What games have crossdressing segments?

What games have crossdressing segments?

Actual segments, not just equipping female equipment in a game like elder scrolls

Rance Quest
Persona 4

I ended up keeping the make up on the entire game because I didn't know you could take it off yourself until the very end.

the entire game you are getting new items and changing your appearance

how did you not know

also medabots

Never changed my look. I only cared about getting stronger gear and ignored the cosmetics. I thought I had to find a girl and I just wanted to progress

To this day I'm sure there was someone on that team trying to push his fetish.
>English version a medabot is "tickling" girls
>In the Japanese version it's Fondling, which is how it finds out Ikki aint a girl

Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

he is a hero. i want to be forced to crossdress or become a girl.

anyone ever use nair or similar products to easily remove leg hair? shaving is a pain

Fable has some, and one of the tales games lets you put the shota in a dress

what tales

Akiba strip has like 2 side missions where you need to cross dress to punish some punks. Afterwards you unlock the ability to wear women's clothes except their underwear. Once you play NG+, you can replace your character model with other npcs, including the waifus.

Nair is great, but a pain to clean up if you have tons of hair. But it's well worth it to feel that smooth skin. Plus it takes a couple days for it to start growing back, at least for me.

Vesperia, one of Karol's alt outfits.

but this thread was about games with crossdressing, not the real kind

Final Fantasy 7, you retards

It's almost as if you ignored the OP picture to make yourself look like an idiot

Thought this was sorta frequent in jrpgs but now I can't even think of any.
Fuck gender locked outfits anyway.

Man that South Park section really did something in my tingly parts and I liked it too much.

Fug my phone with its tiny screen.

Undertale probably has one

Slightly related, what are some games where you cut off people's dicks?