Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

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I liked it. Hadn't played a good Metroidvania in a while and it scratched that itch.

Graphics are kinda weird in some places and the plot is eh but the gameplay and world design are solid.

just beat it, i really enjoyed this game, been playing all the metroidvanias i've missed out on starting with shadow complex then this, have to agree with scratched that itch

probably play oniken next, heard alot of good stuff, it's a platformer though

Horrible game with awful map design, I hope you enjoy playing metroidvanias that have dead ends without hidden passageways, because no matter what you can shoot yourself in the head while thinking, "why did I spend $13" on this garbage shit. Do not buy, there are plenty of solid metroidvanias on steam that won't completely waste your time.

Very good, but needed more sequence breaking opportunities imo. There are some good ones, just don't really like the execution of them and the qauntity was lacking. Also some of the bosses were lacking in terms of intrigue for me. I.E. not very interesting.

what are some good ones?

generic indie pixelshit

it's fucking garbage

If you have an itch for metroidvanias, try playing good games like Portrait of Ruin or Sympony of the Night, instead of indie trash that is not Cave Story or La Mulana. Just because you can scrap shit off the bottom of the dumpster doesn't mean you should eat it.

Too easy, too short.
The bosses were all pitiful.

I 100%'d the game on hard mode in sub 8 hours. That is just pathetic, especially since I was playing the fucking game blind.

The music was great though.
Vital Tide and Phosphene are the best.


Pretty damn good, especially considering it's all made by one guy. The plot itself is pretty much self-insert fanfiction, but the actual atmosphere is top notch, in no small part due to both the graphics and music.

In a world where stuff like Shantae is called a Metroidvania, this game definitely stands above as a proper example belonging to that definition, with emphasis on the Metroid. Just proper 2D shooting and exploring.

>It's bad because indie

I really enjoyed Axiom Verge. It had a great atmosphere, a really interesting premise and story with some cool twists, and a killer soundtrack. Once I reached about mid game I got addicted and couldn't stop playing until I beat it. I liked it so much I bought it for a few friends on steam so they could try it out.

How is the Vita version?
Might get it there instead of Steam just in case I get a Vita

a good game that should be supported

Legit complaints. Much better than >"I'it's indieshit!"

>Tfw running into Elsenova in her battle ready form
That was honestly intimidating as fuck.

Has some framerate issues, especially when using certain weapons, but it's still playable.

I'm truly sorry you bought axiom verge, don't forget your copy of octodad you casual racoon shitlord.

Pirated it.
It's shit. The only redeeming parts of the game are the atmosphere and music. The gameplay is completely ruined by the non existent difficulty.

loved it

Insult me all you like but don't drag the raccoons into this.

Shit weapons.
Animations have no impact.
Penalty for death.
Self insert main character who won't shut up.
Incoherent enemy and environment design.

Meant no penalty

Any other Metroidvanias I should try? especially on Vita

Axiom verge review courtesy of superbunnyhop.

Personally I think it is way too easy and aiming in combat is a chore. Also it has the physics of a newgrounds flash game, which makes the game feel cheap.

La Mulana, but not much else unfortunately.

Try "You have to win the game", a free game on steam.
Don't bother wasting your time with the normal mode though - jump straight into the " extra spicy" mode if you want a challenge.

i was a little disappointed that most of the "conventional" bosses were revealed in the trailers. the other later bosses weren't nearly as interesting as what we already saw.

otherwise great game. will probably replay it later this year.

Indie doesn't automatically make a game bad.

There's just no such thing as a good metroidvania on PC that isn't Cave Story or (arguably) La Mulana. Believe me, when there is I'll be the first to buy it, but it hasn't happened yet.

I'd recommenced Environemtnal Station Alpha, but I'm unfortunately bitter about being lied to about it.

It's a pretty solid metroidvania with a decent map. People kept saying the map was huge but I was mislead by the image. The post game is the reason I'm pissed.

After you 100% it and get the "bad endings" you're tasked with trying to find out how to get the true ending. ESA has sort of a major flaw in that there isn't a lot to collect, only 14 power ups and I think around 14-18 energy tanks. It basically has a very low amount of things to collect. So for a above 100% ending the creator puts in a cryptic set of shit to do by trying to find hidden rooms like any good metroid game.

The post game starts out strong, giving you an alien alphabete to decode (giving you only the phrase "Remember their language well" in the text, the rest you have to figure out through deduction).

You go and find 4 secret rooms, unlock 4 gates, ect. It even throws at you two extra boss fights with some blue asshole.

The problem is after these fights and cool secret code shit it becomes a tedius fuck fest of trying to figure out "passwords" to literally type on your keyboard at specific locations. By the time you're done with it you fell unsatisfied and pissed with the "true ending" only to find out to get the "true true" ending you have to beat the game again with all your powerups, which feels pointless.

7/10 general game, 4/10 post game.

I thought Rabi Ribi was alright. Anime as shit, but alright.

Shadow Complex is on PC now.

Those two you mentioned could barely even be qualified as Metroidvania. I have no idea why everyone calls Cave Story one, it has none of Metroid's style of progression or level design.