy time somehow!
>We're going to have so much fun together!


I never managed to beat mission 3, what the fuck were they thinking creating a mission like that for a child's game.

Or when he finally gets back, only to find that things will never be the same again as he starts crying and breaking down every time he see's his friends

now all you need to do is put a weird ass line of the intended path you were meant to follow the floating ball of exposition

>yfw no anti-nukes

You serious? Just how slow can you be?

Maybe if TSF Forefront ever comes out.

It'll be the only good thing to come of that shit series.

I swear I could hear the alien laughing on that last part where you need to go back and activate the generator AGAIN, the fucker killed me so many times, and all I had was one noisemaker and 30 flamethrower ammo.

Ok this game made you go on some bad fetch quests but this one almost broke me.

>if TSF Forefront ever comes out.
user I have some bad news for you



A mod said VNs were vidya once so it's vidya. You're a fart sniffer.

>Maybe if TSF Forefront ever comes out.

Reminder that the guy was literally cucked and is completely okay with it.

God, the way that fucking VN built you up to be the big badass who was going to destroy the Beta only to completely and utterly tear and break you down to a miserable sobbing pile was intense.

Literally no other piece of media has had the same effect on me.


fucking delete this right now

It doesn't bother me none. I've got no love for that series. If anything I feel bad for you guys, because no one fucking takes Muv-Luv seriously outside of your faggots.

If I want a mecha game there's always Armored Core.

She dies


I dont think anyone on Sup Forums played this, but half the bosses are fucking bullshit

I wish I had some faggots of my own, fuck...

I have never beaten this part of the game

>play this with friend
>break out of jail cell and wander around until i find the control room and accidentally turn up the voltage


did people really find Turbo Tunnel that hard? I didn't think things started getting too difficult until the Inferno level (7 I think)

What the hell game even is that?

is that a Vita game?

>posting zac gorman

Loved this game.

My bet is that pressure of the dark world gets people, since you always had safe havens until that part. The boss isn't hard at all.

I've never played this mission before Carpet Bombing was patched out. Also that one mission in Yuri's Revenge where you rescue Romanov, it's the only mission I cannot beat under par on the highest difficulty.

Vita and Xbone

It comes to Steam in a month, so then we'll be allowed to like it

>The one where he cries on Marimo's lap.
Wait, the protag is some fucking crybaby beta?

Fucking dropped

anyone else manage to ride the dragons in level 1? found it by accident after years of playing


Hey. Wait a second. Isn't this the game with different Korean/Japanese portraits?

They still let you change between the two? Or hell, let you choose individual character's portraits?

nah dude, beta are the bad guys, protag is the most alpha guy since he kicks their ass

user he's not crying as much as you are at that part, trust me

Spiderball is where I give up replaying usually.
>boost up to a small ledge and then plant a bomb in the slot as quick as you can fucker!
>don't forget to dodge the guardian!



What other games pull the same shit this game did?

Stranger of Sword City, Mr Rude

I forget what game that is and I don't even know the context of what happened as I only saw a series of images but that shit is still horrifying.

>open fly honey
>boss goes into easy-mode