Homefront: The Revolution

Could be worst FPS of the year.

Other urls found in this thread:


More like Homefront the Kekolution.

What the fuck happened to Crytek? How can they make games like Crysis and release shut like this?

>being this stupid
deepsilver developed the game.
They bought Cryengine to make the game.

That explains it, into le trash it goes.

The developer of this game is Crytek UK, they just rename it.

Didn't Crytek stop paying their employees or something?

Crysis didn't have NPC AI that had to behavior like real life citizens in a open world

And the AI in Crysis was shit too

>linking Jim sterling

>trying to fit in

>Jim Sterling


>Jim Sterling

>giving views to to that smelly fat shit

The only thing good about him is that he will be dead soon

>no more than one person can call something shit or you're just trying to fit in
maybe it's just shit, eh?

Isn't Crytek UK Free Radical also known as the Timesplitters guys? What a fall from grace

marketing threads aren't allowed

You're thinking of total biscuit, he's one with ass cancer

>fat guy in a trench coat and gloves

>jim sterling

The best part of the game is that you can play Timesplitters 2 in it!


Nothing in that video is even remotely damning.

You found a buggy point in the AI's pathing, Jim. Grats.

Hope all the hard work you put into this vid gives you enough shekles to buy your wife another bull for the weekend.

crytek had nothing do do with this game...

It's not like this game reviewed well.

>Trying this hard ti fit in on a chinese anime and memes board.

Do you feel like you fit in now?

Here have a Kotaku link so you can try even harder to fit in


do you know the difference between developer and publisher?

This looks so generic, how is it 3rd best selling on steam ?

At least it looks better than Doom, so it won't be the worst FPS of the year.

because it's new

I'd pirate it just for that but it has Denuvo and i'm not buying it just for those levels.

Who fucking cares. This looks like something that Britbong would make.

That shouldn't be enough.

Ever noticed how Jim Sterling and his wife are never seen on-screen at the same time?

>It's the entirety of Siberia and Chicago ported

FUUUCK. HD collection on PC fucking when?!

>not liking Jim Sterling is "fitting in"
He's fat, obnoxious, isn't good at games, regurgitates neogaf threads and calls it content. I've never liked the guy even when he was a writer for Destructoid.

personally I hoped for another dying light gem discovery, guess miracles do not happen every year

>FUUUCK. HD collection on PC fucking when?!
If this game is enough of a flop, never.

>He's fat, obnoxious, isn't good at games, regurgitates neogaf threads and calls it content.

So he's Sup Forums incarnate?


Wow! A few bugs in a game!
Omg! It's over!!!!!!

This video shows no actual gameplay, and every fucking game has bugs, most often much worse than these.

This fat retarded SJW fuck needs executing.

Are you describing yourself there? Sounds like projecting to me.

Who cares whether you like him or not? Is there any need to spam the thread with pointless hate about him when the thread is Homefront being shit?

Go make one of your retarded threads where you all circle jerk green txting >jim sterling to fit in with each other.

You're fucking retarded


Dem graphics tho

IGN gave it 5/10. For exactly same thing Fo4 got what 8/10 or even 9/10?

>bad AI
I've yet to find an open world game with NPCs that don't routinely freak out or have bad pathfinding. Red Dead Redemption is probably closest.
>weird graphics
It's Cryengine
>It's tone deaf and jingoistic!
>how dare they say Norks!
Would you rather they just say gooks?

None of these issues are dealbreakers for me.

This is, though.
>While the weapons work reasonably well, what makes combat extra frustrating is the surprising number of bugs that constantly reminded me of The Revolution’s lack of polish. In addition to constant framerate drops and slowdowns, enemies will frequently spawn on top of you as you’re walking around, or may disappear entirely as you move around them. One of my personal favorites is the checkpoint save system which, on multiple occasions respawned me - weapon holstered - in the center of a large group of enemies. That one was extra fun because, with no option to restart the mission or generate a custom save, my only options were to repeatedly try to fight my way through or start the whole game over again.
>Once the district has revolted, there’s some rioting and a lengthy (but forgettable) story mission or two, then it’s off to the next district to do it all over again. And again, and again, until The Revolution just sort of… ends, in an underwhelming finale. Bizarrely, you can’t go back to finish anything you may have missed, even if you wanted to. Yes, I was provided with a “point of no return” warning, but I haven’t been locked out of revisiting an open world after the credits since Fallout 3 - it was especially odd considering that there are no custom save slots.
Refunded my preorder after reading this. Why would an open world game not have custom saves? Why would an open world game without custom saves have a fucking Far Cry 2 style point of no return? What the fuck are they thinking?


lol what fucking game is this???

Read the subject.

Jimquisition: 1/10
GameWatcher 6.5 / 1
GamesRadar+ 60 / 100
Polygon 6/ 10
VideoGamer 6 / 10
WCCFtech 5.6 / 10
PlayStation Universe 5.5 / 10
IGN 5/ 10
Hardcore Gamer 2 / 5

>lol what fucking game is this???
The title of the game is in the OP. Twice. Leave and don't come back.

2016 m8

what is homefront lol??

Fallout 4 reviews were so obviously paid for though, it got 8 and 9 across the board, even though the game doesn't deserve anythign higher than a 6.


I was slightly hype for this game, not anymore.

>four minutes and thirteen seconds of harping on a single pathfinding bug

This. It's not a matter of the Homefront reviews being dishonest, it's that the reviews for games like FO4 and Far Cry aren't.

>a Jim Sterling link and a Kotaku link in the same thread

the neo-v meme is so fucking real

>that happens in 100% of open world games and sometimes linear shooters

>falling for the bait

Actually it's got a 55/100 on metacritic so its a 5.5/10 you fucking retard. Do some research before talking to me again lol

>being this brainwashed by shitposting and memes

If Sup Forums told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?

>expecting a fun collage of dumbass glitches like those AC Unity videos
>it's just two instances of the same glitch cutting between each other and stretched out for four minutes
I can easily believe the game is terrible, but c'mon.

Hopefully we'll get actual funny videos out of this game as the week goes on.

I seriously hope this is an indication of their next project

Man... I just realised I'm more looking forward to the idea of a game I played over a decade ago than any new one


how the hell did homefront get a sequel?
the first one was a laughable cod knockoff and the singleplayer campaign cut of in the middle right when it was getting interesting.

Thought the song was going to be Barbie Girl or anything else by that band. Well, you can see your own legs even though they spazz out.

An hour of gameplay here but it is at the beginning of the game and the guy playing it just runs around like an idiot so you don't really get much of a real look.


Those aren't videos.

Well they did develop Haze before this.

Why is it that everyone who gets games early absolutely fucking sucks at them?

Even randoms, like back when Coke Zero would stream games early, I remember him playing Max Payne 3 like it was a cover shooter. The fuck is WRONG with these people?

So is there an actual funny video

It is, it's just an extended instrumental remix.

>From the developer of an FPS game that changed corridor shooters "Haze", now comes something new and exciting: an open-world FPS "Homefront: Revolution".
Yeah they was no chance that a game that was in development hell for 6 years and a sequel to forgettable shooter game would have been good.

hm, i don't get this it's 1:1 farcry in the city, it even shoots like farcry
why do they hate it?

What a horrible time to release a horrible game, this will be one of the biggest flops of the year considering I've seen actual advertising for this trash.

There isn't enough space.

>that voice/accent

>Jim Sterling

fucking embarrassing

During in-game cutscenes the game struggles to keep FPS stable and it dives to single digits quite often.

Most people are garbage at games, so it's way more likely that someone bad is going to have hookups for broken street dates than someone good.

Shoulda watched Kenneth's stream of MP3.

>Homefront was a flop and bankrupted THQ
>Homefront: The Revolution is a flop and will hopefully lead to the bankruptcy of Deep Silver
>The rights Homefront 3 will be bought by Gearbox and that game will flop and bankrupt them as well
This would be such a glorious franchise if all the things above would happen.

Deep Sliver isn't anywhere near the levels of THQ and Homefront wasn't what bankrupted THQ, it didn't help, but a multitude of situations from bad management to terrible decisions to a tainted brand is what lead them to their down fall

>Homefront was a flop and bankrupted THQ
Oddly enough, it was actually this thing.

ah, I remember the first game

>pirate immediately on release
>3hrs to download on potatonet
>took less than 3hrs to complete

I'm not surprised this one is a steaming pile of shit either.

Can I pirate it yet? I hear Timesplitters 2 is playable in-game, in full. I want that on my PC.

ITT: Mods posing as anons for SJW damage control. Get a real job you filthy cucks.

I can't imagine much of the original Timesplitters team still remains.

If it does, I don't know how they haven't killed themselves.

>Crysis 2 MP
>Crysis 3 MP
>Homefront: The Revolution

I've had some pretty shit gigs over the years, but nothing as bad as that.

Homefront The Denuvolution

>I hear Timesplitters 2 is playable in-game, in full.
It's just two levels, mate.

It's just two levels. The rest of the actual game isn't worth it, it seems.


Fuck 'em, then.

>Being this delusionally paranoid.

You sure are brainwashed by shitposting and memes.


The first one was way too short.

I'm guessing this one is too?

>Free Radical went from Timesplitters
>to Haze
>to this

6hrs apparently.

It will be in the bargain bin soon enough.

I guess that's why they literally got exposed doing it. Cuck harder.

>6 hours
>for an open world game
How did they even do that? Even Ubisoft figured out to just spam terrible samey checklists to inflate longevity

>they literally got exposed doing it.
Have you been to see a doctor about these delusions you are having?