Impossible to dodge

>impossible to dodge
>cant be parried
>attacks fuck your shield
>backpussy explodes into shitsnake
>hits 360 degrees with all attacks
>all attacks reach a mile with (s)hitboxes
>all attacks do almost half my health
>has no telegraphs or openings
>just spams attack after attack
>shills will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe you should improve your skills

i got half way through bloodborne im good. this games just cheap bullshit that requires you to be lucky.

>I randomly throw myself at bosses until they die

not at all how i play. if i did i wouldnt have been able to kill the fag in the cowboy hat in bloodborne by my tenth try. i have skills. a skilled player cant die to a boss forty times if its not luck based.

>Impossible to dodge
No, you're bad and need to dodge better

why make it personal bro?

I beat this boss on my second try in my first playthrough, stop being a dumbass

>i got lucky now i brag about it

you just suck, senpai

I beat him on my first time starting as a deprived. Maybe you're just not cut out for the souls series.

Are you trying to bait us, user?

>No telegraphs or openings
Have u tried looking at him?
He literally does his same moves and the slug thing give it more reach or another hitbox.

>impossible to dodge
Nope. It's called rolling right.
>cant be parried
If you parry phase 1 the health gets so low you don't deal with phase 2 for long.
>attacks fuck your shield
Why are you blocking anyway?
>backpussy explodes into shitsnake
No it doesn't. Out of the 5 characters I've made he jumps whenbehind him too long which you just roll away.
>hits 360 degrees with all attacks
>all attacks reach a mile with (s)hitboxes
No it doesn't.
>all attacks do almost half my health
Yes. I agree, they are easy to dodge though.
>has no telegraphs or openings
But he does.
>just spams attack after attack
>shills will defend this
No, you're just an idiot, b8 or not.

this is the first boss. how can someone be so shit at dark souls?
i got him on my first try

>boss goes stuper sayin
>back-turd becomes enraged
>think actual real cool fight could be starting
>suddenly the camera is just a blurry glob texture and sounds of shield clanging
>fuckit, mash attack a few times
>boss dies, have sliver of hp left

I have no idea what happened but im pretty sure it was dumb as shit. whoever designed that thing needs to be kicked in the dick. least the rest of the game outside of that spaztic dragon retard in the basement wasnt near that bad.

But it dies in about 10 hits. This boss is stupidly easy.

>he doesn't make use of the firebombs just outside Gundyr's arena
>he doesn't get behind Gundyr

i beat half of bloodborne and everyone says thats harder than this shitty game. not my fault if the first boss is luck dependent.

>>impossible to dodge
>>attacks fuck your shield
Le shield
>>hits 360 degrees with all attacks
>>all attacks reach a mile with (s)hitboxes
>>has no telegraphs or openings
>>just spams attack after attack
Ye, dodge

Is it even possible to lose this fight?

Yeah having to deal with a Pus of Man thing that early is a little weird, they're surpringly annoying to figure out what the shit their attack swings are actually hitting, particularly if you're close enough that the actual black thing is off screen. Far from impossible though, focus on dodging more than shields. You'll get that advice a lot for ds3, shields are shit unless you're going full heavy shield.
Get used to enemies relentlessly attacking you though, enemies have no sign of stamina restrictions, there's a lot of enemies that are 10x harder to deal with than they have to be because they can just keep on keeping on at you.

Every time you reply it's "luck'

this is now confirmed as a bait thread OP wants for his ebin reddit screenshot. Sage and Sent.

You can parry Iudex Gundyr's second phase.

>Iudex gundyr
>Luck dependent
What? he is a tutorial boss, he has clearly visible openings between movements, even in his second form.
It's just a little hard because you can't grasp when the black thing attack you due to its animation, but they both have idle movements.
tl;dr git gud

Learn to bait his jumping attacks, they leave him the most vulnerable.

i tried them their aim sucks.

wait until you fight his dark firelink shrine version

Maybe you are not as skilled as you think you are.......

>>hits 360 degrees with all attacks
why you always lying?

>try rolling!

Are you this guy by any chance?

>implying op will get anywhere near that
he's so shit he's probably still on the tutorial boss

Personally, you seem retarded.

The game gives you 5 firebombs. Maybe if you were smart youd notice fire staggers it.

>cant even face his weakened state
Be glad you didn't reach the true Champ.

>implying the peoples champ, one of the better legitimate fights is anything like sir OH NO MY SHOULDER NIGGA IS DOIN THE ANGRY COSBY WOBBLDYWIBBLDYWOO JELLO PUDDIN'

Son, no.

Stop now.

Posting and/or playing the game.

i already said their aim sucks. shits useless if it doesnt hit anything.

I actually found his first phase way harder than his second phase.

It's literally an arch in a straight line

You must literally be retarded to miss a firebomb

Lock on. Do you see the size of your enemy, if you manage to miss with a firebomb while locked on, please never play this game again

>people are still responding.

goes right through the snot form.

Theres no other dark souls threads

posting in an ebin bait thread xDDD

OMG I can't stop laughing.
OP is either a troll or a fucking scrub.
This entire thread is gold.

I actually just started a new character a few hours ago and tried to use the firebombs this time.
Threw a couple, didn't seem to stagger it like the later ones, so I just went up and bled him to death.

First time I played it took me a while because I haven't played a Souls game since DeS and I thought it'd be fun to start Deprived, but he's really not hard if you focus on him and his movements specifically, and don't over-combo.

Stop shitposting and lying. Even when he's got the black snake shit on him he slowly walks towards you most of the time, and the mass essentially triples his hitbox.

get good. This was my first souls game and I killed the giant crystal lizard with a mailbreaker and sorcerer in melee after about 20 tries to train myself. After that Iudex was a complete joke.

>comments disabled
>using KB+M

Is using KB+M really a problem in DaS 3? I think it's fine.
Or maybe it's just that I have spent years playing DMC3/4 on keyboard.

it legit goes right fucking through it. threw two of them at the mongoloid form and he dodged one and ignored the other. went he went all shitty they went through him like he was a fuckin ghost.

you can simply push through the pus of man phase by spamming attacks mixed with random dodging and chugging estus, the second phase of dark version is just insane "foot in the face lmao shoulder bash topkek lockon 360 charge getrekt" with no downtimes, granted i was using an ultragreatsword, its probably easier to avoid shoulders and kicks with faster weapons.

>shitting on KB+M
This ain't DS1 anymore faggot.
KB+M is fine if youre not a bag of shit.

I'm not trying to sound leetist, I usually finish a souls game and don't bother with NG+ but I beat this boss on my first try although it was pretty hectic.

>no telegraph

I don't have any of those memey fish bait pictures but if I had I would use the kawaii one.
Here's a picture from my phone instead.

>Playing DaS1 recently
>Had to use default KB+M due to no controller on DaS PTDE
>Get a controller
>DaS3 comes our
>rebind it all to PTDE controls

Did I get used to it or are they not as bad as they're made out to be?

You're lying or your game is bugged, probably cuz you pirated it or you're on some BR toaster.

>using a shield at all in PVE

Git gud casual.

This is literally a troll thread made with the intent purpose of devaluing legitimate complaints about this game by making a generalization about all complaints using this baseless and factually inaccurate argument making all other valid complaints look less sufficient and accurate by use of an invalid argument.


i really dont know how anyone has trouble with him, i've beat him first try on every run i've done, even my current run where i started as a theif - all you get is a bandit dagger

git gud t b h

>judging how people choose to play a game

after finishing ds3 with m+kb i got eager for another run in ds1 which i also finished with m+kb long time ago... oh boy even with all the fixes and patches it was still such a pain in the ass compared to ds3 with strafe camera fix that i couldnt endure it any further...

>Iudex Gundyr
>Impossible to dodge
And I thought I was the shittiest Souls player because I had trouble with the crystal sages


u r gey

I fought him like a total pussy with my shield up the whole time. No problems at all.


super scrub right there

My aim*

Come on OP, I saw a drunk streamer women beat this guy after 2 hours and she never played a souls game before. Don't tell me you can't...

OP is retard but this webm doesnt show anything apart from the player getting lucky as gundyr wasted a lot of time doing nothing at all in his second phase.

Jesus Christ man, git fucking gud.
>Circle Strafe clockwise during phase 1
>Circle strafe counter-clockwise during phase 2
>Stay close to him
All of that took me three minutes to figure out.
Awesome first boss, though I do not like his phase 2 design.

i literally beat ludex on my first try, and i've died to most every other boss more than I should admit on this board. Champion is a fucking piece of shit though...

>die to Iudex 8 times
>kill every other boss first attempt save nameless and Lothric&Loreal

>gundyr wasted a lot of time
It's more like "the player didn't waste any time". Gundyr was killed so quickly that he couldn't do more than two attacks in the second phase.

I don't believe you

yet to die to Iundex or Champion
learn to dodge

I also took 3 attempts on the toho boss.

what you see in the video is ltierally 90% of the time what he does in his second form if you circle around his asshole

he also got staggered if you didn't notice so he is not "wasting time" you fucking scrub

delusion never ends.

the first boss never killed me most people on Sup Forums are shit at games which is why they have such bad taste

>Stand behind it
>it can't hit me

If you struggled with this boss then you should probably stop playing videogames

>Can't even beat the fucking tutorial boss

>mfw I never noticed he has a grey arm in his second form

im not talking about the stagger but the fact that he spinned in place and chose his most easily dodgeable attack that also leaves him open for long.

Literally the only time I ever died to iudex was when I tried going pyromancer, don't know what was different. Just bop him while he gets up and then spam firebombs when he immediately transitions after you take out half of his health when he stands up for two years.

I never played Souls before and I couldn't figure out how to defend against this guys second stage.

So instead I just beat the shit out of him before he could beat the shit out of me.

What class are you picking? Try picking Knight if you are this shit.

>impossible to dodge
I stopped reading here.
Make sure your first point isn't blatantly untrue before b8ing.

i had a similar experience but only because i was trying to actually do the fight, using the environment and taking out the clones

when i watched my friend do it he just retards in with a straight sword his guide told him to use and 1 shots it by mashing r1 and tanking the hits. I dont normally care if theres a cheesy way for people to do it, since summons exist anyway, but the retard way being the best was disappointing

Flawless Victory both on NG and NG+ for him. The trick is to keep track of him at all times. I ran through the fog wall trying to escape those fuckin wizards outside, saw the Sage, and halberd spammed him to death.

His clones will always spawn around him, so spam him down and then book it for the middle one when he spawns.

if you started as a knight and couldnt beat gundyr you need to end your life

i beat him as a deprived and i hadnt even figured out how to use weapon arts yet

theres classes?

im not retarded enough to end my life over a video game. the fuck are weapon arts?

he can't do anything when you are behind his back

This has to be bait.
In the character creator you can pick different starter classes that start you off with different gear and stats. Knight is the easiest class.

>half way through bloodborne
I hope this is bait, that doesn't mean anything.

i just went default. i didnt look at that crap.

getting that far in bloodborne is the hardest time ive ever had in a video game. fuck you it doesnt mean anything that shits ridiculous.

>getting that far in bloodborne is the hardest time ive ever had in a video game
The first half is not bragging rights, whether you play easy games or not. They intentionally make the game easier in the early segments.

becom good at hte Video Game reterd -_-